
All publications

  1. VP Nguyen, O Lloberas Valls, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Computational homogenization for multiscale crack modelling, In Proceedings of the second international conference on the extended finite element method - partition of unity enrichment: recent developments and applications - XFEM 2011 p.1-4, University of Cardiff.
  2. MM Villani, I Artamendi, M Kane, A Scarpas, Contribution of hysteresis component of tire rubber friction on stone surfaces, In Transportation Research Record Volume 2011 p.153-162.
  3. JG Rots, B Belletti, C Danomi, MAN Hendriks, Development of Dutch guidelines for nonlinear finite element analyses of shear critical bridge and viaduct beams
  4. P Stroeven, LBN Le, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Discrete element modeling approach to porosimetry for durability risk estimation of concrete, In Particles 2011 p.1-12, IACM.
  5. P Stroeven, H He, M Stroeven, Discrete element modelling approach to assessment of granular properties in concrete, In Zhejiang University. Journal. Science A: Applied Physics & Engineering Volume 12 p.335-344.
  6. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Domain decomposition techniques for the efficient modeling of brittle heterogeneous materials, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 200 p.1577-1590.
  7. S Verichev, N Plat, A Metrikine, H Hendrikse, Dynamics of the vertical hydraulic transport system for deep sea mining, In OMAE2011, Rotterdam p.1-8, ASME.
  8. WG Versteijlen, A Metrikine, JS Hoving, EH Smidt, WE De Vries, Estimation of the vibration decrement of an offshore wind turbine support structure caused by its interaction with soil, In Proceedings of the EWEA Offshore 2011 conference p.1-10, s.n..
  9. VP Nguyen, O Lloberas Valls, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Homogenization-based multiscale crack modelling: from micro-diffusive damage to macro-cracks, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 200 p.1220-1236.
  10. J Weerheijm, I Vegt, How to determine the dynamic fracture energy of concrete. Theoretical considerations and experimental evidence, In Applied Mechanics and Materials Volume 82 p.51-56.


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