
All publications

  1. A Metrikine, An efficient method for calculation of the dynamic response of periodically-inhomogeneous 3D structures to moving loads, In Advanced problems in mechanics p.250-262, Russian academy of sciences.
  2. PCJ Hoogenboom, Analysis of hollow-core slab floors, In Heron Volume 50 p.173-184.
  3. H Chen, W Sun, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Analytical solution of the nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate grains in cementitious composites, In Guisuanyan Xuebao: Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society Volume 33 p.859-863 + 870.
  4. Z Guo, LJ Sluys, Application and comparison of constitutive models for description of rubber-like materials under cyclic loading, In Constitutive models for rubber IV p.263-269, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  5. RR Pedersen, LJ Sluys, A Simone, Computational study of dynamic failure of concrete including viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity and damage, In Computational Plasticity VIII, Fundamentals and applications p.438-441, CIMNE.
  6. RIN al Khoury, D Leyens, T Kolbel, Computationally efficient technique for geothermal heating and cooling systems
  7. TJR Hughes, GN Wells, Conservation properties for the galerkin and stabilised forms of the advection-diffusion and incompressible navier-stokes equations, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 194 p.1141-1159.
  8. X Liu, A Scarpas, Constitutive model and strain localization issue in elastoplastic saturated porous media, In Computational plasticity VIII fundamentals and applications p.105-108, CIMNE.
  9. AE Swart, A Scarpas, X Liu, Development of a computationl model for asphaltic concrete response under cyclic loading, In Asphalt concrete: simulation, modeling and experimental characterization p.1-8, American society of civil engineers.
  10. J Weerheijm, IMM van der Voort, MC Wentzel, Development of debris breakup model and its initial verification against dlv clamped test, In Thirty-first dod explosives safety seminar proceedings p.1-13, San Antonio marriott rivercenter.


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