
All publications

  1. P Stroeven, H He, Z Guo, M Stroeven, Pore modeling strategy in the perspective of concrete durability, In Advances in concrete structural durability p.493-499, Zhejiang University Press.
  2. P Stroeven, Reliability and economy of pull-out testing for predicting engineering behavior of sfrc, In 7th International RILEM Symposium on fibre reinforced concrete: Design and application p.75-82, Rilem.
  3. H Karadeniz, V Togan, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Reliability based optimazation of steel monopod offshore-towers, In ASME 27th International conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering - OMAE 2008 p.1-11, ASME.
  4. E Calle, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, J Lindenberg, G Hannink, E Bruijn, Representatieve waarden voor grondparameters in de geotechniek, In Geotechniek Volume 12 p.24-29.
  5. P Stroeven, Z Guo, Sampling concrete by too small elements; what should we do to get reliable information?, In Image Analysis and Stereology Volume 27 p.151-162.
  6. G Giardina, A Marini, P Riva, E Giuriani, Seismic behaviour of barrel vault systems, In Structural Analysis of Historic Construction: Preserving Safety and significance p.413-421, CRC Press.
  7. AV van de Graaf, Sequentially linear analysis as an alternative to nonlinear analysis applied to a reinforced glass beam, In 7th fib PhD Symposium p.63-71, International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).
  8. MJ DeJong, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Sequentially linear analysis of fracture under non-proportional loading, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 75 p.5042-5056.
  9. P Stroeven, J Hu, Z Guo, Shape assessment of particles in concrete technology: 2D image analysis and 3D stereological extrapolation, In Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 31 p.84-91.
  10. AWM Kok, J Blaauwendraad, Shape-orthotropic stressing-bending plate model, In Engineering Structures Volume 30 p.2884-2892.


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