
All publications

  1. M Nabi, RIN Al-Khoury, An efficient finite volume model for shallow geothermal systems. Part I: Model formulation, In Computers & Geosciences: an international journal Volume 49 p.290-296.
  2. VP Nguyen, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, An enhanced continuous-discontinuous multiscale method for modeling mode-I cohesive failure in random heterogeneous quasti-brittle materials, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 79 p.78-102.
  3. P Stroeven, H He, LBN Le, Analogue simulation by dem of material structure for property estimation of cementitious materials, In International US-Poland workshop multiscale computational modeling of cementitious materials p.155-164, s.n..
  4. X Liu, A. Scarpas, J Li, G Tzimiris, Application of MAT device to characterize the adhesive bonding strength of membrane in orthotropic steel deck bridges, In International symposium on heavy duty asphalt pavements and bridge deck pavements p.1-10, s.n..
  5. BA Izzuddin, MF Pereira, U Kuhlmann, L Rolle, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, BJ Leira, Application of probabilistic robustness framework: Risk assessment of multi-storey buildings under extreme loading, In Structural Engineering International Volume 22 p.79-85.
  6. P Stroeven, H He, PH Hanh, Asphalt concrete with fly ashes of different sources as filler replacement, In Key Engineering Materials Volume 517 p.315-322.
  7. P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, LBN Le, Assessment of pore characteristics in virtual concrete by path planning methodology, In Brittle matrix composites 10 p.200-207, Woodhead Publishing.
  8. M Nikbakht, Automated solution of partial differential equations with discontinuities using the partition of unity method
  9. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, S Wijte, Belastingen en belastingcombinaties. Verschillen tussen de TGB 1990 en Eurocode 0 en 1, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 64 p.74-81.
  10. P Stroeven, H He, Brazil nut effect and concrete: Entering Terra Incognita, In Heron Volume 57 p.103-117.


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