Romano Groeneveld joined ImPhys as a master student

News - 26 October 2020 - Communication ImPhys

Romano Groeneveld will be working on his master thesis under supervision of Prof. Dr. Paul Urbach and in cooperation with eye surgeon N. Reus. He will conduct research in the field of optics in the human eye. More specifically, they are aiming to trace undesired side-effects in multi-focal intra-ocular lenses (multi-focal IOL’s) and try to solve these issues.

Multi-focal IOL’s are used for eye surgeries when patients suffer from cataract disease. These lenses replace their old cloudy crystalline lenses in order to restore their vision. Unfortunately multi-focality induces photic effects such as glares and halo’s, when one would look to a point source in dimmed conditions. These effects are observed by approximately 10-20% of the patients with IOL’s.