Publiek Denken publishes extensive article about the PVE system optimization medical fitness to drive
Are you medically fit to drive as a driver? That is a question that concerns many people and that is dear to many people's hearts, knows Sebastiaan van Niele, senior policy officer and project leader of the optimization process for medical fitness to drive at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Due to the great importance of the subject for many residents, the ministry decided to set up a large-scale participation process. In that process, Van Niele and his colleagues, together with PVE researchers, developed a consultation according to the Participative Value Evaluation method (PVE), a new method intended to evaluate policy options and to facilitate the participation of large groups of residents. 7,000 Dutch people advised IenW on adjustments that could be made to the medical fitness to drive system.
- Read the article (in Dutch): 'Hoe de overheid inwoners betrekt bij beleid: Niet langer uit een ivoren toren'
Publiek Denken, December 2021