
All publications

  1. RHM Ogink, A Metrikine, A wake oscillator with frequency dependent coupling for the modeling of vortex-induced vibration, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 329 p.5452-5473.
  2. C Wu, F van der Have, B Vastenhouw, R.A.J.O. Dierckx, A.M.J. Paans, FJ Beekman, Absolute quantitative total-body small-animal SPECT with focusing pinholes, In European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Volume 37 p.2127-2135.
  3. AJ Janulevicius, MCM van Loosdrecht, A Simone, C Picioreanu, Cell flexibility affects the alignment of model myxobacteria, In Biophysical Journal Volume 99 p.3129-3138.
  4. TO Medani, X Liu, M Huurman, A Scarpas, AAA Molenaar, Characterisation of surfacing materials for orthotropic steel deck bridges - Part 1: experiment work, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 11 p.237-253.
  5. X Liu, TO Medani, A Scarpas, M Huurman, AAA Molenaar, Characterisation of surfacing materials for orthotropic steel deck bridges - Part 2: numericalwork, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 11 p.255-265.
  6. PCJ Hoogenboom, A de Boer, Computation of optimal concrete reinforcement in three dimensions, In Computational modelling of concrete structures - euro-c 2010 p.639-646, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. FP van der Meer, CJ Oliver, LJ Sluys, Computational analysis of progressive failure in a notched laminate including shear nonlinearity and fiber failure, In Composites Science and Technology Volume 70 p.692-700.
  8. FP van der Meer, Computational modeling of failure in composite laminates
  9. RR Pedersen, Computational modelling of dynamic failure of cementitious materials
  10. H He, Computational modelling of particle packing


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