MSc. Aik van Seeters, 2024

The effect of infrastructural nudging on cyclist route choice

MSc. Céleste Richard, 2022

Assessing pedestrians wellbeing & behaviour when transitioning from outdoor to indoor, playing with urban elements on comfort and performance level, using virtual reality.

MSc. Marta Nosowicz, 2024

The Future of Community Mobility Hubs in M4H - Addressing Diverse User Needs through Virtual Reality-Assisted Studies

MSc. Francesca Tinti, 2023

A VR experiment to investigate the impact of social influence on pedestrian dynamics

Modeling emergency brake reaction time based on driver's eye movement feature parameters

Study on the impact of Setting of Guide Signs in Walking Facilities on Pedestrian Flow

CTB1000 Bouwplaats implementation on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality

Research on Safety Evacuation of Passenger Flow in Urban Metro Hub Based on the Social-Force Model Simulation