
All publications

  1. Onur Arslan, Francesco Messali, Eleni Smyrou, Ihsan E. Bal, Jan G. Rots, (2020), Experimental characterization of the axial behavior of traditional masonry wall metal tie connections in cavity walls, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 266 p.1-14.
  2. Matteo Colombo, Paolo Martinelli, Assis Arano, Jan Arve Øverli, Max A.N. Hendriks, Terje Kanstad, Marco di Prisco, (2021), Experimental investigation on the structural response of RC slabs subjected to combined fire and blast, In Structures Volume 31 p.1017-1030.
  3. T. Bristogianni, F. Oikonomopoulou, F.A. Veer, R. Nijsse, Exploratory Study on the Fracture Resistance of Cast Glass, In International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research Volume 5 p.195-225.
  4. Chenjie Yu, Pierre Hoogenboom, Jan Rots, (2021), Extension of incremental sequentially linear analysis to geometrical non-linearity with indirect displacement control, In Engineering Structures Volume 229 p.1-17.
  5. Mingzhao Zhuo, (2021), FE<sup>2</sup> multi-scale framework for the two-equation model of transient heat conduction in two-phase media, In International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 179.
  6. L. Barou, F. Oikonomopoulou, T. Bristogianni, F.A. Veer, R. Nijsse, Fill-In-Glass Restoration: Exploring Issues Of Compatibility For The Case Of Schaesberg Castle , In 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions p.1571-1582, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE.
  7. R. Esposito, G. J.P. Ravenshorst, J. G. Rots, (2021), In-plane response of slender walls made of calcium silicate brick and element masonry, In Heron Volume 66 p.37-60.
  8. Lang-Zi Chang, Jan G. Rots, Rita Esposito, (2021), Influence of aspect ratio and pre-compression on force capacity of unreinforced masonry walls in out-of-plane two-way bending, In Engineering Structures Volume 249 p.1-21.
  9. B. Lubelli, J. Moerman, R. Esposito, K. Mulder, (2020), Influence of brick and mortar properties on bioreceptivity of masonry: Results from experimental research, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 266.
  10. Y. Dugar, R.M.J. Bokel, H.R. Schipper, F.J. Wiedenhoff, Investigating human behaviour using sensors measuring the indoor climate and energy performance of three Dutch residential dwellings, In Bouwfysica Kwartaalblad van de Nederlands Vlaamse Bouwfysica Vereniging p.24-32.


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