Ilse Trim


Mangrove Marvels: revitalising Surinam’s coastal landscape through vernacular design

Suriname has an increased risk of flooding in the coastal area, where most of the population lives. Current coastal protection is often insufficient to withstand climate changes such as sea level rise, increasing the risk of flooding. Mangrove forests, which retain sediment and grow with sea level, form a natural dike system and provide a nutrient-rich ecosystem.

Most parties protected by mangroves lack sufficient knowledge about how to maintain these forests. As a result, mangrove forests are rapidly declining and losing their protective function. Traditional communities, such as indigenous tribes, possess sustainable knowledge but receive little recognition and rights.

The research question for the thesis project "Mangrove Marvels" is: "What stakeholder-based landscape design strategy can be developed to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of sea level rise in coastal areas of Suriname, with a focus on urban areas?" A toolbox of design aims and principles was developed for sustainable restoration and management applied to the Weg naar Zee area between the sea and Paramaribo for a period of 100 years. The project highlights the need for mangrove conservation and includes a graphic novel telling their story.