
Assistant professor

Dr. Marjolein van Esch

-  Academic Lead Climate change adaptation @ Climate Action Program

Selected Teaching Activities

-  BK3TE4 Technologie 4 Constructie en Klimaatontwerp

-  AR1U100 R&D Studio: Designing Urban Environments

Assistant Professor

Dr. Luca Iuorio

Teacher / Researcher

Dr. Cecilia Furlan

Current research interest:

Spatialisation of Circularity

about PhD project

Title: On Worn Out Landscapes. Mapping Wasteland in the Charleroi and Veneto Central Territories

Postdoctoral Researcher

Deborah C. Lefosse

Postdoctoral researcher


Postdoctoral Researcher

Elizabeth Migoni Alejandre

Postdoctoral Researcher
Circularity in Urban Regions

Postdoctoral Researcher

Mimi Ramirez Aranda

Postdoctoral Researcher
- NEB-STAR Project

About PhD project
- Barriers toward the widespread adoption of PPGIS in spatial planning practice

Current research interest:
- Spatial quality, social values and citizen science

Postdoctoral Researcher

Sophia Arbara

Postdoctoral Researcher

Spatial dynamics of food systems in deltaic areas

- Delta Urbanism

- Redesigning Deltas

Assistant Professor

Dr. Daniela Maiullari

TUD research outputs


About Tenure Track: Urban design for local climate types


Mariette Overschie

Circularity in BSc Education

-  Course coordinator BK2AC1

Researcher / Teacher

Ir. Francesca Rizzetto

- Redesigning Deltas

PhD Candidates

Foteini Setaki

Link to research profile

about PhD project:

Additive Manufacturing and Environmental Design

Yan Song

link to research profile

about PhD project:

Developing urban metabolism indicator framework in strategic urban planning

Arnout Sabbe

link to research profile

about PhD project:

Title: geometa(b)(p)olitics

Funded by: CINDERELA (H2020 project)

Maha Moustafa Habib Abdelraouf

About PhD project: urban heat and inequalities

This research is a part of the forerunner projects funded by the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC).

Barbara Dal Bo Zanon

about PhD project

Title: Floating Future: investigating the possibilities of large-scale floating developments


Isabel Recubenis Sanchis

About PhD project: The agency of design in synthesising human-resource relations of interdependence and cooperation within (post)mining contexts. Embedded within Minelines project: “Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Longue Duree in (post)extraction landscapes” Supported by NWO/NRF Merian Fund

Caroline Walder

About PhD Project: Urban Climate Morphology
The Research is part of the HERITAGE program which is funded by 4TU Federation

Research interestes: Heat Islands, Climate Justice, Geospatial

Academic guests

Dr ir Pablo van der Lugt

Profile page AMS Institute


Resarch interests:

Biobased building, engineered wood & bamboo, mass timber, circularity in the built environment, forestry, carbon accounting.

Doruntina Zendeli

PhD Candidate from Politecnico di Milano

About PhD project: Urban Form, Climate & Health - A Study on Urban Resilience to Heat Stress for Outdoor Climate Retrofitting

Elena Ferraioli

PhD project title: A new paradigm of spatial planning and territorial regeneration: adaptive reuse and 'circularity' in land use for the recovery of peri-urban and post-industrial areas.

Research interest: circular soil management, adaptive reuse, waste landscape transformation, territorial regeneration.

Sabrina Sacco

I’m an architect and visiting PhD candidate from the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II (IT).

About PhD project: WHAT IF? - A convivial approach to AI for empowering citizens in urban cultural heritage enhancement processes.


Dr. Libera Amenta

Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II

Research project: SPArTaCHus. Sustainable City-Port Areas Towards Circular Hubs. Rethinking life cycles of wastescapes in the City-Port Areas of the Metropolitan City of Naples. The research is financed within the framework: “Programma per il Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo (FRA) 2022”, of the University of Naples Federico II, Corresponding proponent: Libera Amenta.


Support staff

Guest teacher