
All publications

  1. A Tsouvalas, A Metrikine, A three-dimensional vibroacoustic model for the prediction of underwater noise from offshore pile driving, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 333 p.2283-2311.
  2. P van der Male, KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, Added damping of a wind turbine rotor: Two-dimensional discretization expressing the nonlinear wind-force dependency, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.3635-3642, European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD).
  3. M Schevenels, S McGinn, A Rolvink, JL Coenders, An optimality criteria based method for discrete design optimization taking into account buildability constraints, In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Volume 50 p.755-774.
  4. H Hendrikse, FW Renting, A Metrikine, Analysis of the fatigue life of offshore wind turbine generators under combined ice- And aerodynamic loading, In Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering p.1-10, ASME.
  5. B Belletti, C Damoni, MAN Hendriks, A de Boer, Analytical and numerical evaluation of the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete slabs, In Structural Concrete Volume 15 p.317-330.
  6. WG Versteijlen, KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, L Hamre, Assessing the small-strain soil stiffness for offshore wind turbines based on in situ seismic measurements, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.3589-3594, European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD).
  7. WG Versteijlen, KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, L Hamre, Assessing the small-strain soil stiffness for offshore wind turbines based on in situ seismic measurements, In Proceedings of the science of making torque from wind 2014 (TORQUE 2014) p.1-10, IOP Publishing.
  8. AT Pauli, Chemomechanics of damage accumulation and damage-recovery healing in bituminous asphalt binders
  9. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, Computational modeling of impact damage in laminated composite plates, In Proceedings of the ECCM 16th European conference on composite materials p.1-8, University of Sevilla.
  10. A Ahmed, Computational modeling of progressive failure in frp composite laminates subjected to static and impact transverse loading


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