
All publications

  1. T.R. van Woudenberg, Optimalisatie staalconstructies met beperkt aantal verschillende profielen, In Bouwen met Staal Volume 286 p.46-49.
  2. L. Chang, Parametric numerical study on two-way bending capacity of unreinforced masonry walls: Evaluation of the influence of geometric parameters to improve analytical formulations
  3. Paul A. Korswagen, Selvam Harish , Jan Oetjen , D. Wüthrich, Post-flood field survey of the Ahr Valley (Germany): Building damages and hydraulic aspects
  4. Arjen de Putter, Max A.N. Hendriks, Jan G. Rots, Yuguang Yang, Morten Engen, Ab A. van den Bos, (2022), Quantification of the resistance modeling uncertainty of 19 alternative 2D nonlinear finite element approaches benchmarked against 101 experiments on reinforced concrete beams, In Structural Concrete Volume 23 p.2895-2909.
  5. Caspar Groot, Rosario Veiga, Ioanna Papayianni, Rob Van Hees, Michele Secco, José I. Alvarez, Paulina Faria, Maria Stefanidou, (2022), RILEM TC 277-LHS report: lime-based mortars for restoration–a review on long-term durability aspects and experience from practice, In Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions Volume 55.
  6. Martin Lesueur, Alexandre Guével, Thomas Poulet, (2022), Reconciling asymmetry observations in the permeability tensor of digital rocks with symmetry expectations, In Advances in Water Resources Volume 170.
  7. T. Bristogianni, F. Oikonomopoulou, Reinforced glass: Structural potential of cast glass beams with embedded metal reinforcement, In Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems Volume 1 p.807-812, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  8. Kerry Bardot, Martin Lesueur, Adam J. Siade, James L. McCallum, (2022), Revisiting MODFLOW's Capability to Model Flow Through Sedimentary Structures, In Groundwater Volume 61 p.663-673.
  9. S. Pasterkamp, Schade Nelson Mandelabrug: Onderzoeken naar scheurvorming aanleiding tot sluiten van brug over A12 bij Zoetermeer , In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2022.
  10. Simona Bianchi, Guido Lori, Valerie Hayez, Roel Schipper, Stefano Pampanin, Mauro Overend, Giampiero Gerini, Tillman Klein, Seismic testing and multi-performance evaluation of full-scale unitized curtain walls: research overview and preliminary results


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