
All publications

  1. A Loizos, A Scarpas, Verification of falling weight deflectometer backanalysis using a dynamic finite elements simulation, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 6 p.115-124.
  2. Y Chen, D Zhang, Y Sun, X Liu, N Wang, HHG Savenije, Water demand management: a case study of the Heihe RIver Basin in China, In Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Print) Volume 30 p.408-419.
  3. MB Gitman, I Gitman, A new approach to stochastic stability. DH-stability, In Computational and Applied Mechanics p.20-27.
  4. AM Gresnigt, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Accidental actions on buildings, In Improvement of Buldings' Structural Quality by new Technologies p.231-242, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  5. PCJ Hoogenboom, Cold bent glass sheets in facade structures, In Structural Engineering International Volume 14 p.322-322.
  6. PH Waarts, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Editorial: risk based water defence, In Heron Volume 49 p.5-5.
  7. H Askes, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Modelling of size effect with regularised continua, In Acta Polytechnica: journal of advanced engineering Volume 44 p.35-41.
  8. X Liu, A Scarpas, J Blaauwendraad, Numerical modelling of nonlinear response of soil. Part 2: strain localization investigation on sand, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 42 p.1883-1907.
  9. C Iacono, JGM van Mier, LJ Sluys, Parameter identification of computational fracture model, In Fracture mechanics of concrete structures p.447-454, FraMCoS-5.
  10. HMGM Steenbergen, BL Lassing, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, PH Waarts, Reliability analysis of flood defence systems, In Heron Volume 49 p.51-74.


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