News & Events


28 juli 2021

Pre-announcement High Tech Sustainable Future Call 2021

Pre-announcement High Tech Sustainable Future Call 2021

The goal of the High Tech for a Sustainable Future programme is to stimulate structural and sustainable collaborative theme-oriented research between the four TU’s on topics that require 4TU collaboration and for which it is currently more difficult to acquire funding externally (namely new or high risk topics). The societal relevant research programmes attract and develop new and diverse talent for the four TU’s and aim to deliver societal impact through scientific breakthroughs. After a funded start-up period of five years, research should continue without 4TU.Federation funding. The programmes strive to increase visibility and impact of the 4TU.Federation in society.

09 juni 2021

The TORQUE 2022 conference is now open for extended abstracts!

The biennial scientific conference ‘The Science of Making Torque from Wind’ (TORQUE) is organized under the flag of the European Academy of Wind Energy (eawe). On 1-3 June 2022, the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute will host the 9th edition at TU Delft (face-to-face if regulation allows it).

27 mei 2021

Floating wind turbines have to act a little like windsurfers!

The Dutch magazine ‘KIJK’ presents the Floating Wind Turbine Concept of GE Research and vividly explains the challenges of floating wind turbines.

03 mei 2021

Interview about floating wind turbines and hydrogen

Dr. Axelle Viré was interviewed by New Energy for Europe about her expertise on floating wind turbines in combination with hydrogen production.

16 april 2021

Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control’ project launched!

On Thursday, 15 April 2021 TU Delft, Crosswind, Eneco, SGRE, Shell and GROW Foundation have signed the agreement and started therewith their cooperation within the ‘ Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control’ project.