
All publications

  1. Rafid Al-Khoury, Sara Focaccia, A spectral model for transient heat flow in a double U-tube geothermal heat pump system, In Renewable Energy Volume 85 p.195-205.
  2. Rita Esposito, Max Hendriks, Ageing effects of alkali-silica reaction in concrete structures, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Ageing of Materials and Structures AMS 14 p.1-7, Delft University of Technology.
  3. Chenjie Yu, Pierre Hoogenboom, Jan Rots, Algorithm for Non-proportional Loading in Sequentially Linear Analysis, In 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures.
  4. Asiya Kudarova, Karel van Dalen, Guy Drijkoningen, An effective anisotropic poroelastic model for elastic wave propagation in finely layered media, In Geophysics Volume 81 p.T175–T188.
  5. Kai Li, Piet Stroeven, Martijn Stroeven, Bert Sluijs, An engineering approach for permeability assessment of virtual cement-based materials, In 2016 International Concrete Sustainability Conference, Washington, USA p.1-10.
  6. A. Greco, T. Konstantinou, H.R. Schipper, R. Binnekamp, E. Gerritsen, R. de Graaf, A. van den Dobbelsteen, Business case study for the zero energy refurbishment of commercial buildings, In Expanding Boundaries p.334-339, vdf Hochschulverlag AG.
  7. Beatrice Belletti, Cecilia Damoni, Vladimir Cervenka, Max A N Hendriks, Catenary action effects on the structural robustness assessment of RC slab strips subjected to shear and tensile forces, In Structural Concrete Volume 17 p.1003-1016.
  8. V. Mariani, M. Tanganelli, S. Viti, M. De Stefano, Combined effects of axial load and concrete strength variation on the seismic performance of existing RC buildings, In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Volume 14 p.805-819.
  9. J Fan, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Compressive response of a glass-polymer system at various strain rates, In Mechanics of Materials Volume 95 p.49-59.
  10. Jitang Fan, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Compressive response of multiple-particles-polymer systems at various strain rates, In Polymer Volume 91 p.62-73.


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