
All publications

  1. P Stroeven, H He, Computers and concrete: Not always a good marriage, In Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures - CTCS '09 p.308-319, s.n..
  2. PFP Moonen, Continous-discontinuous modelling of hygrothermal damage processes in porous media
  3. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, Continuum Models for the analysis of progressive failure in composite laminates, In Journal of Composite Materials Volume 43 p.2131-2156.
  4. G Giardina, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Coupled analysis of building damage due to tunneling, In Computational Modeling on Concrete, Masonry and Fiber-reinforced Composites p.19-22, Delft University of Technology.
  5. P Stroeven, Damage assesment by automated quantitative image analysis - a risky undertaking, In Computational methods and experimental measurements XIV p.179-188, WIT Press.
  6. P Stroeven, H He, M Stroeven, Damage assessment in sections for durability purposes: two arguments not to opt for automation, In Proc. Int. Symp. "Brittle matrix composites 9" p.313-321, Woodhead Publishing.
  7. N Verichev, S Verichev, VI Erofeyev, Damping lateral vibrations in rotary machinery using motor speed modulation, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 329 p.13-20.
  8. N Scholten, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, De Eurocodes en de constructieve veiligheid van bestaande bouwconstructies - Overwegingen bij het verschijnen van NEN 8700, In Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut Bouw Nieuws Volume 1 p.11-15.
  9. X. Liu, A Scarpas, C Kasbergen, WX Zhang, Development and application of constitutive model for simulation of mechanical behavior of granular material, In Soils and rock instrumentation, behavior and modeling p.24-29, American society of civil engineers.
  10. C van der Veen, JC Walraven, PCJ Hoogenboom, Draagvermogen betonplaten, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld p.80-85.


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