
All publications

  1. J Fan, Dynamic response of a polymer and polymer composite systems: Experimental studies
  2. S Koonath Surendran, A Rolvink, JL Coenders, JW Welleman, JP den Hollander, B Hoekstra Bonnema, Embodied energy optimization tool, In Proceedings of the international association for shell and spatial structures (IASS) p.1-12, KIVI.
  3. Sergio Sánchez Gómez, Mihai I. Badila, Andrei Metrikine, Evaluation of the applicability of the lugre model for modelling the dynamic behaviourofbolt connected frames, In COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering p.3084-3095, National Technical University of Athens.
  4. F Lahuerta, RPL Nijssen, FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, Experimental-computational study towards heat generation in thick laminates under fatigue loading, In International Journal of Fatigue Volume 80 p.121-127.
  5. M Latifi, FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, Finite element interface model for simulating delamination using a thick level set approach
  6. J Fan, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Glass interface effect on high-strain-rate tensile response of a soft polyurethane elastomeric polymer material, In Composites Science and Technology Volume 118 p.55-62.
  7. J Fan, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, High-strain-rate tensile mechanical response of a polyurethane elastomeric material, In Polymer Volume 65 p.72-80.
  8. P Stroeven, How to measure path length?, In Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on brittle matrix composites, BMC-11 p.1-10, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS.
  9. IBCM Rocha, S Raijmaekers, RPL Nijssen, FP van der Meer, Hydrothermal ageing of glass/epoxy composites for wind turbine blades, In Proceedings of the 20th international conference on composite materials p.1-11, ICCM.
  10. C Yu, M Verhaegen, S Kovalsky, R Basri, Identification of structured LTI MIMO state-space models, In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control p.2737-2742, IEEE.


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