
All publications

  1. KN van Dalen, CPA Wapenaar, DF Halliday, Surface wave retrieval in layered media using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, In Geophysical Journal International Volume 196 p.230-242.
  2. Karel Terwel, Tevreden met de status quo?: Onderzoek naar invloedsfactoren op constructieve veiligheid, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2014 p.62-67.
  3. A Tsouvalas, H Hendrikse, A Metrikine, The completeness of the set of modes for various waveguides and its significance for the near-field interaction with vibrating structures, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.607-614, s.n..
  4. MAN Hendriks, A de Boer, Toetsing EEM: Niet-lineaire analyses en toetsing binnen fib Model Code 2010 en Eurocode, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2014 p.32-36.
  5. KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, A Tsouvalas, Transition radiation excited by a load moving over the interface of two elastic layers, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.545-550, European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD).
  6. T Schweckendiek, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, EOF Calle, Updating piping reliability with field performance observations, In Structural Safety Volume 47 p.13-23.
  7. A Kudarova, KN van Dalen, GG Drijkoningen, Upscaling in porous media: consequences of reducing the phase on the dynamic behavior of a homogenized medium, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.3455-3460, European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD).
  8. CR Braam, J Blaauwendraad, Van spanning naar wapening: Achtergronden rekenregels voor schijven, platen en schalen, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2014 p.28-31.
  9. A Tsouvalas, A Metrikine, Wave radiation from vibratory and impact pile driving in a layered acousto-elastic medium, In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2014 p.3137-3144, s.n..
  10. JMJ Kappen, G Giardina, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, 3D numerical analysis of tunnelling induced damage: The influence of the alignment of a masonry building with the tunnel axis, In Euro: Tun 2013, Computational metohds in tunneling and subsurface engineering, proceedings of the third international conference p.467-474, s.n..


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