
All publications

  1. P Stroeven, M Stroeven, J Hu, On the usefulness of discrete element computer modeling of particle packing for material characterization in concrete technology ...., In Computers and Concrete Volume 6 p.133-153.
  2. V Togan, H Karadeniz, AT Daloglu, Optimization of jacket type offshore-tower under uncertainties, In ASME 2009 International mechanical engineering congress & exposition p.1-7, ASME.
  3. TB Jonsthovel, X Liu, A Scarpas, C Vuik, Parallel direct solver for linear systems resulting from constitutive modelling of pavement, In Performance modeling and evaluation of pavement systems and materials Volume 195 p.90-95, American society of civil engineers.
  4. RIN al Khoury, Parameter indentification technique for layered systems
  5. A Metrikine, Parametric instability of a wheelset of high-speed train caused by the spatial periodicity of a railway track
  6. H He, Z Guo, M Stroeven, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Particle packing characteristics in concrete assessed by a DEM, In Int. conference on Particle-Based Methods, PARTICLES 2009 p.394-397, CIMNE.
  7. P Stroeven, H He, Z Guo, M Stroeven, Particle packing in a model concrete at different levels of the microstructure: Evidence of an intrinsic patchy nature, In Materials Characterization Volume 60 p.1082-1087.
  8. P Stroeven, H He, Patches in concrete: Recent experimental discovery of a natural phenomenon - supporting evidedence by dem, In Proc. Int. Symp. "Brittle matrix composites 9" p.397-408, Woodhead Publishing.
  9. RIN al Khoury, Poroelastic spectral element for Biot theory of wave propagation, In Fourth Biot Conference on Poromechanics: Poro-Mechanics IV p.884-889, DEStech publications, Inc..
  10. TB Jonsthovel, Preconditioned conjugate gradient method enhanced by deflation of rigid body modes applied to composite materials


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