
All publications

  1. Til Gärtner, Mauricio Fernández, Oliver Weeger, (2021), Nonlinear multiscale simulation of elastic beam lattices with anisotropic homogenized constitutive models based on artificial neural networks, In Computational Mechanics Volume 68 p.1111-1130.
  2. Daniela Fusco, F. Messali, J.G. Rots, Daniela Addessi, Stefano Pampanin, Numerical Study Of Pier-Wall Connections In Typical Dutch Urm Buildings, In 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions p.2217-2228, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE.
  3. R. Dekker, Numerical modelling of fatigue crack propagation and stress-assisted pitting corrosion
  4. T. Bristogianni, F. Oikonomopoulou, F.A. Veer, On the flexural strength and stiffness of cast glass, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 6 p.147-194.
  5. I. B.C.M. Rocha, P. Kerfriden, F. P. van der Meer, (2021), On-the-fly construction of surrogate constitutive models for concurrent multiscale mechanical analysis through probabilistic machine learning, In Journal of Computational Physics: X Volume 9.
  6. L. A. T. Mororó, F. P. van der Meer, (2021), Parallel Computing with the Thick Level Set Method, In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Volume 43 p.C386-C410.
  7. L. Licciardello, J.G. Rots, R. Esposito, Performance of unreinforced masonry strengthened with bed joint reinforced repointing, In 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions p.2652-2663, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE.
  8. Bhanuprasad Katla, Waim Akshay Ravindra, Sai Kubair Kota, Sridhar Raju, (2021), RAP-Added SMA Mixtures: How Do They Fare?, In Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Volume 33.
  9. T. Li Piani, J. Weerheijm, L. J. Sluys, (2022), Reply to the note by Li Piani et al., In Defence Technology Volume 31 p.603-606.
  10. Lulu Ma, Feng Liu, Dongyu Liu, Yaolu Liu, (2021), Review of strain rate effects of fiber-reinforced polymer composites, In Polymers Volume 13.


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