Contributions of Smart PT Lab at ODS2024 (September 8-12, Badesi, Italy)

Nieuws - 16 september 2024

From September 8-12, the 2024 edition of the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS) was held in Badesi on Sardinia (Italy). The Smart Public Transport Lab contributed to this event with presentations by Rina (Jingyi) Cheng and Renate van der Knaap.

Short-term Bike-sharing Demand Forecasting under Multiple Sources of Uncertainties: A Sequential Framework with Multivariate Inputs
Jingyi Cheng, Gonçalo Correia, Oded Cats, and Shadi Sharif Azadeh

Abstract: A sequential framework is proposed for short-term probabilistic demand forecasting of bike-sharing services, considering uncertainties from public transit systems. Leveraging the transformer-based structure, the proposed solution is generalizable, scalable, and adaptive to new data. Through a case study with Washington data, our preliminary results suggest that the proposed approach enhances forecasting.
This work is part of the Horizon-EU SUM project.

Multi-period Railway Timetabling to Match Time-dependent Demand
Renate van der Knaap, Niels van Oort and Rob M.P. Goverde


The full program can be found here: