
All publications

  1. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, AM Gresnigt, Design for accidental actions in buildings, In Steel - a new and traditional material for building; proceedings of the international conference in metal structures p.573-579, Taylor & Francis.
  2. J Weerheijm, JR van Deursen, AJ Wubs, MPM Rhijnsburger, Design of a blast resistant tunnel, In Proceedings of the 2nd international congress p.1-12, International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).
  3. A Copeland, J Youtcheff, N Kringos, A Scarpas, S Mahadevan, Determination of bond strength as a function of moisture content at the aggregate-mastic interface, In 10th international conference on asphalt pavements p.1-10, ISAP.
  4. P Stroeven, J Hu, Z Guo, LJ Sluys, H Chen, Development of reliable and economic methodology for pore network modelling relevant for durability issues, In Advances in concrete through science and engineering p.1-11, RILEM productions.
  5. A Metrikine, AL Bosch, Dynamic response of a two-level catenary to a moving load, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 292 p.676-693.
  6. I Vegt, J Weerheijm, Dynamic response of concrete at high loading rates a new hopkinson bar device, In Brittle matrix composites 8 p.559-569, Woodhead Publishing.
  7. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, C Geurts, Dynamica, windbelasting en voorschriften, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 58 p.20-24.
  8. P Stroeven, J Hu, Effectiveness near boundaries of fibre reinforcement in concrete, In Materials and Structures Volume 39 p.1001-1012.
  9. RIN al Khoury, PG Bonnier, Efficient finite element formulation for geothermal heating systems. Part II: Transient, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 67 p.725-745.
  10. C Hartsuijker, JW Welleman, Engineering mechanics, volume 1; equilibrium


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