
All publications

  1. PFP Moonen, RR Pedersen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, J Carmeliet, Mesoscopic analysis of drying shrinkage damage in a cementitious material, In International RILEM symposium on concrete modeling - CONMOD '08 p.691-698, RILEMS Publications S.A.R.L..
  2. SN Jonkman, JK Vrijling, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Methods for the estimation of loss of life due to floods: a literature review and a proposal for a new method, In Natural Hazards Volume 46 p.353-389.
  3. N Kringos, C Kasbergen, APS Selvadurai, Modelling of combined physical-mechanical moisture-induced damage in asphaltic mixes, part 1: governing processes and formulations, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 9 p.115-128.
  4. N Kringos, A Scarpas, A Copeland, J Youtcheff, Modelling of combined physical-mechanical moisture-induced damage in asphaltic mixes, part 2: moisture suceptibility parameters, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 9 p.129-151.
  5. H Askes, I Gitman, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Modelling of size effects with gradient-enriched continuum theories, In IUTAM Symposium on scaling in solid mechanics p.59-68, Springer.
  6. GN Wells, T Hooijkaas, X Shan, Modelling temperature effects on multiphase flow through porous media, In Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003) Volume 88 p.3265-3279.
  7. SI Suddle, J Weerheijm, AC van den Berg, JNJA Vambersky, Modelling the effects of BLEVE blast on a building spanning underpass, In International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management p.1-8, Edge Publication Group.
  8. P Stroeven, H He, Z Guo, M Stroeven, Multi-scale coupled pore structure modeling approach to concrete; sketch of strategy and methodology, and examples, In 1st international conference on microstructure related durability of cementitious composites p.1199-1210, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L..
  9. O Lloberas Valls, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Multi-scale modeling of softening materials, In International RILEM symposium on concrete modeling - CONMOD '08 p.345-352, RILEMS Publications S.A.R.L..
  10. FKF Radtke, A Simone, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Multiscale framework to model fibre reinforced cementitious composite and study its microstructure, In International Rilem symposium on concrete modelling - CONMOD '08 p.551-558, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L..


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