Sander Vos


Sander Vos holds a Msc degree in meteorology and oceanography and a PhD degree in Civil Engineering and Geosciences from Delft University. In the past he has worked for Meander Advies, Grontmij/Sveco, Rijkswaterstaat and Baars-CIPRO where he is still employed. He has conducted research around and under water in various subjects like coastal, river and hydraulic engineering and maritime archaeology with a focus on measurements.


His present research focuses on the CoastScan project. The CoastScan project assesses coastal variability and resilience assessment by permanent laser Scanning and modelling. He is initiator and co-writer of the CoastScan project.


CoastScan 2019-2023
Sandy coasts are vulnerable to the effects of predicted climate change like sea level rise and weather extremes. More sustainable and dynamic coastal systems are an attractive solution, but such systems need to be resilient, that is, be able to restore themselves after a storm or other extreme event. Presently, a lack of appropriate knowledge, accurate numerical models and suitable measurements limits the resilience determination of sustainable sandy coasts. CoastScan fills this gap by an integrated innovative approach which combines new 4D data acquisition techniques, state of the art modeling and cooperative data delivery to stakeholders. A unique permanent 24/7 laser scanner setup (one of the first in the world) will provide accurate mapping of beach and dune foot topography. The resulting data will be analyzed by machine learning techniques exploiting the dense spatio-temporal data. A data driven numerical model will be developed to model/asses the variability and resilience of the coast.

Educational Activities

CIE5318 Fieldwork Hydraulic Engineering

(Key) Publications

Vos, S., Lindenbergh, R., de Vries, S., (2017). "CoastScan: Continuous Monitoring of Coastal Change using Terrestrial Laser Scanning", Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017 233, 1518-1528

Vos, S., Hobbelen, R., Spaans, L., Lindenbergh, R., de Vries, S., (2019). "CoastScan: Continuous Monitoring of Coastal Change using Terrestrial Laser Scanning", Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2019.

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Sander Vos


Presence: Wed - Fri

Secondary Company: Baars-CIPRO

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