Julia Veerhuis

Heritage and Architecture

Beyond Monotony: Transforming post-war porch flats in Amsterdam Nieuw-West

Amsterdam Nieuw-West, also known as the Western Garden Cities, is an ideal location for transformation due to its current challenges. This city district is listed because of its meaningful urban plan, but the buildings are under pressure. The research came with a set of design guidelines for porch flats; these intervention strategies are used in the redesign of the porch flats at the Johan Jongkindstraat. This plan shows that with the right interventions, this typology can be preserved and contribute to a more adaptable and liveable environment. Of the six current porch flats, four will be renovated. Wooden additions will give them a lively appearance and social safety and living comfort will be improved. The remaining two flats will be demolished to break repetition, make way for more public spaces, new buildings, and establish connections with the surrounding area. This approach balances heritage preservation with modern needs and goes beyond the current monotony.