Brand new workshop: Mathematics Applied in Transport & Traffic Systems

Mathematicians and traffic engineers will be challenged to discover each other’s research field.

News - 04 July 2018 - Communication

From 17 till 19 October the innovative 3-day-workshop ‘Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems’ (MATTS 2018) will be held at the Science Centre of TU Delft. This workshop follows up on earlier workshops on the mathematical foundations of traffic modelling.

Intention of MATTS 2018

The aim of these 3 days is to bring together two research communities, traffic engineers and mathematicians, which can mutually benefit from each other’s expertise. As such, we invite contributions of both communities on the development of models featuring transport and traffic systems. By means of a set of keynote presentations and 3 days of lecture sessions we will explore the current issues in depth. Furthermore, interactive workshops will be organised in which traffic engineers and mathematicians alike will be challenged to discover the ‘other’ research field. This event covers, but is not limited to, the following topics: traffic flow theory, macroscopic modelling of pedestrians, computational methods, modelling environmental impacts and coupling of dynamics at vehicle and road scale.

Keynote speakers

MATTS 2018 will include keynotes from:

  • Michel Bierlaire (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
  • Carolina Osorio (MIT)
  • Ludovic Leclercq (University of Lyon)
  • Alexandros Sopasakis (University of Lund)
  • Axel Klar (Technical University of Kaiserslautern)

Organizing team

This workshop is hosted by Delft University Numerical Analysis Group (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science) and the Technology's Transport & Planning Group (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences). The professors who are involved are: Kees Vuik, Duncan van der Heul, Victor Knoop, Dorine Duives and Serge Hoogendoorn.

For more information about this event, please visit the website:

What I noticed is that, at first sight, a lot of problems concerning traffic techniques seem to be new and very difficult to solve. But if you turn these into mathematical problems, you find out that these are not new, and in other research fields similar problems have already been solved.

Kees Vuik, Professor in Numerical Analysis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science TU Delft