Dinu Hoinarescu

Architectural Design Crossovers

Glimpses of a laundry: From scopic to somatic landform

The Manzanares River is an unexplored and overlooked promenade in Madrid. The lack of connection between the city and its riverbank represents the project’s exoskeleton.

The site location has been selected due to its historical importance and the only soft boundary between the hard borders created along the river by the modern underground M30 motorway. The project represents a set of architectural interventions along the riverbank that create new links to the city while also proposing a continuation of the MadridRIO park, a new ecotone.

The previous use of the Manzanares as a laundry exposes issues related to ownership of urban commons. Approaching the topic from the water’s point of view, the project unfolds along its multiple courses as a narrative thread unveiling its arcs. The proposal is shifting  from a scopic experience to a somatic one converging into a new ecotone along the Manzanares River.