Arjan de Ruijter sheds light on socio-economic influences on ridesourcing in radio interview

Nieuws - 28 mei 2024

On Friday, May 24, Arjan de Ruijter was featured on the local radio program 'Delft Centraal' by Omroep Delft, where he discussed his insightful research into ridesourcing platforms and why they thrive on socio-economic inequality. If you're interested in hearing his thoughts and findings, you can listen to the interview by visiting the following site: Make sure to tune into the episode from May 24, 2024, which starts at 10:00 am. Arjan's interview begins at 1 hour and 36 minutes into the broadcast.

If you would like to read more about Arjan's research, please check out his most recent paper about Ridesourcing platforms thrive on socio-economic inequality.