Mattia Graaf

Architecture and Dwelling Global Housing

Resilient Waters: An amphibious housing solution for the residents of Tanguar Haor, Bangladesh

This project tackles the challenges of poverty and environmental sustainability in Tanguar Haor, Bangladesh, by proposing an innovative amphibious rural design. The project integrates vernacular architecture, modular construction, resilience and self-reliance to improve liveability in this flood-prone region. By incorporating local building traditions, the design ensures cultural relevance and acceptance. Its modular approach allows easy assembly, maintenance and adaptability to the Haor's dynamic environment. Resilient amphibious structures float during floods and return to their original positions as waters recede, minimizing damage and displacement. By emphasizing community self-reliance, the design includes rainwater harvesting and local material use, reducing external dependency. This holistic approach offers a sustainable solution to enhance living conditions in Tanguar Haor, addressing poverty and environmental challenges and potentially creating resilient, self-sufficient communities in vulnerable regions.