
All publications

  1. P Stroeven, H He, Numerical assessment of concrete damage, In Heron Volume 56 p.123-140.
  2. X Liu, A Scarpas, C van Gurp, AAM Venmans, Numerical investigation of response of widened pavement system, In Transportation Research Record Volume 2011 p.3-12.
  3. X Liu, A Scarpas, C van Gurp, AAM Venmans, Numerical investigation of the response of widened pavement system, In 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board p.1-16, Transportation Research Board (TRB).
  4. R Graca e Costa, JMV Alfaiate, D Dias-da-Costa, E Julio, LJ Sluys, Numerical modelling of a high-strength prestressed concrete beam using a strong discontinuity approach, In International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models - Structural Concrete Applications p.453-469, ECCOMAS.
  5. Rita Esposito, Max Hendriks, G Lilliu, G.M.A Schreppers, Numerical simulation of concrete structure affected by AAR: the case study of Kariba dam, In XI Icold benchmark workshop on numerical analysis of dams.
  6. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, On micro-to-macro connections in strong coupling multiscale modeling of softening mateirals, In XI International conference on computational plasticity - COMPLAS XI p.1-11, IACM.
  7. N Kringos, R Khedoe, A Scarpas, A de Bondt, On the development of a new test methodology for moisture damage susceptibility of asphalt concrete, In Bituminous mixtures and pavements p.857-868, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  8. S.F. Wille, GL Kuiper, A Metrikine, On the dynamic interaction between drifting level ice and moored downward conical structures: a critical assessment of the applicability of a beam model for the ice, In OMAE2011, Rotterdam p.1-15, ASME.
  9. TB Jonsthovel, MB van Gijzen, C Vuik, A Scarpas, On the use of rigid body modes in the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method
  10. C Damoni, JA den Uijl, MAN Hendriks, B Belletti, Optimization of NLFE settings for evaluation of shear compression resistance, In Proceedings fib symposium Prague 2011 Concrete engineering for excellence and efficiency p.1-10, Czech concrete society.


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