G.M. (Gerben) Scheepmaker


Gerben Scheepmaker is a Business Consultant at the Netherlands Railways (NS) department of Innovation. He started to work at NS on the topics of timetable design and rolling stock scheduling after he received his MSc at Delft University of Technology on Civil Engineering in 2013. Since 2014 he is also doing his PhD research on the topic of energy-efficient train timetabling at TU Delft (commissioned by NS).


Global warming is a worldwide problem and one of the main causes are CO2 emissions. Train operating companies in Europe have taken measures to decrease these pollutions. One of the effective measures with low investment costs is energy-efficient train driving (EETD). The timetable determines the possibilities for EETD, therefore, the aim of this research is to develop design principles for timetabling by finding the optimal balance between EETD, the total running time and robustness. 

Scheepmaker, G. M., & Goverde, R. M. P. (2015). The interplay between energy-efficient train control and scheduled running time supplements. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 5(4), 225-239. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrtpm.2015.10.003

Scheepmaker, G. M., & Goverde, R. M. P. (2016). Energy-efficient train control including regenerative braking with catenary efficiency. Paper presented at the IEEE-ICIRT conference, Birmingham, UK.

doi: dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICIRT.2016.7588720

Scheepmaker, G. M., Goverde, R. M. P., & Kroon, L. G. (2017). Review of energy-efficient train control and timetabling. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(2), 355-376. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2016.09.044

MSc. Gerben Scheepmaker

PhD candidate

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