Roos te Velde

Urban Transformation and Sustainability

Regrowth: Imagining renewed values for space

Dutch spatial planning, rooted in economic growth thinking, has become detached from our natural system. The changing climate highlights the importance of natural conditions for our living environment. Both the ecological and housing crises are increasingly felt and recognition of the need for system change rises. However, the transition is slow due to a lack of convincing imagination of these transitions' spatial, economic and socio-cultural implications, and a societal taboo on post-growth thinking persists.
This graduation project envisions alternative growth futures for the Zwolle region to bridge research and society and to investigate how design, storytelling and imagination can stimulate the transition. Four alternative growth-based futures are imagined in different ways, connecting the short-term concerns of a neighbourhood to the long-term concerns of the world. Key findings emphasise the crucial role of translating shared values into spatial strategies and the importance of stakeholder involvement in creating convincing narratives amidst societal challenges.

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