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  1. Rita Esposito, Geert Ravenshorst, Quasi-static cyclic in-plane tests on masonry components 2016/2017
  2. Marina Damiola, Rita Esposito, Geert Ravenshorst, Quasi-static cyclic out-of-plane tests on masonry components 2016/2017
  3. Kees Weemstra, Kees Wapenaar, Karel van Dalen, Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: invited paper, In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Volume 142 p.2242-2257.
  4. Marco Tanganelli, Stefania Viti, Valentina Mariani, Maria Pianigiani, Seismic assessment of existing RC buildings under alternative ground motion ensembles compatible to EC8 and NTC 2008, In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Volume 15 p.1375-1396.
  5. Maria Pianigiani, V. Mariani, Sensitivity study on the discretionary numerical model assumptions in the seismic assessment of existing buildings, In Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 98 p.155-165.
  6. Anne van de Graaf, Sequentially linear analysis for simulating brittle failure
  7. Samira Jafari, Lucia Licciardello, Rita Esposito, Slightly-destructive tests on cores: method validation and correlations
  8. Tao Lu, Apostolos Tsouvalas, Andrei Metrikine, Stability of in-plane vibration of an elastically supported rotating thin ring, revisited, In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems p.46-48.
  9. Giuseppe Radaelli, Henriette Bier, Lambertus J. Sluys, Hoessein Alkisaei, Just Herder, Statically balanced compliant sound barriers
  10. Rita Esposito, Geert Ravenshorst, Roel Schipper, Structural behaviour of a calcium silicate element masonry assemblage: Quasi-static cyclic pushover test


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