
Nanofluidic ion-exchange membranes: Can their conductance compete with polymeric ion-exchange membranes?

Nanofluidic membranes (NFMs) are gaining prominence as alternative ion-exchange membranes, because of their distinct selectivity mechanism, which does not rely on functional groups on a polymeric backbone but rather on charged nanopores that allow straight ion-conductive pathways for efficient ion transport. We measured the conductivity of commercial anodized aluminum oxide membranes with different pore sizes under different current densities and electrolyte concentrations. We also simulated a nanopore channel with charged walls between two electrolyte reservoirs. Our findings indicate that electrolyte concentration is the main parameter that determines NFM conductivity, with a linear dependence at least up to 1 M. Our study shows that the optimal pore length is between 0.5 and 5 μm considering the trade-off between selectivity and conductance. On the other hand, the conductance is not sensitive to the pore diameter. Conical nanopores are a way to increase conductance, but according to our results, this increase comes at the expense of selectivity. Our findings suggest that NFMs can outperform polymeric ion-exchange membranes in certain electrochemical applications, such as reverse electrodialysis, but not in applications that use low electrolyte concentrations on both sides of the membrane.

Petrov, K. V., Hurkmans, J. W., Hartkamp, R., & Vermaas, D. A.

Life cycle assessment of hexanoic acid production via microbial electrosynthesis and renewable electricity: Future opportunities

Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is a novel carbon utilisation technology aiming to contribute to a circular economy by converting CO2 and renewable electricity into value-added chemicals. This study presents a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) of hexanoic acid (C6A) production using MES, comparing this production with alternative technologies. It also includes a cradle-to-grave LCA for potentially converting C6A into a neat sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). On a cradle-to-gate basis, MES-based C6A exhibits a carbon footprint at 5.5 t CO2eq/tC6A, similar to fermentation- and plant-based C6A. However, its direct land use is more than one order of magnitude lower than plant-based C6A. On a cradle-to-grave basis, MES-based neat SAF emits 325 g CO2eq/MJ neat SAF, which is significantly higher than the counterparts from currently certified routes and conventional petroleum-derived jet fuel. However, its negligible indirect land use change emissions might potentially make it competitive against neat SAFs originating from first-generation biomass.

Jisiwei Luo, Mar Pérez-Fortes, Adrie J.J. Straathof, Andrea Ramirez

Sustainable design of multiscale CO2 electrolysis: A value sensitive design-based approach

The present study utilizes a value sensitive design (VSD) inspired approach to contribute to the design and implementation of CO2 electrolysis (CO2E) within the framework of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies, which convert CO2 into valuable products. The focus of this study is on a low technology readiness level (TRL) technology, yet likely relevant to reach climate neutrality by 2050. We examine the perspectives of stakeholders along the supply chain and proactively identify relevant sustainability-related values and potential conflicts among them. Thus the current work highlights the importance of considering a broad range of stakeholders and their values in the early stages of technological design. The research approach is consisting of various steps inspired by value sensitive design (VSD): identifying relevant values and norms associated with CO2 electrolysis through literature analysis, conducting qualitative interviews with relevant stakeholders to triangulate the results. Subsequently, a value-based alignment network analysis was employed to examine shared values that are central for the design of the technology. The findings indicate that sustainability-related values such as concern for nature, climate change mitigation, the use of renewable energy, critical raw materials, cost, and return on investment, albeit with potential differences in interpretation, are increasingly becoming central considerations in the decision-making processes of individuals, businesses, and governments alike. Based on these findings, specific aspects of technology design, namely scale, location, integration, and synthesized product, that can impact a wide range of identified values, are discussed.

Marula Tsagkari, Ibo van de Poel, Mar Pérez-Fortes

Eliminating redox-mediated electron transfer mechanisms on a supported molecular catalyst enables CO2 conversion to ethanol

Molecular catalysts play a significant role in chemical transformations, utilizing changes in redox states to facilitate reactions. To date molecular electrocatalysts have efficiently produced single-carbon products from CO2 but have struggled to achieve a carbon–carbon coupling step. Conversely, copper catalysts can enable carbon–carbon coupling, but lead to broad C2+ product spectra. Here we subvert the traditional redox-mediated reaction mechanisms of organometallic compounds through a heterogeneous nickel-supported iron tetraphenylporphyrin electrocatalyst, facilitating electrochemical carbon–carbon coupling to produce ethanol. This represents a marked behavioural shift compared with carbon-supported metalloporphyrins. Extending the approach to a three-dimensional porous nickel support with adsorbed iron tetraphenylporphyrin, we attain ethanol Faradaic efficiencies of 68% ± 3.2% at −0.3 V versus a reversible hydrogen electrode (pH 7.7) with partial ethanol current densities of −21 mA cm−2. Separately we demonstrate maintained ethanol production over 60 h of operation. Further consideration of the wide parameter space of molecular catalyst and metal electrodes shows promise for additional chemistries and achievable metrics.

M Abdinejad, A Farzi, R Möller-Gulland, F Mulder, C Liu, J Shao, M Robert, A Seifitokaldani, T Burdyny

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