
All publications

  1. ML Lurvink, A de Vries, NPM Scholten, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, CPW Geurts, Nieuwe windbepaling agrarische bouw, In Bouwen met Staal Volume 45 p.32-33.
  2. M Maatanen, S Loset, A Metrikine, KU Evers, H Hendrikse, C Lonoy, I Metrikin, T Nord, S Sukhorukov, Novel ice induced vibration testing in a large-scale facility: Deciphering ice induced vibrations, part 1, In Proceedings of 21st IAHR international symposium on ice: Ice research for a sustainable enviroment p.946-958, Dalian University of Technology Press.
  3. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, On micro-to-macro connections in domain decomposition multiscale methods, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 225-228 p.177-196.
  4. H He, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Optimization of particle packing by analytical and computer simulation approaches, In Computers and Concrete Volume 9 p.119-131.
  5. M Kuijvenhoven, PCJ Hoogenboom, Particle-spring method for form finding grid shell structures consisting of flexible members, In Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Volume 53 p.31-38.
  6. H He, LBN Le, P Stroeven, Particulate structure and microsfractare evolution of concrete investigated by DEM Part 1: Aggregate and binder packing, In Heron Volume 57 p.119-132.
  7. LBN Le, H He, P Stroeven, Particulate structure and microsfractare evolution of concrete investigated by DEM Part 2: Porosimetry in hydrating binders, In Heron Volume 57 p.133-150.
  8. G Giardina, A Marini, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, F Rizzardini, E Giuriani, Photogrammetric measurements of the experimental analysis of a masonry facade subject to tunnelling-induced settlement
  9. P Stroeven, LBN Le, LJ Sluys, H He, Porosimetry by double-random multiple tree structuring in virtual concrete, In Image Analysis and Stereology Volume 31 p.55-63.
  10. P Stroeven, LBN Le, LJ Sluys, H He, Porosimetry by random node structuring in virtual concrete, In Image Analysis and Stereology Volume 31 p.79-87.


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