
All publications

  1. LBN Le, P Stroeven, Porosity of green concrete based on a gap-graded blend, In Brittle matrix composites 10 p.315-324, Woodhead Publishing.
  2. J Maljaars, HMGM Steenbergen, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Probabilistic model for fatigue crack growth and fracture of welded joints in civil engineering structures, In International Journal of Fatigue Volume 38 p.108-117.
  3. MAN Hendriks, JA den Uijl, A de Boer, Richtlijn NL-EEM-berekeningen, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2012 p.76-81.
  4. I Pertermann, R Puthli, T Ummenhofer, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Risikoorientierte Bemessung von Tragstrukturen - Geplante Nutzungsdauer, In Stahlbau Volume 81 p.530-538.
  5. I Pertermann, R Puthli, T Ummenhofer, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Risikoorientierte Bemessung von Tragstrukturen. Bedeutungsbeiwerte bei der Differenzierung der Zuverlässigkeit für unterschiedliche Schadens- bzw. Versagensfolgeklassen, In Stahlbau Volume 81 p.212-218.
  6. Z Shabir, Role of microstructural geometry in the deformation and failure of polycrystalline materials
  7. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Sequentially linear analysis of shear critical reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement, In Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Volume 50 p.108-124.
  8. P Stroeven, H He, Shape assessment in concrete technology by fourier analysis, In Brittle matrix composites 10 p.233-243, Woodhead Publishing.
  9. H He, P Stroeven, E Pirard, L Courard, Shape simulation of granular particles in concrete and applications in dem, In Brittle matrix composites 10 p.275-283, Woodhead Publishing.
  10. MA Kyriakides, MAN Hendriks, SL Billington, Simulation of unreinforced masonry beams retrofitted with engineered cementitious composites in flexure, In Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Volume 24 p.506-515.


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