
All publications

  1. D Dias-da-Costa, J Alfaiate, LJ Sluys, E Julio, A comparative study on the modelling of discontinuous fracture by means of enriched nodal and element techniques and interface elements, In International Journal of Fracture Volume 161 p.97-119.
  2. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A computational model for failure analysis of fibre reinforced concrete with discrete treatment of fibres, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 77 p.597-620.
  3. PFP Moonen, LJ Sluys, J Carmeliet, A continuous-discontinuous approach to simulate physical degradation processes in porous media, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 84 p.1009-1037.
  4. PFP Moonen, LJ Sluys, J Carmeliet, A continuous-discontinuous technique to model physical degradation of porous media (1), In Conmod2010, Lausanne p.4-115, EPFL-Rilem.
  5. AV van de Graaf, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, A discrete cracking model for sequentially linear analysis, In Computational modelling of concrete structures - euro-c 2010 p.409-418, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  6. A. Hilberink, AM Gresnigt, LJ Sluys, A finite element method approach on liner wrinkling of snug fit lined pipe, In Proceedings of the twentieth (2010) international offshore and polar engineering conference p.41-53, ISOPE.
  7. D Dias-da-Costa, JMV Alfaiate, LJ Sluys, E Julio, A generalized discrete strong discontinuity approach, In Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures - FraMCOS-7 p.268-275, s.n..
  8. FKF Radtke, LJ Sluys, A Simone, A generalized finite element method for discrete thin fibers embedded in a continuum, In Proceedings of the 18th European conference on fracture - fracture of materials and structures from micro to macro scale p.1-7, ECF.
  9. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A partition of unity finite element method for fibre reinforced concrete, In Computational modelling of concrete structures - euro-c 2010 p.401-408, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  10. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A partition of unity finite element method for obtaining elastic properties of continua with embedded thin fibres, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 84 p.708-732.


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