
All publications

  1. Manimaran Pari, Jan Rots, Max Hendriks, Non-proportional loading for 3-D stress situations in Sequentially Linear Analysis, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.931-940, CRC Press.
  2. A. de Boer, Max Hendriks, Cor van der Veen, Beatrice Belletti, Organizing an international blind prediction contest for improving a guideline for the nonlinear finite elements analysis of concrete structures, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.545-552, CRC Press.
  3. Roel Schipper, Truus Hordijk, Michela Turrin, Michou Mureau, Edward Fransen, Arthur van Rhijn, Parametrisch-geometrische modellen: Voor beoordeling van zonreflecties en andere bouwfysica-vraagstukken, In Bouwfysica Kwartaalblad van de Nederlands Vlaamse Bouwfysica Vereniging Volume 29 p.2-6.
  4. G Meschke, Bernhard Pichler, Jan Rots, R de Borst, H. Mang, Preface, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.XIII-XIV, CRC Press.
  5. Christian Louter, Freek Bos, Jan Belis, Fred Veer, Rob Nijsse, Proceedings of the Challenging Glass Conference 6 (CGC 6): International Conference on the Architectural and Structural Application of Glass
  6. Tiziano li Piani, Progettazione Struttural e Funzione Sociale dello Spazio quale vulnerabilita e soluzione al terrorismo urbano, In Security, Terrorism Society (Sicurezza Terrorismo Societa) Volume 8 p.7-15.
  7. J. Weerheijm, J. Verreault, M. M. van der Voort, Quantitative risk analysis of gas explosions in tunnels, In Fire Safety Journal Volume 97 p.146-158.
  8. Marina Damiola, Rita Esposito, Francesco Messali, Jan Rots, Quasi-static cyclic two-way out-of-plane bending tests and analytical models comparison for URM walls, In Proceeding of the 10th international masonry conference .
  9. K Li, Piet Stroeven, RSA vs DEM in view of particle packing-related properties of cementitious materials, In Computers and Concrete Volume 22 p.83-90.
  10. M Engen, Max Hendriks, JA Overli, E Aldstedt, Reliability Assessments of Large Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Non-linear Finite Element Analyses: Challenges and Solutions, In High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet p.1680-1688.


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