
All publications

  1. Mehdi Musivand Arzanfudi, Computational Modeling of Multiphysics Multidomain Multiphase Flow in Fracturing Porous Media: Leakage Hazards in CO<sub>2</sub> Geosequestration
  2. D. Grazioli, M. Magri, A. Salvadori, Computational modeling of Li-ion batteries, In Computational Mechanics Volume 58 p.889–909.
  3. J. Blaauwendraad, J. H. Hoefakker, Conical shell edge disturbance: An engineer's derivation, In Heron Volume 61 p.141-152.
  4. FPX Everdij, O Lloberas-Valls, A Simone, DJ Rixen, LJ Sluys, Domain decomposition and parallel direct solvers as an adaptive multiscale strategy for damage simulation in quasi-brittle materials, In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on domain decomposition methods, DD 2013 p.197-205, Springer.
  5. H Hendrikse, A Metrikine, Edge indentation of ice with a displacement-controlled oscillating cylindrical structure, In Cold Regions Science and Technology Volume 121 p.100-107.
  6. Kai Li, Piet Stroeven, Martijn Stroeven, Bert Sluijs, Estimating permeability of cement paste using pore characteristics obtained from DEM-based modelling, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 126 p.740-746.
  7. Reignard Tan, Max Hendriks, Mette Geiker, Dan Evert Brekke, Terje Kanstad, Evaluation and improvement of calculation methods for large-scale concrete structures in service limit states, In Proceedings of the 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, FIB 2016 p.165-172, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  8. Iuri Barcelos Carneiro M Rocha, S Raijmaekers, RPL Nijssen, Frans van der Meer, Bert Sluijs, Experimental/numerical characterization of hygrothermal ageing in glass/epoxy composites, In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials p.1-8, KIT.
  9. Iuri Barcelos Carneiro M Rocha, S Raijmaekers, RPL Nijssen, Frans van der Meer, Bert Sluijs, Experimental/numerical study of anisotropic water diusion in glass/epoxy composites, In 37th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science: Understanding performance of composite materials – mechanisms controlling properties p.1-8, IOP Publishing.
  10. Maarten Mathot, Jeroen Coenders, Anke Rolvink, Feasibility of a Knowledge-Based Engineering framework for the AEC industries, In Proceedings of tlie IASS Annual Symposium 2016 p.1-9, IASS.


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