
All publications

  1. MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Modeling creep induced cracking based on piecewise constant damage and relaxation functions, In Computational Modeling on Concrete, Masonry and Fiber-reinforced Composites p.27-30, Delft University of Technology.
  2. EOA Verstrynge, L. Schueremans, MAN Hendriks, Modeling of long-term deformations and damage accumulation in masonry, In Computational Modeling on Concrete, Masonry and Fiber-reinforced Composites p.57-60, Delft University of Technology.
  3. SL Billington, Nonlinear and sequentially linear analysis of tensile strain hardening cement-based, In Computational Modeling on Concrete, Masonry and Fiber-reinforced Composites p.7-10, Delft University of Technology.
  4. H He, Z Guo, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, Numerical assessment of concrete's self-healing potential for promoting durability, In Modeling, Identification and Control (Print Edition) Volume 7 p.142-147.
  5. D Dias-da-Costa, JMV Alfaiate, E. Júlio, LJ Sluys, Numerical modelling of the shear strength between concrete layers, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  6. VP Nguyen, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, On a micro-meso two-scale damage model for concrete, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  7. APS Selvadurai, A Scarpas, N Kringos, On a winkler ligament contact between a rigid disc and an elastic halfspace, In Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures Volume 3 p.1875-1888.
  8. P Stroeven, On reliability and economy of automated quantitative image analysis in concrete technology, In Concrete materials: Properties, performance and applications p.431-449, Nova Publishers.
  9. A Drescher, N Kringos, A Scarpas, On the behavior of a parallel elasto-visco-plastic model for asphalt materials, In Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures Volume 2009 p.1-14.
  10. N Kringos, A Scarpas, On the importance of performing accurate material characterization tests for bituminous materials, In Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials p.839-848, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.


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