
PhD Projects

PhD candidate  PhD research 
Adam Susaneck Segregation by Design
Aditi Natarajan Collective action for just transitions in cities
Ahmed Istiaque Determining The Environmental Justice Landscape of Urban Heat in The Netherlands 
Amna Riaz Towards a Landscape-based approach for water-sensitive Urban development of Karachi, Pakistan
Ana Labetski  Generalisation of 3D city models
Arnout Sabbe Multiscale metabolism[s]: designing with earth systems towards a new infrastructural urbanism
Ashraf Bin Ahmad Shaharudin Business models for open data intermediaries toward sustainable open data ecosystems
Barbara Dal Bo Zanon Floating Future
Ben George Kappil Scaling Up for Floating Futures: Validating the Scalability of Amphibious and Floating Urban Developments for Future Deltas
Birgit Hausleitner Structuring the coexistence of living and working for a liveable city-Case Amsterdam
Boaz Peters GBI ‘Duurzame Verdichting en Duurzame Verstedelijking’
Camilo Alexander León Sánchez 3D City models for energy applications
Caroline Walder Urban Climate Morphology in 4TU Heritage program
Cristian Seguel Medina Design criteria for integrating natural capital into territorial planning instruments for risk reduction and climate change adaptation
Daan van der Heide An open source digital elevation model of the Netherlands
Diwen Tan Inclusive Urbanism: Neglected Social-Ecological Values in Urban Villages as Lived Spaces in Shenzhen 
Enshan Chen Station-City Integration in China; Towards Mobility Resilience, and Public Space Flexibility 
Erna Engelbrecht Engineering Education
Foteini Setaki Acoustic Design and Additive Manufacturing
Fouad Alasiri Impact of Local Public Participation in Governance and Urban Planning in Saudi Arabia
Geert van der Meulen Water4Change -Space and Ecology
Gent Shehu Black Box, or the Myth of the Data-driven Glasshouse
Gerben Helleman Speelvriendelijke steden, het gebruik en de beleving van de openbare ruimte door basisschoolkinderen tijdens het buiten spelen
Haoxiang  Zhang Designing Healthy Blue Spaces: Spatial Principles and Patterns for Freshwater Blue Space Design in Urban Environments
Hsin-Ko Yu (Cinco) Investigation how two different communities in Taipei and Hong Kong will challenge largescale urban renewal projects by using participatory planning
Ignacio Urria Yáñez Social inequalities over time, space and scale
Isabel Recubenis Sanchis The agency of design in synthesising human-resource relations of interdependence and cooperation within mining contexts - form, scales, and time of the resourcescape
Ivan Pađen Automation of urban flow simulations with 3D City Models
Jan Willem  Petersen Leidraad (weder)opbouw: grondbeginselen voor toekomstbestendige wederopbouwinzet in conflictgebieden
Javier San Millán Tejedor UNDERSTANDING URBAN ECONOMIC SEGREGATION: A model for the convoluted relationship between inequality and segregation in the 21st century Netherlands
Jerome Francisco Conceicao The operationalisation of poverty and its influence on the neighbourhood effect estimation: The Uncertain Categorical Measurements Problem (UCaMP)
Jin Huang Urban scene understanding and reconstruction
Jingsen Lian Towards A Landscape Approach for the Conservation and Development of Historic Garden Heritag: Chengde Mountain Resort as a Case Study
Jorrit Parmentier Werklandschappen van de toekomst goen en energie
Jose van Campen The Q factor and spatial planning
Junkai Lan Towards an Integration of Scenery and Situation, Developing a Framework for Understanding and Translating Traditional Garden-making Techniques of the Jiangnan Region for Contemporary Spatial Design: A Case Study of the West Lake in Hangzhou
Kyri Janssen State-led gentrification and the changing residential moves and movers in Rotterdam Extending the spatial limits of gentrification research
Lei Xia The Collaborative Governance of Ecological Space in Metropolitan Regions: the Greater Bay Area (China) as a Case Study
Luiz Carvalho The Street Interface: private-public spaces and the impacts on public life
Lukas Beuster Throwing shade: Scalable solutions for urban climate change adaptation
Lukas Höller Second-tier Port Cities as Gateways to Healthy Territories
Maarten Pronk Generating an accurate global terrain model using sparse spaceborne LiDAR
Maha Moustafa Habib Abdelraouf Microscale approach to cooling poverty: Modeling mechanisms perpetuating urban heat inequality in the Netherlands
Marthe van Gils Resilient neighbourhood
Monica Veras Morais Design and governance of collective domestic gardens for social resilience
Mustiafiz Al Mamun The sustainable dimension of the peri-urban landscape: From infrastructural to liveable spaces through water-based (blue and green) morphological approaches in urban design, planning, and practices
Nadine Hobeika Data-driven design tool for healthy indoor spaces
Nail Ibrahimli Learning-based 3D reconstruction of the urban environment
Nanma Gireesh Nexus of Legally Afloat Urbanism Defining the Enabling Factors for establishing a Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Floating and Amphibious Architecture
Peter Paul Witsen Integraliteit in het ruimtelijke plan
Pooja Boddupalli Exploring Spatial Models and Drivers for Productive Urban Foodscapes A Comparative Study of Rotterdam and Tokyo
Qiaodan Liu Long-term Urban Planning Facing Extreme Flood
Raquel Silva Renegotiating culture to achieve water sensitivity for coastal cities in India
Ricardo Avella Modernizing the Venezuelan Amazon: rural housing as an instrument of Cold War era colonization
Rosa de Wolf Nationaal Groeifonds Werklandschappen van de Toekomst – Wonen & Recreatie
Sahar Asodollahi Asl Zahkar Public interiors, public space
Sandra van Assen The Q factor and spatial design
Serah Calitz Minespaces, making mining soil, water and living impacts in South Africa, 1886 onwards
Shenglan Du 3D Understanding of the Urban Environment from Point Clouds
Shile Zhou Sustainable Green Space Design in High Density Urban Environments
Shuyu Zhang Revealing the impact of social media on places:Urban imaginaries, experiences, and strategies in the (digital) placemaking of social-media popular places
Sridhar Subramani Floating Dynamics: Planning for Performative Delta Urbanism with the floating solution through multi-agent reinforcement modeling
Stelios Vitalis 3D & 4D Data for Urban Modelling 
Ulf Hackauf Spatializing Urban Metabolism – Analysing the spatial relationship between urban metabolism and urban design through a parametric design study
Weixiao Gao Automatic generation of semantic 3D city models from 3D textured meshes
Xiaoxia Zhang An Assemblage Approach Towards Unravelling the Relationship Between Governance and Governance Outcomes:  Insights from residential relocation in Shanghai’s state-led urban (re)development
Xinyu Zhao A long-term response to flooding caused by extreme rainfall, based on the concept of ‘Landscape-based Spatial Development’, using Rotterdam as a case study
Yan Song Sustainability-oriented Urban Metabolism Indicator Framework: Design Support for Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Areas
Yifei Zhao Exploring Rewilding as a Design Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development
Yizhao Du Navigating mega-regionalization: Engaging Chinese secondary cities towards economic upgrading
Yu Huan Urban agriculture as a strategy for sustainable urban transformation: design, implementation, evaluation
Yuan Chen Users’ Perception and Design of urban wilderness: Cases Studies from the Netherlands and China and Their Implications for Planning and Design
Yuka Yoshida Room for the Delta, Flood protection through Landscape: Landscape approach as a mediator in comprehensive flood design
Yuyang Peng  GIS-based Visual Analysis and Strategies for Planning and Design of Heritage Landscapes: Cases from the Netherlands and China as Examples
Zaichen Wu Visual Landscape Management Strategies and Mountain Protection in Urban Space Expansion with Mountains: A Case Study on the Fragrant Hills Protection of Beijing