
All publications

  1. Antonio Maria D'Altri, Francesco Messali, Jan Rots, Giovanni Castellazzi, Stefano de Miranda, A damaging block-based model for the analysis of the cyclic behaviour of full-scale masonry structures, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 209 p.423-448.
  2. Y. Liu, F. P. van der Meer, L. J. Sluys, (2019), A dispersive homogenization model for composites and its RVE existence, In Computational Mechanics Volume 65 (2020) p.79-98.
  3. O. Verners, A. Simone, (2019), A reactive molecular dynamics simulation study of the mechanical response of amorphous sulfur–graphitic carbon composite cathodes, In Journal of the Electrochemical Society Volume 166 p.A2928-A2938.
  4. A.M. D’Altri, V. Sarhosis, G. Milani, J. Rots, S. Cattari, S. Lagomarsino, E. Sacco, A. Tralli, G. Castellazzi, S. de Miranda, (2019), A review of numerical models for masonry structures, In Numerical Modeling of Masonry and Historical Structures p.3 - 53, Woodhead Publishing.
  5. Iuri B.C.M. Rocha, Frans P. van der Meer, Luiz Antonio Taumaturgo Mororo, Lambertus J. Sluys, (2019), Accelerating crack growth simulations through adaptive model order reduction, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 121 (2020) p.2147-2173.
  6. F. Ghavamian, A. Simone, (2019), Accelerating multiscale finite element simulations of history-dependent materials using a recurrent neural network, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 357.
  7. Xin Ren, Karel Terwel, Igor Nikolic, Pieter van Gelder, An Agent-based Model to Evaluate Influences on Structural Reliability by Human and Organizational Factors, In Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019 p.1889-1896, Research Publishing.
  8. Mingzhao Zhuo, Minglu Xia, Qingping Sun, (2019), Analytical solution of a mass-spring system containing shape memory alloys: Effects of nonlinearity and hysteresis, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 171 p.189-200.
  9. F. Messali, M. Longo, Calibration of a mechanism-based method against NLFEA for NLPO analyses of URM terraced house units: Cross-validation and calibration of simplified methods for different building typologies
  10. O. Verners, A. Simone, (2019), Characterization of the structural response of a lithiated SiO<sub>2</sub> / Si interface: A reactive molecular dynamics study, In Mechanics of Materials Volume 136.


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