
19 oktober 2020

Uitnodiging HSD Café: AI, Security en Ethiek - donderdag 29 oktober 2020

Uitnodiging HSD Café: AI, Security en Ethiek - donderdag 29 oktober 2020

De snelle ontwikkelingen in Kunstmatige Intelligentie hebben grote economische en maatschappelijke gevolgen voor de toekomst. Effectief samenwerken wordt de sleutel tot optimaal gebruik van AI. Waar staan we nu?

01 oktober 2020

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

The Dutch cybersecurity platform for higher education and research (dcypher) was founded in April 2016, with the goal of setting and coordinating scientific and applied cybersecurity research and higher education in The Netherlands. However, as of October 2020, dcypher, as we know it, will no longer exist and the future remains unknown as it is not clear what a post-dcypher era will look like.

28 september 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation is organizing its 6th annual workshop for PhD and MSc students to present and discuss their work with peers. The workshop is meant as a platform for young cybersecurity researchers from all fields to meet new (and old) colleagues, and share ideas.

15 september 2020

Test of Time Award for CYS paper

Test of Time Award for CYS paper

Toon Calders and Sicco Verwer received the Test of Time Award for their paper 'Three naive Bayes approaches for discrimination-free classification'.

09 september 2020

Apostolis Zarras will join CYS as of November 1, 2020

Apostolis Zarras will join CYS as of November 1, 2020

Dr. Apostolis Zarras, currently an assistant professor at Maastricht University, will join the cyber security group at EEMCS as of November 1, 2020.

11 mei 2020

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) is one of the 13 TCs in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Its overarching mission is to foster and lead scientific and technological development in all aspects related to forensics and security in our society.

05 april 2020

Number of bitcoins captured from exchange hacks are decreasing

Number of bitcoins captured from exchange hacks are decreasing

The numbers of bitcoins captured from exchange hacks are decreasing over the years. Cryptocurrencies are also less likely to go bankrupt than they used to be. These are conclusions from a study by Kris Oosthoek, researcher of cybersecurity at TU Delft, discussed in the BNR CryptoCast of April 2,2020.

22 maart 2020

Dr. Kaitai Liang joins Cyber Security Delft

Dr. Kaitai Liang joins Cyber Security Delft

Dr. Kaitai Liang, currently assistant professor at the University of Surrey (UK), will join the cyber security group at EEMCS as of August 1, 2020.

27 februari 2020

IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing

IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing

Zeki would like to invite you all to consider sending your work for the papers around privacy enhancing technologies.

12 december 2019

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

We gladly announce that 4TU.Federation Netherlands Institute for Research on ICT (NIRICT) is supporting IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security to be held in Delft, December 9-12.