
All publications

  1. H Hendrikse, A Metrikine, The influence of friction at the ice-structure interface on the induced vibrations, In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on port and ocean engineering under Artic conditions p.1-11, s.n..
  2. H Hashemifarahani, PG Ditmar, R Klees, X Liu, Q Zhao, J Guo, The static gravity field model DGM-1S from GRACE and GOCE data: computation, validation and an analysis of GOCE mission¿s and value, In Journal of Geodesy Volume 87 p.843-867.
  3. Jaap Weerheijm, Understanding the Tensile Properties of Concrete
  4. H Hashemifarahani, PG Ditmar, R Klees, JG de Teixeira da Encarnacao, X Liu, Q Zhao, J Guo, Validation of static gravity field models using GRACE K-band ranging and GOCE gradiometry data, In Geophysical Journal International Volume 194 p.751-771.
  5. JG Rots, Word of welcome
  6. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, A computational model for prediction of progressive damage in laminated composites, In ECCM15 - Proceedings of the 15th european conference on composite materials p.1-8, University of Padova.
  7. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, A finite element procedure for modeling progressive damage in laminated composite shell structures, In Proceedings of 10th world congress on computational mechanics (WCCM 2012) p.1-9, s.n..
  8. A Ahmed, FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, A geometrically nonlinear discontinuous solid-like shell element (DSLS) for thin shell structures, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 201-204 p.191-207.
  9. FP van der Meer, N Moes, LJ Sluys, A level set model for delamination - Modeling crack growth without cohesive zone or stress singularity, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 79 p.191-212.
  10. H Hendrikse, A Metrikine, KU Evers, A method to measure the added mass and added damping in dynamic ice-structure interation: Deciphering ice induced vibrations, part 3, In Proceedings of 21st IAHR international symposium on ice: Ice research for a sustainable enviroment p.972-984, Dalian University of Technology Press.


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