Bioengineering Principal Investigators

Below you can find profiles of TU Delft Principal Investigators who work on engineering solutions in, with and for biology and are looking for collaboration.

PDF Delft Bioengineering Institute PIs

BioDay/BioDate Organization Committee

Jasmijn Baaijens

Bioinformatics expert looking for open problems in microbial genomics and wastewater sequencing.


Reuben Leveson-Gower

Engineering enzymes to catalyse new chemical reactions. Interested in constructing robotic platforms for automated laboratory evolution.


Baris Kumru

Synthetic polymer chemist looking for experts in polymer composite characterization, biobased products/catalysis and microfluidics/flow chemistry.   


Nikolina Šoštarić

Bioinformatician looking for open problems in understanding protein structure, dynamics, and interactions.   

Luis Cutz

Thermochemical conversion expert looking for chemical engineers and chemists for valorisation of waste plastic/biomass. 


Jovana Jovanova

Bio-inspired design expert looking for marine biologists, soft robotics and 4D printing.

Yasmine Mosleh

Material scientist specialised in polymers and composites looking for material scientists, biologists and chemists. 


Alina Rwei

Drug delivery and bioelectronics expert looking for computational modelling of self-assembled lipid/ polymeric systems and signal processing.


Joana Martins

Microbiologist looking for material scientists, biotechnologists, synthetic biologists and organic chemists to collaborate.


Mohammad J. Mirzaali

Expert in implementing biomimetic approaches using multi-material 3D printing, looking for an expert in bioelectronics, and implantable sensors.


Angelo Accardo

3D microfabrication, mechanical characterization and biomaterials expert looking for 3D Immunofluorescence Imaging, cell biologists and polymer/hydrogel chemists. 


BEI Education Working Group

Cees Haringa

Chair Education Working Group Modelling/fluid dynamics researcher looking for cell-response, process analysis and scale-up challenges, from cell cultures and biorefineries to wastewater treatment.  


Kunal Masania

Materials scientist and mechanical engineer looking for synthetic biologists, microbiologists and plant scientists.   


Timon Idema

Theoretical Biophysicist looking for cell biologists and experimental biophysicists. 


Hylkje Geertsema

Single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy expert looking for spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal analysis of biological processes in vitro and in cells. 


Massimo Mastrangeli

Micro/nano scientist looking for complementary expertise in cell biology and tissue physiology, polymer chemistry and plasmonic/optical metamaterials.

Paul Breedveld

Expert on bio-inspired design in minimally-invasive surgery, 3D printing and soft robotics, looking for biologists, designers and material scientists.


Michele Laureni

Environmental biotechnologist/engineer looking for collaborations with bioinformatics experts, systems microbiologists, and biochemists. 


All TU Delft Bioengineering PIs

Ali Akyildiz

Cardiovascular biomechanist looking for microscale imaging physicists, mechanobiologists, and/or cell experimentalists.


Iulian Apachitei

Biomaterials expert looking for experts in microbiology, biofilm characterization, proteomics, polymer science and mass spectrometry.


Paul Breedveld

Expert on bio-inspired design in minimally-invasive surgery, 3D printing and soft robotics, looking for biologists, designers and material scientists.


Dimitra Dodou

Adhesion, soft-tissue grip and experimental methods expert looking for soft polymers, stimuli-responsive polymers, soft matter and soft robotics experts. 


Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad

Expert in computational modelling and experimental characterisation of soft tissue biomechanics, looking for multiscale imaging experts, biologists, and medical device designers.


Lidy Fratila-Apachitei

Expert on regenerative biomaterials and biointerfaces looking for biophysicists, biologists and experts on super-resolution and correlative microscopy. 


Frank Gijsen

Cardiovascular Biomechanics expert, looking for experts in failure mechanics, multiscale modelling, uncertainty quantification and in-silico clinical trials.


Mohammad J. Mirzaali

Expert in implementing biomimetic approaches using multi-material 3D printing, looking for an expert in bioelectronics, and implantable sensors.


Mathias Peirlinck

Soft tissue biophysics modeling expert looking for biologists, imaging experts and experimentalists interested in soft (cardiovascular) tissue behavior. 


Selene Pirola

Computational biomechanics expert looking for experts in imaging and AI and/or experimentalists interested in physiological fluid flows and transport phenomena. 


Aimée Sakes

Medical Device Design expert looking for zoologists, material scientists, and roboticists.

Jie Zhou

Materials scientist looking for experts in cyto-, histo-, and hemocompatibility tests. 


Cosimo Della Santina

We aim to create robots with the same level of precision and dexterity as animals, using a combination of mechanical design, control theory, modeling, and machine learning. 


Amir Zadpoor

3D/4D printing, biofabrication and metamaterials expert looking for microbiology, embedded printable electronics and big data. 


Matin Jafarian

Systems & control engineer looking for experts in neuroscience and biology interested in/working on memory, plasticity and learning.  


Raf van de Plas

Molecular imaging and computational mass spectrometry expert looking for molecular imaging applications and problems in big data imaging analysis and analytical chemistry. 


Carlas Smith

Super-resolution microscopy expert looking for bio-applications for super-resolution microscopy, single-molecule imaging and biophysics. 


Michel Verhaegen

Numerics for Control and Identification (N4CI) expert looking for large scale network identification and control problems, and high resolution imaging applications with BioData. 


Jovana Jovanova

Bio-inspired design expert looking for marine biologists, soft robotics and 4D printing.

Gabe Weymouth

Unsteady fluid mechanics expert looking for questions in biological swimming and flying and engineering applications of these ideas.


Sid Kumar

Expert in the intersection of material science, mechanics, and artificial intelligence (AI); looking for collaborations in biomimetics, biomaterials, and biomedical engineering.


Angelo Accardo

3D microfabrication, mechanical characterization and biomaterials expert looking for 3D Immunofluorescence Imaging, cell biologists and polymer/hydrogel chemists. 


Ivan Buijnsters

Materials & Surfaces Engineer looking for biochemists, water/wastewater engineers and surface chemists.


Sabina Caneva

Biophysicist and nanodevices expert looking for biochemists and synthetic biologists. 


Paola Fanzio

Multi-material 3D printing & 3D microfluidics expert looking for cardiovascular biologists or experts in fluid dynamics or 4D printing. 


Murali Ghatkesar

Micro-Nano Engineer looking for single cell biologists, biophysicists and biochemists. 


Andres Hunt

Expert in ‘smart’ material sensors and actuators looking for specialists in (cell) biology, biotechnology, materials science and more.


Hassan HosseinNia

Advanced motion control, soft actuator and distributed actuator expert looking for precision robotics and abdominal assist device. 


Jieun Yang

Expert in acoustics, vibration, and metamaterials, looking for collaboration in the design of bio-inspired metamaterials and their applications. 


Sophinese Iskander-Rizk

Photoacoustic imaging & systems engineering expert looking for tissue/cell engineers, integrated sensor technology, physicists and computer scientists.


Urs Staufer

Expert in microfabrication, scientific instrumentation and nanotechnology, looking for cell biologists, polymer scientists, and surface functionalisation.

Gerard Verbiest

Expert in ultrasound, 2D materials and Atomic Force Microscopy looking for nanoscale bio-applications.


Hanieh Bazyar

Chemical engineer and expert in membrane separation technology and microfluidics looking for bio/polymer chemists for developing novel bio-based polymers for advanced applications.


Abel-John Buchner

Fluid dynamicist interested in biological systems and biomimetics, looking for biomechanicists, roboticists, and experts in system dynamics and control. 


Luis Cutz

Thermochemical conversion expert looking for chemical engineers and chemists for valorisation of waste plastic/biomass. 


Burak Eral

Soft matter, crystals and microfluidics guy looking for human cell line culturing know-how, biomineralization and gut bacteria. 


Wiebren de Jong

Thermochemical biomass conversion, biorefinery and energy storage systems expert looking for process system integration, biorefinery and energy storage.  


Ruud Kortlever

Electrochemistry and electrocatalysis expert looking for material scientists and biochemists.

Daniel Tam

(Bio-)fluid dynamicist looking for algae-based bio-process technology, microfabrication for microfluidics (electro-osmosis) and cell biology. 


Brian Tighe

Soft matter physicist seeking experts in rheology/mechanics of biological matter.


Roderick Tas

Molecular biologist and single-molecule microscopist looking for (bio)material science and soft matter experts.


Jan-Willem van de Kuilen

Expert in wood and biobased materials in engineering structures looking for material scientists, imaging specialists, non-destructive testing and sustainability experts. 


Yasmine Mosleh

Material scientist specialised in polymers and composites looking for material scientists, biologists and chemists. 


Katerina Varveri

Expert on material chemomechanics specialised in bituminous materials and composites looking for bio-material scientists, biologists and chemists.  


Anne-Catherine Dieudonné

Geomechanics expert looking for environmental microbiology, microfluidics and imaging techniques.


Julia Gebert

Soil microbiologist looking for microbiology, population analysis (DNA/RNA profiling) and water chemistry.

Henk Jonkers

Bio-adapted building materials expert, looking for bio-polymer experts. 

Boris van Breukelen

Nature-based subsurface water treatment expert looking for microbiologists. 


Doris van Halem

Drinking water treatment expert looking for engineering microbial communities, antibiotic resistance in water treatment and biofilm characterization. 


Merle de Kreuk

Wastewater treatment expert looking for enzymes (activity), microbiology (bio-informatics) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).


Michele Laureni

Environmental biotechnologist/engineer looking for collaborations with bioinformatics experts, systems microbiologists, and biochemists. 


Jules van Lier

(Waste)water treatment expert looking for microbial functionality in complex systems. 


Ralph Lindeboom

Biogeotechnologist looking for thermochemical biomass processing, optics experts and environmental microbiologists.  

Marie-claire ten Veldhuis

Hydrometeorologist looking for in-vivo imaging, microfluidics and in-vivo measurement of water potential and pressure dynamics. 


Mariana Popescu

Computational structural designer specialised in digital fabrication looking for biochemists, bio fabricators and material scientists.


Johan Dubbeldam

Complex network expert looking for (systems) biology, gene regulatory networks, and applications of adaptive networks in general.


Lisanne Rens

Mathematical biologist looking for experimental biologists in cell biology and development, and biophysicists.


Havva Yoldas

Applied mathematician looking for applied scientists, experimentalists, and biologists.


Jochen Cremer

Expert in modifying machine learning methods for energy systems operations, looking for microbiologists, systems biologists and experimental designers.


Thomas Abeel

Microbial genomics and bioinformatics expert looking for metagenomics and microbial genomics projects. 


Jasmijn Baaijens

Bioinformatics expert looking for open problems in microbial genomics and wastewater sequencing.


Jan van Gemert

Expert in Computer Vision by Deep Learning looking for fundamental research problems in images/videos.


Joana Goncalves

Computational Biologist looking for single cell time series, gene editing and molecular pertubation data.


Marcel Reinders

Bioinformatics, computational biology and machine learning expert looking for single cell biology, long-read sequencing-based biology and molecular neuroscience. 


Nergis Tömen

Biologically-inspired computer vision researcher, looking for both computational principles to adopt from biological systems and for applications of computer vision.


Jana Weber

Expert on combining machine learning, optimisation, and networks for (bio)chemical reactions, looking for bioprocess engineering, biocatalysis, and experimental partners.



Richard Hendriks

Expert on Biomedical Signal Processing and Modelling, looking for biomedical applications and problems that involve bio-electrical data.


Yanki Aslan

Phased array optimization and beam forming expert looking for scientists and engineers in ultrasound neuromodulation, power delivery and imaging applications.


Clementine Boutry

Biodegradable sensors and flexible electronics expert looking for surgeons and organic chemists.


Tiago Costa

Microelectronics expert looking for functional imaging experts, neuroscientists and material scientists.

Justin Dauwels

Machine learning expert looking for neurophysiologists to analyze EEG, MEG, LFP, neuroimaging and behavioral data.

Paddy French

(Medical) sensor technology expert looking for biologists and medics to ensure the sensors match their needs.

Charlotte Frenkel

Neuromorphic hardware and algorithms expert looking for neuroscientists and biomedical use cases for low-power wearables that adapt to the patient.

Borbála Hunyadi

Biomedical signal processing expert looking for open problems in bio-electrical sensor or imaging data.


Tomás Manzaneque

Piezoelectric microsystems expert looking for applications of acoustic waves and vibrations in biophysics and medicine.


Massimo Mastrangeli

Micro/nano scientist looking for complementary expertise in cell biology and tissue physiology, polymer chemistry and plasmonic/optical metamaterials.

Dante Muratore

Microelectronics and brain-machine interfaces expert looking for neuroscientists and material scientists.

Achilleas Savva

Organic Bioelectronics expert looking for 3D biomaterials, cell biologists and neuroscience experts.

Sebastijan Dumancic

Explainable AI expert looking for biologists, (bio)chemists, material scientists, and bioengineers working with mechanistic models.

Sepideh Ghodrat

Materials expert investigating soft, smart and stimuli-responsive materials, looking for bioengineering and well-being applications.


Elvin Karana

Materials and design researcher looking for novel bio-based materials, waste-based materials and materials scientists who are interested in design collaborations.


Joana Martins

Microbiologist looking for material scientists, biotechnologists, synthetic biologists and organic chemists to collaborate.


Holly McQuillan

3D and multimorphic textile design expert looking for expertise in soft materials, modelling, deployable structures…


Santiago Garcia

Materials scientist looking for biotechnologists to team up with.   


Baris Kumru

Synthetic polymer chemist looking for experts in polymer composite characterization, biobased products/catalysis and microfluidics/flow chemistry.   


Kunal Masania

Materials scientist and mechanical engineer looking for synthetic biologists, microbiologists and plant scientists.   


Guido de Croon

Expert in AI for robotics looking for biologists with expertise in insect brains & flight behavior.   


Salua Hamaza

Drone roboticist looking for collaborations in nature conservation, biodiversity, and climate change monitoring.  


Stéphanie Cazaux

Planetary sciences expert looking for microbiologists, marine biologists and surface chemists.

Angelo Cervone

Expert in space propulsion and systems, looking for collaborations on embedded miniaturized systems that can be of bioengineering interest too. 


Kateřina Staňková

Game theorist designing data-driven models optimizing cancer therapy, looking for time series data.  


Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam

Biophysical engineer looking for crystal formation, polymers and materials characterization.  


Marianne Bauer

Theoretical physicist with a background in transcription. Interested in molecular sensors, biological precision and optimality and how clustering or spatial patterns can improve those.  


Greg Bokinsky

Synthetic microbiologist looking for bioinformaticists, biochemists and synthetic chemists. 


Stan Brouns

Microbiologist/Genetic Engineer looking for bioinformatics, microfabrication and microbiology. 


Christophe Danelon

Synthetic biology, minimal cell and membrane biophysics expert looking for genome editing and DNA assembly technologies. 


Cees Dekker

Biophysics, nanofabrication and nanobiology expert looking for ultralong DNA, chromatin-related proteins and divisome proteins.


Nynke Dekker

Single-molecule biophysicist always interested to work with excellent quantitative scientists interested in innovating in sample preparation, microscopy, or data analysis.


Martin Depken

Theoretical Biophysicist looking for bioinformatics.

Kristin Grußmayer

Chair Neuroscience & Engineering Meeting 24-10-24 Biophysicist & imaging expert looking for bio-applications for super-resolution & quantitative phase microscopy and for machine-learning/ image processing.


Timon Idema

Theoretical Biophysicist looking for cell biologists and experimental biophysicists. 


Arjen Jakobi

Structural Biologist looking for micro/nanofluidics, machine learning, image processing and bioinformatics.  


Chirlmin Joo

Fluorescence expert and single-molecule biophysicist looking for opportunities to collaborate. 


Gijsje Koenderink

Cell and tissue biophysicist with experience in cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix mechanobiology, looking for microscopy experts, biomaterials exerts, and tissue engineers.  


Liedewij Laan

Biophysicist looking for bioinformatics and microbial ecology.


Dimphna Meijer

Neuroscientist looking for protein chemists, electrical nanocircuits and super-resolution imaging. 

Nikolina Šoštarić

Bioinformatician looking for open problems in understanding protein structure, dynamics, and interactions.   

Djordje Bajic

Microbial systems biologist looking for opportunities to apply our models predicting composition and function of microbial communities.  


Kristina Djanashvili

Medicinal chemistry expert looking for collaborations in biological evaluations of developed multimodal probes, including imaging, toxicity and therapeutic outcome.


Josh Flack

Cell Biologist with a particular interest in mammalian cell line engineering for cellular agriculture applications, looking for fun collaborations and people excited to test our cell lines!


Peter-Leon Hagedoorn

Biochemist looking for spectroscopy, thermal imaging, radionuclides and metals in biology. 


Ulf Hanefeld

Organic chemist with a keen interest in biocatalysis looking for materials scientists and reaction designers.


Frank Hollmann

Expert on using enzymes to improve industrial processes, looking for fun collaborations.   


Caroline Paul

Biocatalysis and organic chemistry expert looking for materials, bioinformatics, structural biology and more.  

Jack Pronk

Industrial microbiology expert currently focussing on the academic service role of head of department of Biotechnology (Applied Sciences).  


Samarpita Roy
Wastewater treatment expert looking for bioinformaticians, microbiologists and biochemists. 


Cees Haringa

Chair Education Working Group Modelling/fluid dynamics researcher looking for cell-response, process analysis and scale-up challenges, from cell cultures and biorefineries to wastewater treatment.  


Ludovic Jourdin

Microbial electrochemical technology expert looking for microbiologists, material science experts and modeling experts. 


Robbert Kleerebezem

Microbial Community Engineer that can provide experimental infrastructure for investigating microbial ecosystems, and is looking for additional tools (microscope, analytics) that help to elucidate the role of microorganisms in any kind of ecosystem. 


Marieke Klijn

Analytics-based and data-driven bioprocess expert looking for bioprocesses monitoring challenges targeted for development or optimization.


Reuben Leveson-Gower

Engineering enzymes to catalyse new chemical reactions. Interested in constructing robotic platforms for automated laboratory evolution.


Martin Pabst

Protein mass spectrometrist/microbial proteomics and glycoproteins expert looking for bioinformatics, fluorescence imaging and statistics.  


Mark van Loosdrecht

Wastewater treatment expert looking for analysis and characterization of complex biopolymers and bioinformatics. 


Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel

Synthetic consortia and flow cytometry expert looking for experts in enzyme-assays, microfluidics and FACS sorting.  


Tony Kiss

Process Systems Engineering expert with industrial background looking for inter-disciplinary collaborations to develop efficiently novel sustainable (bio)processes.


Pouyan Boukany

DNA dynamics, bio-microfluidics and cell mechanics expert looking for cell biology, surface modification and high resolution imaging. 


Rienk Eelkema

Synthetic organic, polymer chemistry and soft matter expert looking for hybrid materials (living/non-living), functionalization of biomolecules and healthcare materials.  


Valeria Garbin

Expert in stretching, breaking, and otherwise deforming soft and biological materials looking for microbiology, bioprocessing and tissue engineering.

Eduardo Mendes

Advanced soft matter expert looking for cell biologists, neuron experts and immune system experts.


Stephen Picken

Polymer materials physicist looking for biobased materials and applications. 


Luis Portela

Fluid mechanics expert looking for micro-organism models, micro-organisms genetics and dynamics of biological systems.  


Alina Rwei

Drug delivery and bioelectronics expert looking for computational modelling of self-assembled lipid/ polymeric systems and signal processing.


Artur Schweidtmann

Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert looking for joint machine learning (ML) and optimization projects with bio partners.


Ana Somoza-Tornos

Expert in the modelling, assessment and optimization of chemical processes looking for experts in biofuels and biochemicals.  


Daan Brinks

Neurophysicist looking for protein evolution, biostatistics and genome editing.

Hylkje Geertsema

Single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy expert looking for spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal analysis of biological processes in vitro and in cells. 


Jacob Hoogenboom

Microscopy expert (electron, light, correlative) looking for life science and health applications and experts in probes, labels, data analysis, data visualization and AI.  


Jeroen Kalkman

Imaging expert fascinated by optical tomography looking for life scientists with challenging imaging problems.

David Maresca

Ultrasound imaging expert looking for protein engineering and synthetic biology.  


Miriam Menzel

Scattered light microscopy and neuroimaging expert looking for fibrous tissue/biopsy samples and experts in multi-modal imaging, histo(patho)logy, and sample preparation.


Sjoerd Stallinga

Expert in optical engineering in general and super-resolution microscopy in particular looking for applications in (single-molecule) imaging and sensing using optics.

Qian Tao

Artificial intelligence researcher looking for intriguing biomedical image quantification and data understanding problems.

Sebastian Weingartner

MRI physicist looking for exciting imaging applications of functional and cellular properties.

Antonia Denkova

Radiochemist & Soft Matter Engineer looking for imaging in vitro, bioassay development and microfluidics.


Marlies Goorden

Imaging physicist looking for biological and biomedical applications for radionuclide and CT imaging.  


Robin de Kruijff

Radiochemist and (radio)tracer expert looking for bio-applications for mineral tracer based metabolism studies and radiopharmaceutical development physicians.  


Zoltan Perko

Computational physicist looking for bioinformatics, radiobiology and in vivo imaging.

Albert van de Wiel

Senior consultant in internal medicine and isotope research looking for opportunities to collaborate.  


Sebastijan Dumancic

About my work

I develop AI and machine learning algorithms for discovering mechanistic models from data. I am specifically interested in problems that come with small data; domain experts have ample knowledge and constraints that discovered models should obey, and it is essential that domain experts understand the discovered models. To ensure explainability and interpretability, I like to work on models described in formal language developed for and by experts, such as Kappa, MØD, BioNetGen, Boolean and Qualitative networks, and similar. 

My main research interests

Symbolic artificial intelligence
Programmatic machine learning
Probabilistic reasoning

I am looking for

Computational biologists 
Computational chemists
Scientists developing mechanistic models

My expertise and technologies to offer

Artificial intelligence
Machine learning with small data
Knowledge-based machine learning


> Software Technology

>> Algorithmics

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Jacob Hoogenboom

About my work

My group invents, develops, and implements new techniques that cross the boundaries and limitations of existing microscopes in visualizing molecules, molecular functionality, and structural details. Most of our work centers around the combination of light and electron microscopy, physically integrated in a single instrument. We want to achieve a “Google Maps” for cells, tissues, organs, and organisms zooming in 2D and 3D from macroscopic length scales to (macro)molecular resolution and below, with annotations on molecular composition and functionality. 

My main research interests

Electron microscopy
Correlative microscopy
Method & instrumentation development

I am looking for

Cell biology
Probes, labels, contrast agents 
Data analysis and visualization

My expertise and technologies to offer

Correlated light-electron microscopy
3D electron microscopy


> Imaging Physics

>> Hoogenboom Lab

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Samarpita Roy

About my work

Our research group explores the microbial ecology of engineered bioprocesses by integrating metagenomic techniques and quantitative physiology. We use experimental and computational approaches to study microbial metabolisms and community interactions. Harnessing the potential of microbial communities holds the key to a circular bioeconomy. The grand challenge towards improving engineered bioprocesses lies in understanding how complex microbial communities function in fluctuating environmental conditions. This requires identifying the dynamic character of microbial metabolisms and the varied interactions between diverse community members. 

My main research interests

Microbial metabolisms
Microbial community structure 
Resource recovery

I am looking for

Environmental/Life cycle assessment

My expertise and technologies to offer

Microbial ecology
Environmental biology


> Biotechnology

>> Environmental Biotechnology


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Djordje Bajic

About my work

My research aims to build a theory predicting the assembly, composition and function of microbial communities. I use a strongly interdisciplinary approach that blends experiments and modeling, and draws ideas from evolutionary biology, microbial physiology and systems biology. 

My main research interests

Systems biology
Microbial communities 
Microbial metabolism

I am looking for

AI experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Genome-scale metabolic modeling
Fitness landscape modeling
Microbial community ecology


> Biotechnology

>> Industrial Microbiology


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Salua Hamaza

About my work

My goal is to enhance the capabilities of drones by means of intelligent bodies and tactile feedback, so that they can do more than flying, and physically interact with their surroundings via touch-informed actions and bodies. The novel drones often look or act like biological systems (biomorphic). Key applications for this new class of drones are in nature conservation and space exploration. 

My main research interests

Aerial physical interaction – control and design
Bio-inspired drone design

I am looking for

Signal processing Engineers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mechatronic design
Control theory
Tactile feedback


> Control & Operations

>> Biomorphic Intelligence Lab/Section of Control & Simulation


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Jack Pronk

About my work

In this phase of my career, I devote the majority of my working hours to being head of department. In this academic service role I try to contribute to the future of research and education and, in particular, of the people in our department. In research, I continue to be fascinated by understanding, extending and optimizing performance of (microbial) cells in industrial contexts. Teaching the first year Biotechnology class in the LST curriculum is a yearly highlight.  

My main research interests

Microbial physiology
Metabolic engineering
Laboratory evolution

I am looking for

At the moment, I have limited possibilities to engage in new collaborations but feel free to contact me if my expertise appears to be of use.

My expertise and technologies to offer

Quantitative microbial physiology
Laboratory evolution (evolutionary engineering)
Metabolic engineering


> Biotechnology

>> Head of Department


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Reuben Leveson-Gower

About my work

I develop new kinds of enzymatic reactions by exploiting parallels between biological and synthetic chemistry. These enzymes can be optimised empirically using directed evolution. Here, the Darwinian algorithm is applied in the lab to identify winning biocatalysts that can be applied for efficient and benign synthesis of important molecules. I am interested in elaborating robust and automated methods for this process to reduce the barrier to entry, and therefore increase the diversity of enzymes that can be discovered. 

My main research interests

Enzyme Discovery
Directed Evolution
Mechanistic Enzymology

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Enzyme Screening Development
Protein Engineering


> Biotechnology

>> Biocatalysis


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Josh Flack

About my work

My research focuses on the engineering of new and improved phenotypes in mammalian cells for cultivated meat and other cellular agriculture applications. We study the underlying basis of these phenotypes using cell biological and genetic approaches, and use a variety of cutting edge gene editing tools to precisely introduce modifications into target cell lines, which are subsequently tested in upscaled culture systems.

My main research interests

Cell Line Engineering
Cellular Agriculture

I am looking for

Cell Biologists
Genome Engineers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mammalian Cell Culture
Genetic Modification
Gene Editing


> Biotechnology

>> Cellular Agriculture

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Jieun Yang

About my work

My research revolves around the development of metamaterials for the control acoustic waves and vibrations. I have a particular emphasis on utilizing these materials to mitigate noise and vibration within mechatronic systems. I am interested in collaboration to explore potential of bio-inspired metamaterials, shape-morphing metamaterials, and multifunctional metamaterials for diverse applications across various industries, encompassing high-tech, medical, audio, and transportation sectors.

My main research interests

Acoustics/vibroacoustic metamaterials
Mechatronic systems

I am looking for

Bio-inspired design
Medical equipment
3D/4D printing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Acoustics and vibration


> Precision and Microsystems Engineering

>> Mechatronic Systems Design

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Lidy Fratila-Apachitei

About my work

We are interested to develop biomaterials that can help in regeneration of our failed tissues and organs. The current approach is based on understanding the adaptation of cells to biomaterials physical cues and its impact on their functions. Therefore, we produce (sub)micron/nanoscale patterns on model and clinically relevant (orthopedic) biomaterials, and use advanced in vitro (co)culture models and assays to investigate the cell-surface interactions along the regeneration process, at molecular, cellular and tissue scales.

My main research interests

Spatiotemporal interactions at cell-biomaterial interface and their underlying mechanisms
Multi-scale quantitative interface biology
Regenerative medicine

I am looking for

Cell and tissue biophysicists
Cell biologists
Experts on super-resolution and correlative microscopy

My expertise and technologies to offer

Regenerative biomaterials & biointerfaces
In vitro models and biocompatibility assays for biomaterials
Surface patterning of (metallic) biomaterials


> Biomechanical Engineering

>> Biomaterials and Tissue Biomechanics

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Katerina Varveri

About my work

I develop experimental analysis methods and models to simulate physicochemical degradation in infrastructure materials, primarily focusing on roads. My research group focuses on establishing relationships between chemo-rheological properties and mechanical performance of bituminous materials, particularly how they are influenced by environmental interactions. We are exploring the potential of biobased materials as substitutes for bitumen. The objective is to create binders that can integrate with other innovations, like recycled materials and low-temperature asphalt production, while ensuring technical performance and long-term durability.

My main research interests

Environmental degradation processes and material durability
Chemomechanics material design
Circular (bio-based) binders for road infrastructure

I am looking for

Bio-material experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Material chemomechanics
Environmental material degradation processes
Material (chemometric) modelling


> Engineering Structures
> Pavement Engineering


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Mariana Popescu

About my work

I develop design methods and fabrication pipelines for lightweight flexible structures that promote efficient use of material and reducing waste in construction. To this extent I use physical and computational form-finding techniques, programming CNC machines (e.g. CNC knitting machines) and building systems using textiles.

My main research interests

Digital fabrication
Circularity in construction

I am looking for

Material scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Flexible structures
Computational design methods for digital fabrication
Textile design (specifically knitting)


> Materials, Mechanics, Management and Design


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Nikolina Šoštarić

About my work

I apply bioinformatics tools to tackle biological problems. I’m particularly interested in understanding the behaviour of proteins: their structure, dynamics, interactions, and how these are affected by, e.g., mutations and modifications in different conditions. I have experience with molecular dynamics simulations, analysis of omics data (proteomics, RNA-sequencing), and classification using machine learning. Previous projects include modelling effects of post-translational modifications on protein-protein interactions, unravelling metabolic rewiring underlying yeast ethanol tolerance, and global translational analysis of human immune cells.

My main research interests

Computational biology
Protein modelling

I am looking for

Cell biologists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Protein modelling
Molecular dynamics simulations
Omics data analysis


> Bionanoscience
>> Bioinformatics


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Robbert Kleerebezem

About my work

I conduct experimental and modelling research on microbial ecosystems. I am fascinated by the ingenious strategies that microorganisms have to find their niche in microbial ecosystems. The focus of my research is on anaerobic environments where organic carbon conversion is largely governed by thermodynamics. As an environmental engineer I am also at all times searching for industrial applications that make use of our insight in microbial communities, such as the microbial production of bioplastics (polyhydroxyalkanoates) from wastewater.

My main research interests

Microbial ecosystems
Microbial physiology
Bioprocess engineering

I am looking for

Chemical/electrical engineers
Molecular biologists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Microbial community cultivation and characterization
Quantitative modelling of microbial ecosystems
Microbial ecology theory


> Biotechnology
>> Environmental Biotechnology


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Roderick Tas

About my work

My research combines molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics to develop imaging approaches to understand cell biological processes at the nanoscale. Currently, I am interested in how cells interact with various biomaterials at the molecular level. To study this, I aim to develop new single molecule probes in order to quantitatively determine how protein distribution and organization relate to exerted mechanical forces, cellular fate and behaviour at multiple length and timescales.

My main research interests

Cell biology

I am looking for

Biomaterials scientists
Biophysicists/optics experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Recombinant proteins
Protein PAINT
Subcellular (live) imaging


> BioMechanical Engineering
>> Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanics

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Jan van Gemert

About my work

I do fundamental research in computer vision by deep learning. I work on automatic image and video analysis where I focus on investigating  deep network model properties; small-data settings; and adding prior knowledge to deep learning.

My main research interests

Visual Inductive Priors
Image classification
Video recognition

I am looking for

Small-data problems in vision
Prior-knowledge (model-based?) integration with deep learning
Fundamental research

My expertise and technologies to offer

Deep learning
Computer Vision


> Intelligent Systems (INSY)
>> Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics (PRB)


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Paola Fanzio

About my work

My research aims at tackling the technology gap between microfluidics and additive manufacturing by developing a high-resolution, multi-material additive manufacturing technology for the realization of multi-function 3D microfluidic systems (which are 3-dimensional, adaptable, and hierarchical, spanning over multiple length-scales and possessing multiple integrated functionalities). I work both on the study and optimization of the printing process and on the development of 3D microfluidic devices for biomedical applications.

My main research interests

Multi-material Additive Manufacturing
High-resolution manufacturing

I am looking for

Biomaterials scientists
Polymer chemist (hydrogels)

My expertise and technologies to offer

Additive Manufacturing
Manufacturing at micro-scale
Development of microfluidic devices


> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE)

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Charlotte Frenkel

About my work

I design neuromorphic integrated circuits, i.e. hardware that operates based on the brain’s organizing principles for low-power operation. I am particularly interested in making these devices able to adapt, with little data and over long timescales, to their environment, for which I am taking inspiration from machine learning and neuroscience research. I believe this has strong potential in biomedical use cases, where such low-power devices can adapt to the patient, thereby improving robustness while requiring less manual tuning from physicians.

My main research interests

Neuromorphic computing and Neuro-AI
Digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems
Hardware-algorithm co-design

I am looking for

Brain-inspired machine learning experts
Biomedical use cases for low-power adaptive wearables

My expertise and technologies to offer

Low-power adaptive integrated circuits
Use-case-specific hardware/algorithm co-design

> Microelectronics
>> Electronic Instrumentation

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Achilleas Savva

About my work

I develop multifunctional and multidimensional organic bioelectronic systems that monitor or stimulate functions of human cells and tissue. Specifically, I engineer materials and electronic devices to monitor electrically human stem cell functions as well as control, wirelessly, human neuronal activity with light. I focus on 2D and 3D in vitro systems and organs-on-chip technologies for stem cell engineering, and neuronal tissue regeneration.

My main research interests

Organic Electronics
Wireless light stimulation of biological systems

I am looking for

Stem cell biologists
3D biomaterials/Hydrogels

My expertise and technologies to offer

Microfabrication of organic bioelectronic devices
2D and 3D multifunctional electronic materials
Photo-electrochemical measurements

> Microelectronics
>> Bioelectronics

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Iulian Apachitei

About my work

My main research focus is to develop multifunctional metallic biomaterials. Specifically, I am interested in preventing implant-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance while enhancing implant osseointegration. My approach is to combine advanced surface modification technologies with on-demand drug delivery systems to master the performance of bone implants in the body. I am also interested in the design and fabrication of micro/nanorobots for medical purposes, such as biofilm removal and localized infection treatment.

My main research interests

Antimicrobial resistance
Biomedical micro/nanorobots

I am looking for

Polymer (hydrogel) science

My expertise and technologies to offer

Prevention of implant-associated infections
Surface biofunctionalization
Drug delivery systems

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Biomaterials and Tissue Biomechanics

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Selene Pirola

About my work

My research combines fluid mechanics, image-analysis and computational modelling to unravel the mechanisms underlying vascular disease and develop new solutions for patient-tailored diagnosis and intervention planning in cardiovascular medicine, following a personalized medicine paradigm. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how vascular disease can instigate neurodegenerative processes causing loss of cognitive function and dementia.

My main research interests

Vascular flow mechanics & transport
Cardiovascular digital twins
Cerebrovascular flows in neurodegenerative disease

I am looking for

Medical and computational imaging experts
Artificial intelligence (computer vision, super-resolution, physics-informed AI) experts
Experimentalists interested in physiological fluid flows and transport phenomena

My expertise and technologies to offer

Cardiovascular mechanics
Computational modelling of vascular flow mechanics & transport phenomena (computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, lumped-parameter network models)
Clinical imaging of the cardiovascular system

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Group

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Cosimo Della Santina

About my work

We focus on developing "motor intelligence," which allows robots to perform complex movements robustly and efficiently. Our group's work is relevant to biology and medicine because it could lead to new assistive devices that help people with disabilities or injuries move more quickly and shed light on how the human body works. We focus on soft robotics, which involves designing robots inspired by the flexibility and adaptability of animals and can perform complex movements that traditional rigid robots can't.

My main research interests

Motor intelligence
Soft robotics
Machine learning

I am looking for

Modelling of biological and natural systems
Medical applications
Applications in biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Control theory
Machine learning

> Cognitive Robotics
>> Learning & Autonomous Control


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Gabe Weymouth

About my work

I am the new professor of ship hydromechanics at TUD with a research track on biologically-inspired engineering for swimming and flying. I provided the fluid dynamics know-how in previous collaborative studies on pulse-jet swimming (octopus, squid, jellyfish), plesiosaur swimming, and bat flight; uncovering fundamental mechanics and applying them in robotics applications. I’m interested in talking to bio-mechanics & bio-materials experts with scientific observations & questions as well as mechatronics & sensor & controls experts with technical capabilities & applications.

My main research interests

High performance swimming and flying
Fluid forces induced by large-scale motion and shape change
Minimally actuated soft underwater robotics

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Fluid mechanics
Numerical methods
Soft robotics

> Maritime Technology & Transport
>> Ship Hydromechanics


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Nynke Dekker

About my work

We study DNA and RNA replication from a single-molecule perspective together with ensemble biochemical assays and electron microscopy. As a single-molecule biophysicist, I am always interested to work with excellent quantitative scientists interested in innovating in sample preparation, microscopy, or data analysis for the benefit of acquiring fundamental knowledge in the biological sciences.

My main research interests

DNA replication
RNA replication
Single-molecule methodologies

I am looking for

Biochemistry and surface chemistry
Nanofabrication and nanofluidics

My expertise and technologies to offer

Single-molecule techniques

> Bionanoscience
>> Nynke Dekker Lab


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Luis Cutz

About my work

I develop thermochemical technologies to convert waste materials into new raw materials or biofuels. My research group focuses on understanding waste plastic/biomass from the micro- to the macro-scale using experimental data as an input for our research. This approach allows us to improve the design of our processes, while reducing the impact of non-desirable constituents within these materials that could harm upstream and downstream operation. Based on this approach we can upscale processes from simulation level to laboratory scale.

My main research interests

Chemical recycling
Bio-based materials

I am looking for

Chemical recycling know-how
Chemical engineers
Polymer scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Thermochemical conversion
Process system design
Sustainable development

> Process & Energy
>> Large-Scale Energy Storage

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Abel-John Buchner

About my work

I study the fundamental dynamics of unsteady flows. I am especially interested in how organisms interact with and manipulate fluids, and how strategies observed in nature can be modelled and applied to problems in flow energy extraction and vehicular propulsion. My work, primarily experimental, focuses on optical flow diagnostics. Current projects include studying mating interactions of mosquitoes, modelling the vortex dynamics inherent to unsteady biopropulsion, and controlling multibody fluid-mediated interactions in systems such as floating wind turbine arrays.

My main research interests

Fluid mechanics
Biological locomotion
Flow energy extraction

I am looking for

Soft robotics
Control theory

My expertise and technologies to offer

Flow measurement
Reduced order modelling
Statistical mechanics

> Process & Energy
>> Fluid Mechanics

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Tony Kiss

About my work

I am a chemical engineer with a dual industrial-academic expertise in key research areas such as: Process Systems Engineering (PSE), Process Intensification, and Separation Technology. My research work is focused on: sustainable process technology, (bio)process design and simulation, process integration and optimization, dynamics and control, intensified fluid separations, enhanced downstream processing, biorefineries and biobased products, and heat pumps applications in the (bio)chemical process industry. In addition, I also develop novel methods and tools for Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE).

My main research interests

Process Systems Engineering
Process Intensification
Separation Technology

I am looking for

Biobased chemicals and fuels

My expertise and technologies to offer

Process design and optimization
Intensified fluid separations
Eco-efficient process technology

> Chemical Engineering / Biotechnology
>> Product and Process Engineering (PPE) / BioProcess Engineering (BPE)

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Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad

About my work

My research focuses on improving diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.  I perform multiscale computational and experimental studies on healthy and diseased cardiovascular tissues to provide a better understanding of cardiovascular disease (e.g., stroke, venous thromboembolism, and aortic dissection). I also develop novel bioengineering solutions for treatment of thromboembolism diseases.

My main research interests

Cardiovascular biomechanics
Multiscale modelling
Soft tissue mechanics

I am looking for

Microscale imaging experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Computational modelling
Soft tissue mechanical experiments
Multiscale modelling

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Group

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Havva Yoldas

About my work

I carry out the mathematical analysis of differential equations (ODEs/PDEs) arising in modelling of biological/physical processes, e.g., dynamics of interacting neurons, cells which are growing and dividing, run and tumble movement of bacteria under chemical stimulus. Particularly, I study the long-time behaviour of these equations, determining equilibrium solutions and quantifying convergence rate to the equilibrium. I also build ODE/PDE models for biological phenomena.

My main research interests

Mathematical analysis
Mathematical modelling
Long-term behaviour of biological systems

I am looking for

Experimentalists who want to build mathematical models based on their data

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mathematical modelling
Mathematical analysis
Numerical simulations

>> Mathematical Physics

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Yanki Aslan

About my work

My expertise is on steering electromagnetic waves by using phased array antennas. I develop optimization algorithms to improve the beam profiles and reduce complexity and costs. My ambition is to apply and extend my research from electromagnetics to ultrasonics. Specifically, I am interested in establishing innovative beam forming techniques in transducers to achieve simultaneous focusing and steering of acoustic waves in a wide angular range, and applying them to the emerging ultrasound applications.

My main research interests

Phased arrays
Beam focusing

I am looking for

Circuit designers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Focused ultrasound
High spatial resolution
Low off-target stimulation

> Microelectronics
>> Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3)

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Miriam Menzel

About my work

I am a physicist with background in neuroimaging and biomedical optics. My lab exploits the scattering of visible light to resolve complex fiber structures in biological tissues. In particular, we further develop Computational Scattered Light Imaging – a label-free imaging technique that resolves individual fiber pathways and their crossings with micrometer resolution. The technique can be applied to different kinds of fibrous structures (nerve/collagen/muscle fibers), and we are always looking for biological tissue samples and new (also clinical) applications.

My main research interests

High-resolution 3D-reconstruction of fibrous tissue structures
Non-invasive, label-free neuroimaging
Multi-modal imaging and cross-validation

I am looking for

Histo(patho)logy, biopsy tissue samples
Neurodegenerative diseases
Multi-modal imaging/microscopy

My expertise and technologies to offer

Neuroimaging & biomedical microscopy
Label-free, high-resolution visualization of dense/interwoven fiber structures (nerve/collagen/muscle)
Computational Scattered Light Imaging

> Imaging Physics
>> Menzel Lab

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Ana Somoza-Tornos

About my work

I work on developing Process Systems Engineering tools to address the closure of carbon cycles in the chemical industry via the introduction of carbon capture and utilization and chemical recycling technologies. My areas of expertise include process modelling and design, mathematical optimization, techno-economic assessment, life cycle assessment and circular economy.

My main research interests

Process Systems Engineering
Circular Economy

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Chemical process design
Mathematical optimization

> Chemical Engineering
>> Product & Process Engineering

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Jana Weber

About my work

I am an environmental engineer with background in network science, machine learning, and optimisation. My work focuses on the development of systematic methods to navigate the (bio)chemical reaction space with respect to environmental performances. Specifically, I am interested in understanding multi-scale interactions between the choice of molecules/proteins, reaction pathways, and the technical realisation of bioprocesses.

My main research interests

Network/Complexity science
Machine learning
Sustainable bioprocesses

I am looking for

Bioprocess engineers
Biomass valorisation

My expertise and technologies to offer

Network science
Data analysis
Sustainability assessment

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition and Bionformatics

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Baris Kumru

About my work

I have expertise on polymerization reactions, photoinduced chemistry, colloid chemistry and semiconductor modification. Here I want to design monomers and additives for aerospace applications. Sustainability will be given a prime importance, and novel high performance polymers will be formulated. Besides that, I am interested in nanoparticle reinforcement and photoactive materials. Valorisation and utilization of biomass derived molecules towards aerospace applications are governed.

My main research interests

Polymer materials
Sustainable chemistry
Polymer composites

I am looking for

Polymer engineering
Biobased products

My expertise and technologies to offer

Polymerization reactions
Carbonaceous materials

> Aerospace Structures and Materials
>> Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies

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Qian Tao

About my work

I develop algorithms for understanding image and data using artificial intelligence. I believe artificial intelligence is the augmentation of human intelligence, with data, computation, domain knowledge, and intriguing research questions. My work focuses on for example accurate quantification of biomarkers from images and disentangling intrinsic relationships within data.

My main research interests

Biomedical image analysis
Machine learning
High-dimensional data visualization

I am looking for

Imaging scientists  

My expertise and technologies to offer

Biomarker quantification
Data exploration by visualization

> Imaging Physics
>> AI for Medical Imaging

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Marianne Bauer

About my work

I work on theoretical optimal coding schemes used in efficient sensing of transcription factor molecules, how these efficient sensing schemes could be implemented, and how specific biological constraints affect what optimal sensors look like. I am interested in data on genetic networks, noise in transcription and translation, spatial genome organization and its changes, and stochastic variability in processes where it is assumed that noise should be low. I am also interested in building sensors or gene regulating systems synthetically, especially for sustainable purposes, such as photosynthesis.

My main research interests

Gene regulation
Synthetic biology
Precision and noise in biological development

I am looking for

Biologists (molecular scale, especially gene regulation)
Engineers (for synthetic purposes on the molecular scale)

My expertise and technologies to offer

Stochastic processes/probability distributions/information theory
Modeling of clustering and spatial inhomogeneities/patterns

> Bionanoscience

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Kateřina Staňková

About my work

I develop data-driven game-theoretical models of cancer and its treatment.  Based on these models, I propose evolutionary therapies that target therapy resistance and improve patients’ quantity and quality of life. I lead a number of projects, e.g. EU ETN ‘EvoGamePlus’ and the NWO KLEIN2 project “Understanding cancer through evolutionary game theory and dynamic systems theory”. I am a recipient of the 2020 NWO Stairway to Impact award for designing evolutionary therapies in metastatic cancer and bringing them to clinical trials.

My main research interests

Evolutionary game theory
Mathematical oncology
Evolutionary cancer therapy

I am looking for

Bioinformatics, especially omics
Time-series data producers who want me to help to interpret them/use them for predicting therapy response through mathematical modelling

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mathematical models of cancer and its treatment
Fitting your data to the mathematical models to predict therapy response
Optimizing cancer therapies

> Engineering Systems and Services
>> Transport and Logistics


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Paddy French

About my work

I have worked in the field of sensors since 1982, and since 1999 with a focus of medical and environmental sensors.  In the last years the areas I have worked on include: tissue vitality, cochlear implants, catheter sensors, cancer detection, bone quality, etc.

My main research interests

Biomedical sensors
Sensor technology and materials
Measurement systems

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Sensor technology

> Microelectronics
>> Bioelectronics

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Justin Dauwels

About my work

My team develops novel types of machine learning algorithms that combine deep learning with symbolic reasoning. We also work on a variety of applications of machine learning, including machine learning approaches for assessing mental health, for automated analysis of EEG, and for monitoring clinical interventions in the operating room.

My main research interests

Application of machine learning to human behavioral analysis and physiology

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Machine learning
Signal processing
Computer vision

> Microelectronics
>> Circuits and Systems

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Michele Laureni

About my work

My core research interest is to understand how mixed microbial communities (microbiomes) assemble and function, and to translate this fundamental knowledge into ecologically-informed microbiome engineering principles. Specifically, by resolving how different metabolisms are selected and identifying the controls of labour division among community members, my goal is to find new ways to harness microbiomes immense metabolic capabilities into biotechnologies for (waste)water treatment and resource biorecovery. To this end, I integrate lab- and industrial-scale bioreactors with metagenomic and metaproteomics approaches, and mathematical modelling.

My main research interests

Systems microbiology
Microbial labour division
Nitrogen transforming microorganisms

I am looking for

Genome-centric metagenomics

My expertise and technologies to offer

Bioreactors for highly-controlled enrichments
Mathematical modelling
Proteomic and genomic data integration

> Water Management
>> Sanitary Engineering

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Yasmine Mosleh

About my work

I investigate ageing mechanisms (mechanical, environmental) in organic materials used in high performance engineering structures at different levels of material/structural hierarchy. These materials include polymers, adhesives, fibre reinforced composites, and wood. My aim is to introduce partially or fully bio-based polymers, and fibre reinforced composites for more sustainable engineering structures used in sectors such as civil engineering, aeronautics, wind energy, and automotive. Improving strength, toughness and impact resistance of structures through bio-inspired design is another focus of my research.

My main research interests

Bio-based materials and bio-inspired material design for engineering structures
Hierarchical materials
Ageing mechanisms and durability enhancement in materials

I am looking for

Material scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Accelerated ageing tests
Physical, chemical, and mechanical characterisation of polymeric and composite materials

> Engineering Structures
>> Bio-based Structures and Materials

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Joana Martins

About my work

I explore the biotechnological potential of microorganisms for biodesign purposes. Specifically, I am interested to investigate the application of cyanobacteria and microalgae into design, contributing to ‘novel materials expressions’ and ‘sustainability’.

My main research interests

Living Materials

I am looking for

Material scientists
Organic chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer


> Sustainable Design Engineering
>> Materializing Futures

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Holly McQuillan

About my work

I develop woven textile systems (fibre, yarn, structure, form, system) that change form, shape, provoke interaction to suggest alternative models of production and end-user relationships.

My main research interests

Multimorphic textile structures
Animated Textiles

I am looking for

Anyone curious to explore the intersection of soft materials and structure.

My expertise and technologies to offer

Textile structures (weaving)
2D-3D form transformations
Designing with soft materials

> Sustainable Design Engineering
>> Materialising Futures

Visit the critical textile topologies website

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Tomás Manzaneque

About my work

I develop microsystems that use mechanical vibrations to interact with living matter. These devices feature piezoelectric transduction to excite resonances or emit and receive acoustic waves within the chip or to the environment.  I am highly interested on the resonant characteristics of mechanical micro-structures to measure physical properties of single cells, such as mass, stiffness or viscosity. In addition, I am willing to explore the possibilities of acoustic waves to actuate on cell cultures or characterize them.

My main research interests

Resonant and acoustic microsystems
Physical characterization of single cells
Acoustics to interact with cell cultures or tissues

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Problems involving mechanical vibrations and living matter

My expertise and technologies to offer

Micro/nano fabrication
Piezoelectric acoustic devices (SAW, PMUT, etc)
Sensors and actuators

> Microelectronics
>> Electronic Instrumentation

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Clementine Boutry

About my work

My research interests are focused on the development of biodegradable technologies and stretchable electronics for medical applications. Biodegradable sensors and actuators are designed to work for a defined period of time, and then reabsorb naturally without leaving a trace. They are completely degradable, including the electronics for sensor readout and power/data wireless transmission. Stretchable electronics allows a better integration of wearable patches and implants with the skin and organs. We develop soft biodegradable materials with tailored electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties, and their integration into organ-on-chips, biodegradable implantable sensors and robotic manipulators for medical applications.

My main research interests

Biodegradable sensors & soft robotics
Stretchable electronics
Wireless power/data transfer

I am looking for

Organic chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Biodegradable technologies
Stretchable electronics
Micro/nanofabrication, MEMS

> Microelectronics

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Nergis Tömen

About my work

Many modern and successful computer vision models share fundamental principles with information processing in the brain, and it can be argued that there is still much to learn from biological systems, especially in terms of scale, speed, and efficiency. My research is thus positioned at the intersection of various fields including deep learning for computer vision, neuromorphic computing and neuroscience. Specifically, I am interested in biologically-inspired computer vision, deep network models of biological circuits and spiking neural networks.

My main research interests

Computer vision
Biologically inspired algorithms
Spiking neural networks

I am looking for

Computational neuroscientists
Computational biologists
Biological model systems capable of efficient computation

My expertise and technologies to offer

Computer vision
Machine learning and deep learning
Mathematical models of biological vision

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics

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Jan-Willem van de Kuilen

About my work

We study wood and biobased materials in sustainable engineering applications. Mechanics and physics of wood and biomaterials, long term behaviour, service life modelling, scanning and non-destructive testing.

My main research interests

Engineered wood and biomaterials
Structural applications and service life
Mechanics and physics of wood and biomaterials

I am looking for

Sensors, Imaging and Non-destructive testing
Sustainable design

My expertise and technologies to offer

Modelling of performance
Structural applications

> Engineering Structures
>> Biobased Structures and Materials

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Richard Hendriks

About my work

I develop model based signal algorithms for biomedical applications. In particular, this includes the estimation and detection of biomedical aspects based on data measured using sensor arrays. I often follow a model based approach, starting from the biomedical and physical models, and adapting these in order to combine them with state-of-the-art signal processing algorithms. Among others, examples are cardiac applications (ECG and electrogram-based data) and models that can explain the understanding of speech.

My main research interests

Cardiac signal processing (ECG, EGM)
Signal processing inspired modelling of biomedical processes
Modelling of speech intelligibility

I am looking for

Biomedical problems and data
Experts on modelling/simulating (electric) cell behavior
Cardiac applications

My expertise and technologies to offer

Array processing
Signal processing inspired modelling
Parameter estimation

> Microelectronics
>> Circuits and Systems

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Mathias Peirlinck

About my work

My research focuses on the long-life health of the cardiovascular system through improved diagnosis, prognosis and risk assessment. I develop tools to provide an increased understanding of the multiscale behavior of the cardiovascular system, bridging the cell, tissue and organ scale. Using numerical modeling and machine learning techniques, I integrate multifaceted experimental and clinical imaging data into computer models that simulate the (patient-specific) biophysical behavior of the heart and arterial system.

My main research interests

Cardiovascular biomechanics and electrophysiology
Machine learning
Digital twins of soft organs

I am looking for

Experimental mechanical and electrophysiological testing
Multiscale/multimodal/medical imaging experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Soft tissue biomechanics and electrophysiology
Data-driven modeling of soft tissue behavior
Multiscale modeling

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab

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Jasmijn Baaijens

About my work

I am a mathematician turned bioinformatician working on genome reconstruction and analysis for viruses, bacteria and yeasts. More specifically, I develop algorithms and software for reconstruction of microbial genomes from sequencing data, and apply these methods to characterize pathogen diversity in patient or community samples. For example, we can use such algorithms to track mutations or subpopulations over time using wastewater sequencing. Also interested in phylogenetics and outbreak reconstruction.

My main research interests

Sequencing data analysis
Wastewater-based epidemiology
Microbial evolution

I am looking for

Genome sequencing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Sequencing data analysis
Algorithm development
Microbial genomics

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics

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Robin de Kruijff

About my work

In my work, I focus on the use of radionuclides for medical applications. This includes developing new production routes for radionuclides using our nuclear reactor, investigating their potential as radiopharmaceutical for cancer therapy, and using radionuclides to study the bioavailability and metabolism essential minerals. As such, I aim to (1) develop (radio)isotopes for disease diagnosis or treatment, (2) obtain a better understanding of human and animal metabolism, and (3) evaluate the uptake, distribution, intercompartmental kinetics and excretion of metals.

My main research interests

Radionuclide production

I am looking for

Metalloproteomics experts
Nutritional researchers
Radiopharmaceutical development physicians

My expertise and technologies to offer

Isotope separation technologies
Non-destructive isotopic analysis based on neutron activation
Radiotracer development

> Radiation Science & Technology
>> ARI

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Gerard Verbiest

About my work

My aim is (i) to develop revolutionary ultrasound technology to study the subsurface structure of samples with an atomic force microscope and (ii) to investigate ultrasound waves in 2D materials for unraveling their heat and sound transport. The goal of these developments is to provide key technologies for the future of electronics, material science and cell biology.

My main research interests

Nano acoustics
2D materials
Atomic Force Microscopy

I am looking for

Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Atomic Force Microscopy
2D materials

> Precision & Microsystems Engineering
>> Dynamics of Micro- and Nanosystems

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Sid Kumar

About my work

My group focuses on merging classical physics-based modeling and new AI techniques for understanding the physics of complex materials and designing new materials with tailored, unusual, and beneficial properties. Some of the current applications that we are working on include inverse-designed and biomimetic scaffolds, constitutive model discovery for soft-tissues, nature-inspired impact absorbing materials, among others. We are a computational modeling, design, and optimization-focused group and keen to explore new and diverse applications.

My main research interests

Materials by design
Computational mechanics
Artificial intelligence

I am looking for

Biomedical engineering
Bio-inspired design
Additive manufacturing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Architected and designer metamaterials
Physics-informed AI for design and optimization
Multiscale modelling

> Materials Science and Engineering
>> Mechanics, Materials and Computing Group

Visit the Mech-Mat site

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Jochen Cremer

About my work

I develop AI-based algorithms that can monitor and control physical systems, mainly focusing on energy systems. In energy systems, the challenge is the high-dimensionality and computational complexity of physical phenomena rendering many conventional approaches from control theory unsuitable for the operation of such systems. I focus on those challenges and derive novel Machine Learning methods that enrich control theory with data to train surrogates from both, the system theory, and studied data.

My main research interests

Systems biology
Energy systems
Supervised learning

I am looking for

System biologists
Experimental designers

My expertise and technologies to offer

End-to-end analysis of simulations and experiments
System theory
Physics-informed machine learning
Theoretical modelling and analysis of systems

> Electrical Sustainable Energy
>> Intelligent Electrical Power Grids

Visit the DAI Energy Lab

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Johan Dubbeldam

About my work

My work focuses on complex networks and dynamical systems. Specifically, I am  interested in the properties and dynamics of networks, which includes epidemics on networks, ecological networks and, most recently, gene regulatory networks. I develop simple network models to investigate how network topology and dynamics on the network correlate. This touches on concepts like robustness and resillience of networks. I am also interested in how game theory can be combined with network dynamics  to predict the evolution of a system.

My main research interests

Complex (adaptive) networks
Regulatory networks
Critical dynamical systems

I am looking for

Expertise on gene networks
Application of evolutionary game theory

My expertise and technologies to offer

Constructing mathematical models
Investigating stability of network models
Applying evolutionary game theory to network models

>> Mathematical Physics

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Guido de Croon

About my work

I work on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) of small, light-weight flying robots such as the 20-gram flapping wing drone called the “DelFly Explorer”. Such drones form an extreme challenge to AI, because of the strict limitations in onboard sensors, processing, and memory. To tackle this challenge, I draw inspiration from biology, and in particular from flying insects. I study topics such as swarm intelligence, optical flow control, and neuromorphic sensing and computing.

My main research interests

Insect-inspired Artificial Intelligence
Swarm robotics
Neuromorphic sensing and processing

I am looking for

Insect flight behavior
Insect brains

My expertise and technologies to offer

AI for drones (learning, vision, control)
Bio-inspired drones (flapping wing drones)

> Control and Operations
>> Control and Simulation

Visit the Micro Air Vehicle Lab

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Hylkje Geertsema

About my work

I perform single-molecule imaging and super-resolution microscopy to obtain spatiotemporal information on biological processes in eukaryotic cells, especially in the nucleus. In specific, my interest lies in understanding how DNA replication is initiated and how it is regulated in space and time during the cell cycle. I focus on single proteins, e.g. PCNA, within the DNA replication machinery by imaging single proteins that are genetically fused to a fluorescent protein in vivo or by super-resolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT in situ.

My main research interests

Super-resolution microscopy
Single-molecule imaging
DNA replication

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Biological processes in the nucleus
Cellular labelling methods

My expertise and technologies to offer

Single-molecule imaging
Cellular labelling methods

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Urs Staufer

About my work

I design and fabricate instruments and elements of instruments for scientific research in the bio/health field. This involves individual sensors, entire systems like organ-on-chip devices or instruments for in- or ex-vivo measurements. I develop the processes needed for building these instruments.

My main research interests

Micro and Nano Fabrication

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Polymer scientists
Surface functionalisation

My expertise and technologies to offer

3D Micro and Nano fabrication
Atomic Force Microscopy

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE)

Visit the MNE page

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Aimée Sakes

About my work

My research is focussed on the development of innovative soft medical devices for minimally invasive surgery. Specifically, I am researching how to design ultra-slender, and untethered, tools that can be used to safely reach deep inside the body to perform surgery. I take inspiration from nature to find solutions to current healthcare challenges and translate these mechanisms into medical devices. Currently, I am exploring integrating tissues into mechanical structures to create biohybrid devices that combine the best of both worlds.

My main research interests

Bio-inspired technology
Soft Robotics

I am looking for

Material Scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Bio-inspired Technology
Medical Device Design
Soft Surgical Robotics

> Biomechanical Engineering

Visit the Dutch Soft Robotics website

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Paul Breedveld

About my work

Collaborating with biologists, medical companies and (academic) medical centres,  the research within my research group BITE (Bio-Inspired Technology) has resulted in a great number of innovative medical devices, such as multi-steerable instruments and catheters inspired by anatomy of squid tentacles, high-precision biopsy harvesters inspired by chewing organs of sea-urchins, mechanical follow-the-leader instruments inspired by snakes, self-propelled steerable needles and tissue transporters based on ovipositors of parasitic wasps, and integrated-assembly 3D-printed instruments and prostheses designed for low-cost use in developing countries.

My main research interests

Soft robotic medical devices
Non-assembly 3D printing

I am looking for

Material scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Medical devices
3D printing

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Bio-inspired Technology (BITE)

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Ulf Hanefeld

About my work

I am an organic chemist with a keen interest in catalysis, and in particular biocatalysis. My expertise lies in C-C bond forming enzymes and hydrolases. In collaboration, I am looking for experts on enzymes in unusual locations, and with strange applications. Computational screening for enzymes and their structures, immobilisation and application in continuous reactions, and people working with reaction design and reactor design would be interesting partners to me as well.

My main research interests

Green chemistry
Flow chemistry

I am looking for

Materials scientists
Reaction designers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Carbon carbon bond synthesis
Enzymes in continuous reactions

> Biotechnology
>> Biocatalysis

Visit the Ulf Hanefeld Group

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Artur Schweidtmann

About my work

I am a chemical engineer with background in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and optimization. For example I design algorithms for automated experimental setups for the optimization of yield and selectivity.

My main research interests

Machine learning
Artificial intelligence

I am looking for

Interesting research collaborations that have a positive impact on our society.

My expertise and technologies to offer

Data analysis
Self-optimization with automated experiments in the loop

> Chemical Engineering
>> Product & Process Engineering

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Cees Haringa

About my work

I assess bioprocesses from the cellular point of view: how do cells experience (varying) environments, and how does this affect their response and overall process performance. My expertise is the use of computational fluid dynamics, coupled with cell-response models, to gain insights in industrial processes. These models can be applied towards several goals: process scale-down, strain screening/optimization under industrially representative conditions and process improvement, as well as towards development of new process control tools and digital twins.

My main research interests

Bioreactor hydrodynamics
Process modelling

I am looking for

Bioprocess engineers
Analytical experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Computational fluid dynamics
Transport phenomena

> Biotechnology
>> Bioprocess Engineering

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Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel

About my work

My main areas of interest are interactions between cells, strains and species, and the development of high-throughput screening and selection systems. My research combines defined synthetic consortia, predictive models and laboratory experiments, to gain knowledge and insight that I use to improve biotechnological processes. I often work with water-in-oil emulsions as a screening and selection tool.

My main research interests

Defined microbial consortia
High-throughput screening
Evolution of microbial interactions

I am looking for

Enzyme assays

My expertise and technologies to offer

Selection in water-in-oil emulsion
Flow cytometry (microbial)
Synthetic consortia

> Biotechnology
>> Industrial Microbiology

Visit the Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel Group

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Kristin Grußmayer

About my work

Quantitative information at the molecular level, ideally in a physiological context, is key to understanding the physical principles that underly cellular organization and (dys)function. In my group, we combine label-free and single molecule super-resolution fluorescence readouts. We develop smart adaptable microscopes & analysis tools and establish new classes of fluorescent probes to enable e.g., quantification of protein clusters, identification of protein interactions and the assessment of mobility & mechanical properties.

My main research interests

Super-resolution microscopy
Optical engineering
Protein oligomerization & self-assembly in neurodegenerative disease

I am looking for

Machine learning/ Image processing
Bio-applications for advanced imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Single-molecule based (super-resolution) imaging and photophysics
3D quantitative phase imaging
Multiplane imaging

> Bionanoscience
>> Grußmayer Lab

Visit the Grußmayer Lab

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Ruud Kortlever

About my work

Our group works on electrocatalytic processes where we can convert small molecules, such as CO2, N2 and water, into fuels and chemical building blocks with the use of electricity. Specifically, we are interest in obtaining molecular understanding how these electrocatalytic reactions proceed, developing new electrocatalytic materials and processes and building prototype electrochemical devices that can showcase the developed technology.

My main research interests

Material science

I am looking for

Material scientists
Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Electroanalytic chemistry
Spectroelectrochemistry (FT-IR and Raman)

> Process & Energy
>> Large Scale Energy Storage

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Frank Hollmann

About my work

We use enzymes as catalysts for chemical transformations as they have a lot to offer to the chemist in terms of mild reaction conditions and selectivity. Particularly, we are interested in enzymatic oxyfunctionalisation reactions, i.e. hydroxylation of non-activated C-H bonds or epoxidations of C=C bonds.

My main research interests

Biocatalysis for chemical synthesis
Enzymatic oxyfunctionalisation reactions

I am looking for

Protein engineering
Reaction/Reactor engineering

My expertise and technologies to offer

Synthetic organic chemistry

> Biotechnology
>> Biocatalysis Group

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Lisanne Rens

About my work

I develop computational models for single cell migration and collective cell migration. I am interested in the interactions with cells and the extracellular matrix. In particular, I study the role of forces (cell traction forces, cell-cell adhesion, extracellular matrix mechanics) on (collective) cell behavior. I also use models of GTPase signaling within the cell and study its effect on migration. I am interested in all kinds of applications, such as blood-vessel formation, embryogenesis, wound healing, cancer metastasis.

My main research interests

Cell migration
Collective cell behavior

I am looking for

Cell biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Cell-based modeling
Computational biophysics
Systems biology


> Applied Mathematics
>> Mathematical Physics

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Sophinese Iskander-Rizk

About my work

My research is dedicated towards (1) the development of imaging solutions for medical problems and (2) advancing medical technology solutions. I have worked on spectroscopic and intravascular/intracardiac photoacoustic imaging of (1) atherosclerosis, (2) radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation and (3) flow. I have also worked on super-localization photoacoustic imaging of optically contrasting objects. I research fundamental science/physics of wave and light-tissue interaction phenomena to develop better models and thus engineer better treatment, diagnostic and management tools for the medical field.

My main research interests

Minimally invasive instruments
Cardiac arrhythmia surgical guidance and monitoring (imaging)
Microscopic and macroscopic multimodal medical imaging

I am looking for

Tissue/cell electrical activity
Pressure sensor (high bandwidth, high sensitivity)
Computer science/ artificial intelligence

My expertise and technologies to offer

Photoacoustic & ultrasound imaging systems
Photoacoustic & ultrasound catheter design

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering
>> Micro Optics and Opto Mechatronics

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Hanieh Bazyar

About my work

I develop novel membranes for different separation applications ranging from wastewater treatment to gas separation. Specifically, I’m interested in understanding the fundamental governing mechanisms as well as the interactions between different species and the membrane material. I focus on investigating potential applications of new bio-based polymers/materials for advanced membrane separations such as stimuli-responsive membranes. Actuation/sensing applications of such materials as well as the biomedical applications (e.g. drug delivery) are also of interest.

My main research interests

Membrane separations
Bio-based polymers
Stimuli-responsive materials

I am looking for

Biomedical engineers
Bio/polymer chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Interface science and wetting properties
Membrane separations

> Process and Energy
>> Energy Technology

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Boris van Breukelen

About my work

We perform research to the innovative and sustainable use of the subsurface environment and specifically to climate adaptation technologies that store and abstract water and (geo)thermal energy. Our focus is on water quality treatment (e.g. nutrients, metals, organic micro-pollutants, and pathogens) in aquifers and sand filters. To this end, we combine field research to pilots, field and lab experiments, and coupled physical-chemical-microbiological modelling.

My main research interests

Reactive (biogeochemical) transport modelling
Field research to nature-based solutions for water storage and treatment
Integrating (ground)water flow, biogeochemistry, and microbial ecology 

I am looking for

Microbial ecologists
Molecular microbiologists
Biofilm and genome-scale metabolic modellers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Reactive (biogeochemical) transport modelling
Field demos/pilots on subsurface water and thermal energy storage/abstraction
Environmental water quality monitoring and modelling

> Water Management
>> Sanitary Engineering

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Angelo Cervone

About my work

I have 20 years expertise in space propulsion at all scales (from large rocket engines to miniaturized thrusters) and, more recently, in the design of small satellite missions for exploration of the Solar System. One of my main challenges in the development of miniaturized propulsion systems is the design of heat exchangers of optimized performance, and embedded MEMS sensors and actuators (micro-valves, micro-pumps). On these topics, I believe that there is very good potential for synergies with the bioengineering community.

My main research interests

Space micro-propulsion
Green propellants
Small satellites for terrestrial and interplanetary missions

I am looking for

Microbiologists with research interest in embedded sensors/actuators
Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Miniaturized heat exchangers
Integrated MEMS sensors and actuators
Micro-pumps, micro-valves

> Space Engineering
>> Space Systems Engineering

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Matin Jafarian

About my work

My research aims at contributing to the mechanistic understanding of human cognition, in particular memory and learning, as well as taking inspiration from the obtained insights to solve engineering problems. I am interested in mathematical models of dynamic neuronal networks underlying cognition, as well as analyzing the local and global behavior of such models.

My main research interests

Memory, plasticity, and learning
Nonlinear, hybrid and stochastic dynamical systems
Complex networks in bio-inspired engineering

I am looking for

Bio-inspired engineering applications

My expertise and technologies to offer

Modelling and analysis of dynamic networks
Nonlinear, hybrid, oscillating, and stochastic dynamical systems
Coordination and control of dynamic networks

> Delft Center for Systems and Control
>> Hybrid, Adaptive and Nonlinear

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Sjoerd Stallinga

About my work

My research focuses on the intersection between the fundamentals and engineering of optical imaging systems and image processing algorithms ("computational imaging"). This combination makes it possible to see what cannot be made visible with conventional optical imaging instrumentation. We apply this to super-resolution microscopy to achieve nanometer resolution, and to develop automated slide scanning solutions for digital pathology.

My main research interests

Computational imaging
Optical engineering
Super-resolution microscopy

I am looking for

Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Optical design and modeling
Image analysis

> Imaging Physics
>> Computational Imaging

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Brian Tighe

About my work

I aim to understand the mechanics of soft solids, thick fluids, and phase transitions between the two. My research combines theory and simulations to develop models that can predict deformation and flow in foams, emulsions, fibrous networks, and other complex fluids with practical applications.

My main research interests

Amorphous solids
Complex fluids

I am looking for

Theorists who can translate biological problems to stat phys/soft matter

My expertise and technologies to offer

Modeling of soft solids and complex fluids

> Process & Energy
>> Engineering Thermodynamics

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Dante Muratore

About my work

I design integrated circuits and systems for biomedical applications. Specifically, I am interested in making smarter implantable devices by bringing processing power closer to the sensor with the goal of improving the overall system efficiency and capabilities. I focus on mixed-signal application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for bidirectional, single-cell resolution brain-machine interfaces. I am also interested in edge machine-learning circuits for biomedical applications.

My main research interests

Integrated circuits and systems
Brain-machine interfaces
Hardware-algorithm co-design

I am looking for

Microfabrication of electrodes

My expertise and technologies to offer

Integrated circuits
Low power electronics
Neural signal acquisition

> Microelectronics
>> Bioelectronics

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Marieke Klijn

About my work

My research is focused on implementing analytical techniques in upstream bioprocesses to determine the relation between raw materials, production, and product quality via data analytical frameworks. I am interested to contribute to forward/backward process control and (near) real-time release strategies for a variety of biotechnological processes (industrial, environmental, electrochemical, food, biopharma).  

My main research interests

Data analytics
Process analytical technology
Upstream processing

I am looking for

Emerging bioprocesses
Sensor development

My expertise and technologies to offer

Protein and bioprocess analytics
Data analysis and visualization
Automation and control

> Biotechnology
>> Bioprocess Engineering

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Frank Gijsen

About my work

I focus on image-based biomechanical modeling of the cardiovascular system. My interests include the influence of blood flow induced wall shear stress on atherosclerotic plaque progression, composition and rupture. I also study plaque biomechanics in order to assess the mechanical stability of plaques. Finally, I recently developed a strong interest in intracranial thrombus mechanics. I combine state of the art finite element analysis of both the blood flow, plaque and thrombus mechanics with the latest clinical imaging modalities and in vitro experimental techniques.

My main research interests

Cardiovascular blood flow mechanics
Atherosclerotic plaque mechanics
Multiscale modelling of thrombus failure

I am looking for

Failure mechanics experts
Multiscale imaging of biological tissues
(Micro)mechanical evaluation of local material properties

My expertise and technologies to offer

Computational Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics
Experimental methods for mechanical evaluation of soft biological tissues
Clinical imaging of the cardiovascular system

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab

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Sepideh Ghodrat

About my work

I develop and design shape morphing objects with shape memory materials. Shape memory materials are a specific category of smart materials which give free rein to designers’ creativity to make interactive objects which have a dynamic relation with users. Shape morphing objects can be used in many domains such as healthcare, biomechanics, robotics or personalized products. A number of good practices have been made such as deployable structures, self-sizable adaptable shoes, self-sizable grips, self-regulating jackets and soft mobile devices.

My main research interests

Smart, novel, stimuli-responsive materials
Soft and smart actuators
Shape morphing objects

I am looking for

Materials testing
Advanced Materials Manufacturing (Additive Manufacturing)

My expertise and technologies to offer

Shape memory materials (alloys, polymers, composites)
Mechanics of materials, testing, characterization techniques
Manufacturing, 3D printing

> Sustainable Design Engineering
>> Emerging Materials

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Alina Rwei

About my work

My work merges the two pillars of healthcare technologies: diagnostic systems and therapeutics, with the goal of achieving a closed-loop therapeutic system, in which therapeutics can be release based on real-time physiological states of a patient. More specifically, the diagnostic systems I am focusing on are soft, miniaturized wearable and implantable electronics; the therapeutic systems I focus on are actively-triggerable smart drug delivery systems, such as light- and ultrasound-triggerable release of local anaesthetics to achieve on-demand pain relief.

My main research interests

Smart drug delivery systems
Wearable and implantable soft bioelectronics
Pain therapy

I am looking for

Computational modelling
Machine learning
In vivo imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Drug-encapsulating particles
Stretchable sensors

> Chemical Engineering
>> Product and Process Engineering (PPE)

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Andres Hunt

About my work

I investigate 'smart' material sensors and actuators. These are material level transducers that couple the electrical and mechanical energy domains. My research addresses their manufacturing, improving their performance, and their utilisation in applications. Current and potential application studies include microfluidics, soft robotics, metamaterials, and (spatially) distributed sensing and actuation. I am looking for open problems and collaborations to improve the materials and to create innovative and high-impact applications.

My main research interests

Smart material sensors and actuators
Manufacturing and prototyping

I am looking for

Biology and medical specialists
Materials scientists
Open problems and design collaborations

My expertise and technologies to offer

Smart material sensors and actuators
Soft robotics

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE)

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Ali Akyildiz

About my work

Improved diagnosis and prognosis of diseases, and developing effective preventive strategies and therapies can only be achieved if the healthy tissue mechanics and multifactorial mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of the related pathologies are elucidated. I perform computational and experimental studies to understand healthy and diseased cardiovascular tissues and organs (e.g. vessels, heart) using continuum mechanics approach.

My main research interests

Cardiovascular tissues/organs
Multiscale modelling
Soft tissue failure

I am looking for

Microscale imaging physicists
Cell experimentalists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Soft tissue mechanical experiments
Computational modeling
Clinical & preclinical imaging

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Group

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Mohammad J. Mirzaali

About my work

My main research interests concern using biomimetics approaches (e.g., functional gradient, hierarchy) in the design and fabrication of bio-inspired, multi-functional, smart materials. That involves understanding, learning, and mimicking the mechanics and characteristics of natural materials in artificial bioengineering materials. In particular, my research focuses on finding the essential features existing in the design of extreme natural hard-soft connections (such as bone-tendon tissue interface) and developing novel methodology to solve challenges in the field of tissue interface engineering.

My main research interests

Computational modeling
Tissue Interface Engineering

I am looking for

Sensor implementation
Cell mechanobiology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Computational modeling
Multi-material 3D printing
Biological tissue characterization

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Biomaterials and Tissue Biomechanics

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Kunal Masania

About my work

We shape matter at multiple length scales using bottom up self-assembly with top down shaping freedom of additive manufacturing. We like to apply bio-inspired design principles to fabricate useful multifunctional materials with applications ranging from energy, biomedical, filtering/catalysis to aerospace.

My main research interests

Bio-inspired composites
Fabrication using living matter
Data-driven digital design

I am looking for

Synthetic biologists
Plant scientists
Biohybrid specialists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Materials science
Additive manufacturing
Mechanics of materials

> Aerospace Structures and Materials
>> Shaping Matter Lab

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Sabina Caneva

About my work

I develop novel nanodevices and measurement techniques to manipulate and image DNA and protein nanomechanics. Using a combination of DNA origami nanotechnology, 2D material nanophotonics and acoustofluidics, I work both on fundamental light-sound-matter interactions at the nanoscale and on applications of acoustophotonic devices for molecular diagnostics and delivery in clinical applications.

My main research interests

2D materials nanodevices
Acoustic tweezers
DNA origami nanotechnology

I am looking for

Biochemists (labelling, surface functionalization)
Synthetic biologists
Image processing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Acoustofluidic devices (Surface acoustic wave, bulk acoustic wave)
DNA origami design and assembly

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Dynamics of Micro and Nanosystems (DMN)

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Gijsje Koenderink

About my work

We study the material properties of living cells and tissues. Living matter is unique in its ability to combine mechanical strength with active force generation and autonomous change shape. We aim to understand the physical mechanisms that underlie this striking active mechanical behavior. We combine concepts and techniques from soft matter physics, biophysics, synthetic biology, protein engineering, and mechanobiology. We furthermore develop advanced measurement techniques that combine quantitative imaging with force measurements across length scales ranging from the cell/tissue level down to molecular scales.

My main research interests

Cell biology
Active soft matter

I am looking for

Advanced microscopy
Tissue engineering

My expertise and technologies to offer

Advanced microscopy

> Bionanoscience
>> Koenderink Lab for Biological Soft Matter

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Borbála Hunyadi

About my work

I develop signal processing and machine learning solutions for biomedical problems, to unravel healthy and pathological physiology. More specifically, I discover hidden patterns in multichannel and/or multimodal datasets using both supervised (e.g. classification) and unsupervised (e.g. blind source separation) techniques. In order to tackle high-dimensional and higher order (3D+) data, I often use tensor-based techniques. I have many years of experience in epilepsy research using EEG, fMRI and wearable monitoring. I am also interested in ECG and (functional) ultrasound applications.

My main research interests

Biomedical signal processing
Brain connectivity
Clinical decision support

I am looking for

Bioelectrical sensors
Personalized medicine

My expertise and technologies to offer

Signal processing, in particular multi-channel
(Tensor-based) blind source separation
Pattern recognition

> Microelectronics
>> Circuit and Systems

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Tiago Costa

About my work

I develop micrometre and millimetre scale integrated circuit chips with monolithically integrated transducers for minimally invasive neuromodulation. Specifically, I am exploring miniaturized focused ultrasound devices for high spatial resolution neuromodulation of the nervous system, either non-invasively (peripheral nerves) or minimally invasively (brain). I am also interested in magnetic neuronal interfaces, and on augmenting integrated circuits chips with novel materials for biomedical applications.

My main research interests

Integrated circuits and sensors/actuators
Ultrasound neuromodulation
Magnetic neuronal stimulation and recording

I am looking for

Functional imaging experts
Material scientists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Integrated circuits
Miniaturized smart transducers
Ultrasound neuromodulation

> Microelectronics
>> Bioelectronics

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Anne-Catherine Dieudonné

About my work

My research focuses on assessing the impacts of environmental (biological, chemical, thermal, hydraulic) loads on the behaviour of geomaterials and on the performance and resilience of geotechnical structures. I aim to develop new fundamental understanding of multi-physical processes in geomaterials using state-of-the-art imaging, experimental testing and numerical modelling techniques.

My main research interests

Bio-cementation of soils
Self-healing materials
Discrete element modelling

I am looking for

Environmental microbiology
Imaging techniques

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mechanical testing of geomaterials
Numerical modelling of multiphysics processes

> Geoscience and Engineering
>> Geo-Engineering

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Sebastian Weingartner

About my work

We develop novel methods in Magnetic Resonance Imaging physics to depict previously undetectable properties on the micro-, meso- and macroscopic scale in-vivo. This spans work on signal modelling, quantitative imaging biomarkers, as well as novel imaging techniques for functional brain imaging. Most of our experiments are done on clinical MRI machines at field strengths 1.5T – 7T, enabling the direct application to human subject.

My main research interests

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Functional neuroimaging
Imaging of cellular properties in-vivo

I am looking for

Tissue/animal models

My expertise and technologies to offer

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In-vivo imaging
Functional neuroimaging

> Imaging Physics
>> Magnetic Resonance Systems (Mars) Lab

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David Maresca

About my work

Visualizing cellular processes occurring deep with living organisms is essential to our understanding of biology and disease. To address this challenge, we pursue fundamental advances at the interface of ultrasound imaging and molecular engineering, taking advantage of the discovery of acoustic biomolecules to interface ultrasound waves with cellular processes.

My main research interests

Biomedical ultrasound imaging
Ultrasound imaging of neural activity

I am looking for

Protein engineering
Synthetic biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Biomolecular ultrasound imaging
Hemodynamic functional ultrasound imaging of neural activity
Genetically encoded acoustic biomolecules (also known as gas vesicles)

> Imaging Physics
>> Medical Imaging/Maresca Lab

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Julia Gebert

About my work

I investigate sediment organic matter and the role of biological organic matter degradation for sediment rheology, contributing to an new definition of the nautical depth and to an improved management of sediments in ports and waterways. Further, I focus on the beneficial use of dredged material as construction material, e.g. in dikes, to achieve circular economy goals. A newly granted project will research methods to stabilise landfilled wastes to reduce future liability for society and create a sustainable environmentally safe situation.

My main research interests

Greenhouse gas release from riverine sediments
Beneficial use of dredged material
Stabilisation of wastes

I am looking for

Population analysis (DNA/RNA profiling)
Water chemistry

My expertise and technologies to offer

Microbial carbon turnover
Microbial methane oxidation
Biogeochemical soil ripening processes

> Geoscience and Engineering
>> Geo-Engineering

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Jeroen Kalkman

About my work

I am fascinated by optical tomography and making cool imaging tools. My focus is on label-free imaging in 3D with optimal imaging performance (resolution, speed, and volume) and quantification of sample parameters. Besides a focus on quantitative zebrafish imaging, we also measure the composition of flowing (bio) suspensions,  biofilm growth, plant morphology, and tissue morphology.

My main research interests

Optical tomography
Optical signal processing

I am looking for

Life scientists with challenging imaging problems

My expertise and technologies to offer

Optical tomography
Optical signal processing

> Imaging Physics
>> Kalkman Lab

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Valeria Garbin

About my work

I study soft and biological materials under flow and deformation, particularly the extreme deformation conditions of cavitation (high strain and high strain rate). Extreme deformation conditions due to cavitation are encountered at the tissue level for instance in blast traumatic brain injury; and at the cell level in bioprocessing. In my group we have developed experimental techniques to characterize the coupled fluid dynamics and soft/biological material deformation at high strain rates.

My main research interests

High-strain-rate deformation of soft/biological materials
Cell rupture due to ultrasound and cavitation
Mechanical phenotyping of cells in microfluidics

I am looking for

Tissue engineering

My expertise and technologies to offer

High-frequency rheology of soft materials (e.g. hydrogels)
Interfacial rheology (e.g. lipid or protein monolayers, lipid bilayers)
Ultrasound, cavitation and bubble dynamics

> Chemical Engineering
>> Transport Phenomena

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Amir Zadpoor

About my work

We develop biomaterials with impossible properties (meta-biomaterials) through advanced geometrical designs, multi-material 3D/4D printing techniques, and origami/kirigami methods. Biofabrication at different scales, shape-shifting biomaterials, and embedded functionality are at the core of our expertise. From the clinical viewpoint, we focus on the improved treatment of complex skeletal diseases including large bony defects, implant-associated infections, and multi-tissue lesions (e.g., osteochondral defects). Our ambition is to some day be able to print functional living materials and interface them with their non-living counterparts.

My main research interests

Implant-associated infections
Soft robotics

I am looking for

Embedded printable electronics
Big data

My expertise and technologies to offer

3D/4D printing
Surface bio-functionalization

> Biomechanical Engineering
>> Biomaterials and Tissue Biomechanics

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Angelo Accardo

About my work

The target of my research is to develop multi-scale (nano-micro-meso) 3D fabrication paradigms to address open questions in cell biology. I am interested in particular in the design and fabrication of 3D architectures by employing light-assisted additive manufacturing techniques (such as two-photon lithography and stereolithography). I plan to exploit the 3D engineered microenvironments for studying the mechanobiology and differentiation mechanisms of cells coming from different tissues (e.g. brain, bone) as well as the response of cancer cells to proton therapy.

My main research interests

3D Engineered Scaffolds

I am looking for

Cell biologists
3D Imaging (e.g. two-photon confocal imaging, light sheet fluorescence microscopy)
Polymer/hydrogel chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

3D microfabrication
Mechanical Nanoindenting
Scanning Electron Microscopy

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Micro and Nano Engineering


Visit the MNE group website

Marcel Reinders

About my work

I initiated work on molecular classification and genetic network modelling. Nowadays, I focus on sequencing analysis tools, network-based analysis, and integration of genomic data. I have ample experience with finding gene signatures, for example with applications in cancer and neurodegenerative data.   

My main research interests

Relationship (large) structural variations and disease
Heterogeneity and its development/expansion of cell systems such as the immune system, brain cells or cancerous tissue
Solutions on how to integrate multiple molecular types as well as spatial and temporal data to unravel biological complexity

I am looking for

Single cell biology
Long-read sequencing-based biology
Molecular neuroscience

My expertise and technologies to offer

Tailored development of novel algorithms to analyse big and/or complex molecular data
Broad statistical and machine learning knowledge
High-performance computing infrastructure and solutions

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics

Visit Delft Bioinformatics Lab website 

Christophe Danelon

About my work

We are reconstituting a biological cell from its basic molecular constituents. The essential modules we are building are: a liposome compartment, gene expression, DNA replication, phospholipid synthesis and liposome division. We combine engineering methods with in vitro evolution to implement all modules into a self-replicating synthetic cell.   

My main research interests

In vitro evolution
Genome assembly
Mass spectrometry (proteomics, metabolomics)

I am looking for

Genome editing
DNA assembly technologies

My expertise and technologies to offer

Membrane biophysics
Cell-free gene expression
Liposome production

> Bionanoscience
>> Danelon Lab

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Hassan HosseinNia

About my work

I am interested in developing precision motion systems for high-tech as well as medical applications. My current research is twofold: 1) in development of industry standard, easy to use motion controller applying nonlinear strategies and 2) in development of integrated active metamaterial (soft actuator) for vibration damping in precision systems and for actuation in medical application.   

My main research interests

Precision robotics
Precision positioning systems
Precision control

I am looking for

Precision robotics
Abdominal assist device

My expertise and technologies to offer

Advanced motion control
Vibration control
Smart material actuator

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
>> Mechatronic System Design

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Jie Zhou

About my work

I develop biodegradable materials for bone replacement, repair or bone tissue engineering. I am interested in understanding their degradation behaviour, changing mechanical performance and interactions with surrounding tissues and body fluids.    

My main research interests

Biodegradable metals and composites
Additive manufacturing

I am looking for

Experts in cyto-, histo- and hemocompatibility tests

My expertise and technologies to offer

Alloy design and fabrication technology
Forming technology
Powder technology

> BioMechanical Engineering
>> Biomaterials and Tissue Biomechanics


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Cees Dekker

About my work 

We employ single-molecule biophysics techniques to survey a variety of subjects from DNA loop extrusion and supercoiling to nanopore studies of nuclear pore complexes and protein sequencing. More recently, our research has focused on studying chromatin structure and cell division with bacteria on chip for synthetic cells.

My main research interests

Chromatin biology
Protein sequencing
Synthetic cells

I am looking for

Ultralong DNA
Chromatin-related proteins
Divisome proteins

My expertise and technologies to offer

Single-molecule biophysics techniques

> Bionanoscience
>> Cees Dekker Lab

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Dimitra Dodou

About my work

My research aim is to develop adhesives and adhesive methods that allow for the effective manipulation of soft and wet biological tissue. In other words, my research is concerned with the study of interfacial phenomena between two bodies, where at least one of the two bodies is living, wet, soft, and vulnerable. 

My main research interests

Wet adhesion
Secure and gentle grip

I am looking for

Soft polymers
Stimuli-responsive polymers
Soft matter
Soft robotics

My expertise and technologies to offer

Soft-tissue grip
Experimental methods

> BioMechanical Engineering
>> Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technology

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Ludovic Jourdin

About my work

I develop novel microbial electrochemical technologies for the bioproduction of chemicals, fuels, feed, and food from carbon-containing wastes (e.g. CO2) and renewable electricity. I particularly focus on bioreactor designs, fundamental understanding of mechanisms occurring at the electrode surface and within biofilms, process integration, and scale up. 

My main research interests

Chemicals bioproduction
Bioreactor design

I am looking for

Material science experts
Modeling experts

My expertise and technologies to offer


> Biotechnology
>> Bioprocess Engineering

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Peter-Leon Hagedoorn

About my work

Certain enzymes have metals, and these metal gives them special powers. In order to understand these powers I have developed specific tools (MIRAGE, Nanospec) and use special techniques (calorimetry, EPR spectroscopy) to study these enzymes. This has allowed me to obtain very detailed understanding of the mechanism of action of these enzymes, e.g. the Fe2+ oxidation mechanism of the universal Fe storage enzyme ferritin. I am expanding this further, developing even better tools, studying novel enzymes and unlocking their secrets.

My main research interests

Enzyme discovery and engineering
Metalloproteomics in health and biotechnology
Uncovering enzyme mechanisms

I am looking for

Thermal imaging
Metals in biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Protein engineering, expression and purification
Electron paramagnetic resonance
Rapid mixing devices for pre-steady state enzyme kinetics

> Biotechnology
>> Biocatalysis

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Dimphna Meijer

About my work

My group aims to understand neural circuitry formation on the molecular and atomic level. We use a combination of molecular and cellular biophysics, such as single particle cryo-electron microscopy and high content confocal imaging, to understand how neurons form connections, also known as synapses. The assembly and disassembly of synapses is how we learn – and forget.

My main research interests

Protein Biochemistry
Biophysics of the Neural Synapse
Neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson, Alzheimer, FTD)

I am looking for

Protein chemists
Electrical nanocircuits
Super-resolution imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Cell biology
Biochemistry (e.g. protein expression and purification)
Neuroscience (e.g. neurons in a dish)

> Bionanoscience
>> Meijer Lab

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Caroline Paul

About my work

Our current research interests are focused on the use of synthetic and orthogonal cofactors for oxidoreductase and transferase enzymes to catalyse chemical reactions, with an emphasis on the development of non-natural enzymatic reactions for applications in pharma- and fine chemical industries.

We are interested in exploiting the catalytic mechanism of enzymes, improving the overall robustness of the reaction, and targeting the synthesis of valuable compounds.

My main research interests

Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
Synthetic and orthogonal cofactors for enzymes

I am looking for

Other researchers open for collaborations!
Structural biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Synthetic organic chemistry

> Biotechnology
>> Biocatalysis

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Kristina Djanashvili

About my work

Multimodal materials for biomedical applications are gaining momentum thanks to the ability to simultaneously diagnose and treat various cancer at an early stage. The principle is based on the interplay between intrinsic properties of each modality in terms of resolution, sensitivity and therapeutic effect. In my work, I focus on designing such smart hybrid materials with complementary physical properties and develop the routes for their safe and selective delivery to the site of interest. 

My main research interests

Chemistry of imaging and therapy
Small metal-complexes and nanomaterials
Multimodal probes with radio-, magnetic- and optical properties

I am looking for

MR/Radionuclide imaging
Biological evaluations
Optical materials

My expertise and technologies to offer

Organic synthesis and coordination chemistry
Advanced Magnetic Resonance methodologies

> Biotechnology
>> Biocatalysis

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Jovana Jovanova

About my work

My research is focused on the design of multifunctional smart structures and systems. Multifunctional design includes smart materials and active components able to perform multiple functions through controlled combinations of structural property adjustments and dynamic behaviour modifications. Applications vary from compliant mechanisms, deployable and metamaterial structures, to adaptive intelligent systems, soft robotics, origami designs, and vibration control. I want to develop bio-inspired large-scale smart structures that take in consideration different properties of smart materials, embedded sensors, actuators and controllers.

My main research interests

Large scale structures and systems
Design optimization
Metamaterial structures for vibration control

I am looking for

Marine biologists
Soft robotics
4D printing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Engineering design optimization
Smart material integration

> Maritime Transport and Technology
>> Transport Engineering and Logistics


Rienk Eelkema

About my work

Our research is concerned with the design, synthesis, characterization and application of new soft molecular materials. We have a special focus on using in situ chemical reactivity to control the assembly of dynamic materials and the stability of polymers, to make materials that can respond to changes in their environment and their application in drug release, and the selective functionalization of biomolecules.

My main research interests

Signal transduction in organic materials
Controlled release materials
Selective functionalization of biomolecules

I am looking for

Hybrid materials (living/non-living)
Functionalization of biomolecules
Healthcare materials

My expertise and technologies to offer

Synthetic organic chemistry
Characterization of molecular structure and soft matter microstructures

> Chemical Engineering
>> Rienk Eelkema Lab

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Eduardo Mendes

About my work

My research focuses on the study of soft (responsive) matter, mainly gels and self-assembled structures and their interface with the living. Using techniques such as microfabrication, printing and microfluidics, I develop (gel) responsive particles or surfaces with potential use in therapy, tissue engineering and sensing (diagnosis).

My main research interests

Responsive gels
Cell behaviour/interaction with soft surfaces

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Neuron experts
Immune system experts

My expertise and technologies to offer

Soft Matter processing and properties
Soft Matter characterization
Smart/responsive gels

> Chemical Engineering
>> Advanced Soft Matter

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Stephen Picken

About my work

I am an expert on polymer materials, in particular in the field of liquid crystal polymers and (bio)polymer nanocomposite based systems. My work is aimed at using modelling and structural characterization methods to elucidate the structure-property relations in such materials, including the dynamics during formation and in the final material.

My main research interests

(Bio)polymer nanocomposites
Structure-property relations

I am looking for

Biobased materials and applications

My expertise and technologies to offer

Structure formation and characterization
Thermal and solution processing
Designer materials

> Chemical Engineering
>> Advanced Soft Matter

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Mark van Loosdrecht

About my work

We study microbial ecology in engineered systems and design of processes for wastewater treatment and resource recovery based on the obtained knowledge. Our focus is on conversions of nitrogen and phosphate, biofilm systems, effect of dynamic process conditions and role of storage and extracellular polymers in microbial processes.

My main research interests

Biofilm and granular sludge processes
Extracellular polymers
Biological phosphate removal

I am looking for

Analysis and characterization of complex biopolymers

My expertise and technologies to offer

Microbial ecology
Process design

> Biotechnology
>> Environmental Biotechnology

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Santiago Garcia

About my work

My team focuses on understanding how dynamic polymers and bio based substances can be used to develop novel polymeric and hybrid materials for engineering applications. Our work is highly multidisciplinary and deals with a range of materials such as coatings, surface treatments and composites. Over the last years we have strongly specialized in developing characterization protocols to better describe the materials behaviour of self-healing/dynamic polymers, coatings and biological substances. 

My main research interests

Responsive coatings and composites
Novel materials from biological systems
Surfaces and interfaces

I am looking for
Biotechnologists to team up with.

My expertise and technologies to offer

Functional surfaces and interfaces
Polymer structure-property relationships
Materials characterization

> Aerospace Structures and Materials
>> Novel Aerospace Materials 

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Raf van de Plas

About my work

Our lab focuses on the interface between three different fields: (i) mathematical engineering and machine learning; (ii) analytical chemistry and instrumentation physics; and (iii) life sciences and medicine. My research is specifically focused on the computational analysis of molecular imaging modalities such as imaging mass spectrometry and microscopy, and on the mathematical integration of information from different imaging technologies through data-driven image fusion.

My main research interests

Signal analysis & machine learning
Molecular imaging
Mass spectrometry

I am looking for

Molecular imaging applications
Big data imaging analysis problems
Computational analytical chemistry problems

My expertise and technologies to offer

Advanced signal analysis and machine learning methods for imaging
Image fusion between different imaging technologies
Imaging mass spectrometry

> Delft Center for Systems and Control
>> Numerics for Control and Identification (N4CI) 

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Stéphanie Cazaux

About my work

I am working with laboratory experiments to understand the formation and evolution of ices (and composition) in conditions similar to our early solar system. I am working on the plumes (crygesers) on icy moons of our solar system and if life could be present in such conditions and how it could be detected by future missions.

My main research interests

Ices formation, composition, complexity
Formation of the solar system (planets and moons)
Icy moons and sub-surface ocean

I am looking for

Marine biologists
Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Laboratory experiments
Models from laboratory to space

> Space Engineering
>> Astrodynamics and Space Missions 

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Marlies Goorden

About my work

I am a physicist working on the development of new technologies and image reconstruction algorithms to improve radionuclide imaging (SPECT-PET). Together with industrial partners and academic medical centers I have developed high-resolution tomography for small experimental animals with unprecedented resolutions that can image radioisotopes with a very broad range of energies and in different combinations (multi-isotope imaging). Many of these scanners are currently in use by biomedical researchers world-wide. I am currently also applying our technologies to develop clinical scanners (to image patients). My expertise mainly lies in theoretical analysis of scanner geometries, optimization through simulations and development of new image reconstruction algorithms.

My main research interests

Radionuclide imaging
Image reconstruction
Scanner optimization

I am looking for

Biological and biomedical applications for radionuclide and CT imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Small animal SPECT
Small animal PET

> Radiation Science & Technology
>> Biomedical Imaging 

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Luis Portela

About my work

My research focus on complex engineering flows, in particular, involving multiphase flow and turbulence. I am interested in theoretical, numerical and experimental work. My work covers a wide range of topics, from fundamental studies on particle-laden turbulent flows, to  multiphase flows in (bio) chemical processes. I am interested in studying bio-reactors from an holistic perspective, combining the micro-organisms (genetic) aspects with the entire fluid transport processes.

My main research interests

Fluid Mechanics
Complex Systems
Phenomenological Modelling

I am looking for

Micro-organisms models
Micro-organisms genetics
Dynamics of biological systems

My expertise and technologies to offer

Fluid Mechanics
Numerical Methods
Experimental Techniques

> Chemical Engineering
>> Transport Phenomena
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Zoltán Perkó

About my work

My research focuses on novel radio- and proton therapy treatment planning approaches for cancer treatment. These include handling uncertainties (arising from e.g. patient positioning and proton range errors, breathing and organ motion), quantifying treatment robustness, developing robust optimization methods, optimizing radiotherapy fractionation and combined modality treatments, building decision support tools and exploring biology based treatment planning.

My main research interests

Biology based radiotherapy treatment planning
Robust/probabilistic proton therapy treatment planning
Uncertainty quantification method development

I am looking for

In-vivo imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Treatment optimization
Numerical modelling
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis

> Radiation Science & Technology
>> Reactor Physics and Nuclear Materials

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Daan Brinks

About my work

My lab addresses neuroscience questions through functional imaging. We develop tools with roots in physics, biochemistry, optics, mathematics and nanofabrication and we're interested in how brain cells work on every level, from biophysical principles to consequences in behavior and from subcellular compartments to complete organisms. Our main workhorses right now are Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators, which we develop and apply.

My main research interests

Multiphoton voltage imaging
Functional nanoscopy
The role of bioelectricity in embryonic development

I am looking for

Protein evolution
Genome editing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Nonlinear imaging
In vitro & In vivo functional imaging

> Imaging Physics
>> The Brinks Lab 

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Wiebren de Jong

About my work

I develop processes for the conversion of biomass/waste possibly integrated with energy storage via electrolysis (CO2, water). In the group we perform process system design modelling work as well as experimental development and testing of key components in integrated systems.

My main research interests

Energy storage concepts
CO2 capture and utilization

I am looking for

Process system integration
Energy storage

My expertise and technologies to offer

Process system design and modelling
Bioresources characterization
Fuel conversion testing

> Process and Energy
>> Large-Scale Energy Storage


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Doris van Halem

About my work 

We focus on drinking water treatment for global development, with an emphasis in filtration systems for groundwater and household water treatment. Specific examples of research projects are subsurface arsenic removal, biological As(III) oxidation in rapid sand filters, virus removal with low-cost ceramic membranes and safe reuse of water in urban areas.

My main research interests

Removal of geogenic contaminants (arsenic, fluoride, manganese)
Clever drinking water solutions for global development

I am looking for

Engineering microbial communities in low nutrient and fast-flowing systems
Antibiotic resistance (genes, bacteria) in water treatment
Biofilm characterisation methods

My expertise and technologies to offer

Arsenic and iron removal (linking bio to chemical-physical)
Household water treatment for disinfection
Field research in developing countries

> Water Management
>> Staff Sanitary Engineering

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Pouyan Boukany

About my work

My group focuses on fundamental and applied topics in soft living matter, with a major emphasis on controlling and understanding the dynamics and transport of DNA into living cells. To do this, we apply cutting-edge micro/nano-fluidic technologies to manipulate and control the DNA and biomolecules for both fundamental biophysical studies and applications, such as non-viral gene therapy, biosensing and cancer therapy.

My main research interests

Cell membrane
Molecular crowding

I am looking for

Cell Biology
Surface modification
High resolution imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

Non-viral gene/drug delivery
Single-cell/DNA manipulation

> Chemical Engineering
>> Product and Process Engineering

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Merle de Kreuk

About my work

I am Professor of Environmental Technology at the CITG department of water management. I focus on granular sludge processes (aerobic and anaerobic) and (pre)hydrolysis in these systems as well as in anaerobic digestion. Enzymatic (hydrolytic) activity, mixing processes and effect of recalcitrant and inhibiting compounds in these systems are focus points.

My main research interests

Hydrolysis of complex substrates
Granule formation
Formation of products from wastewater 

I am looking for

Enzymes (activity)
Microbiology (bio-informatics)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 

My expertise and technologies to offer

Anaerobic digestion processes
Granular sludge for sewage treatment
Process design

> Water Management
>> Sanitary Engineering

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Albert van de Wiel

About my work

Our work concerns the application of both stable and radioactive isotopes in clinical medicine. I focus on stable isotopes, my colleague Antonia Denkova on radioactive isotopes.

My main research interests

Multi-element analysis in human material
Application of enriched stable isotopes in clinical research
Radionuclides in diagnostic procedures

I am looking for

Opportunities for collaboration

My expertise and technologies to offer

Contacting clinical researchers

> Radiation Science & Technology
>> Applied Radiation and Isotopes

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Daniel Tam

About my work

Our group investigates the dynamics of active biological fluids involving self-propelled particles. We want to elucidate the origins of the collective behavior observed in many of these dense suspensions (from micro-algae to fish), with the goal of controlling and harnessing this self-generated motion. We use tools from experimental fluid dynamics to track and characterize the dynamics.

My main research interests

Biological Fluid mechanics
Wet-Soft-Complex-Active matter (!)

I am looking for

Algae-based bio-process technology
Microfabrication for microfluidics (electro-osmosis)
Cell biology

My expertise and technologies to offer

Optical flow diagnostic
3D-optical tracking of microparticles
Fluid mechanics

> Process & Energy
>> Fluid mechanics

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Elvin Karana

About my work

My research aims to understand and enhance the relationships people have with the materials of products. I have undertaken this topic with a holistic approach, capitalizing on not only the technical properties of materials, but also meanings, emotions and actions materials in products elicit. 

My main research interests

Material Driven Design
Appreciation of Materials
BioBased Materials

I am looking for

Novel bio-based materials
Waste-based materials
Materials scientists who are interested in design collaborations

My expertise and technologies to offer

Experiential characterization of materials
Bridging technical and experiential qualities
Transition of materials into consumer products

> Design Engineering
>> Emerging Materials

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Stan Brouns

About my work

We are interested in the interaction between microbes and viruses and studies the mechanisms that bacteria and archaea use to protect themselves from virus infection including CRISPR. My lab explores the adaptations that viruses have evolved to avoid defense systems and engineers bacteriophages for phage therapy applications.

My main research interests

Bacteriophage biology and therapy

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Genetic/Genome engineering (CRISPR/Cas9)

> Bionanoscience
>> Brouns Lab

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Chirlmin Joo

About my work

Using cutting-edge single-molecule fluorescence tools, we investigate how small RNA mediates gene silencing (RNA interference) and anti-viral defense (CRISPR immunity and DNA interference). We apply the mechanistic understanding to genome editing. Furthermore, we develop single-molecule protein sequencing techniques for advanced proteomics analysis.

My main research interests

Small regulatory RNA
CRISPR bacterial immunity
Single-molecule proteomics

I am looking for

I am open to explore opportunities for collaboration.

My expertise and technologies to offer

Single-molecule fluorescence (FRET)
Low light imaging
Optical tweezers (cell manipulation and force sensing)

> Bionanoscience
>> Chirlmin Joo Lab

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Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam

About my work

I am interested in the interplay between structure and mechanics in biological molecules and materials. I have two main lines of research: (i) the study of mechanical processes at the cell membrane, and (ii) the production of biomineralized composite materials. 

My main research interests

Biomimetic materials
Cell membrane mechanics
Protein conformational dynamics

I am looking for

Crystal formation
Materials characterization

My expertise and technologies to offer

Optical tweezers

> Bionanoscience
>> Aubin-Tam Lab

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Timon Idema

About my work

We study collective dynamics in biological and biomimetic systems, ranging in scale from proteins to populations. On the molecular scale, we study self-assembly in realistic (crowded) environments to get a handle on dynamical processes like cellular signaling, cell motility, and cell division. On the population scale, we investigate how tissues and biofilms form, how they can be influenced, and how they respond to perturbations.

My main research interests

Collective dynamics
Protein interactions
Active matter

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Experimental biophysicists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Theoretical modeling of (bio)physical systems

> Bionanoscience
>> Idema Group

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Marie-claire ten Veldhuis

About my work

My work focuses on using observational datasets to analyze and predict how hydrological systems respond to (extreme) rainfall and drought. Recently, I have become interested in studying hydrology at the nano-scale, looking into water transport in lichens, a fungus-algae symbiosis. I’m interested in understanding how water transport is regulated by lichen architecture and more generally in plants to quantitatively model water transport in relation to photochemistry (water oxidation).

My main research interests

Smart sensing
Citizen science

I am looking for

In-vivo imaging
In-vivo measurement of water potential/pressure dynamics

My expertise and technologies to offer

Rainfall variability
Water systems engineering 

> Water management
>> Water Resources Group

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Jules van Lier

About my work

My research projects focus on closing water cycles in industries and sewage water recovery for industrial or agricultural reuse. I am specialized in Anaerobic Treatment Technology and I received both my MSc and PhD from Wageningen University. I am full professor “Wastewater Treatment/Environmental Engineering” at the section Sanitary Engineering of CiTG, with a 0,2 fte seconded position at UN-IHE, Delft.  

My main research interests

Bio-technologies for (waste)water treatment, from both municipal and industrial origin
Anaerobic treatment (conversion processes) for wastewater, sludges and slurries
Sludge bed systems, (anaerobic) MBR systems 

I am looking for

Microbial functionality in complex systems

My expertise and technologies to offer

Mixed microbial processes for environmental engineering
Anaerobic conversion processes (microbiology, technology)
(Waste)water treatment in general

> Water management
>> Sanitary Engineering

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Massimo Mastrangeli

About my work

I am developing microfabricated fluidic devices for cell cultures, based on silicon and polymers and integrating sensors and actuators, to realistically recapitulate the microphysiology of human tissues and organs – we call them microphysiological systems, or organs-on-chip. I am also interested in colloid-based bottom-up assembly of nanodevices, self-organization at all scales and soft microrobotics.

My main research interests

Microphysiological systems (MPSs)
Bottom-up assembly of nanodevices
Fluidic self-assembly 

I am looking for

Cell biologists
Polymer chemists
Plasmonics and optical metamaterials 

My expertise and technologies to offer

Surface tension effects
Micro/nanofabrication & Microrobotics

> Microelectronics
>> Electric Components, Technology and Materials

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Arjen Jakobi

About my work

We study the structure and function of biomolecular machines. Biomacromolecules adopt intricate three-dimensional arrangements that are critical to their function. We are interested in the molecular mechanisms by which cells defend themselves against infection. Our research uses electron imaging methods to visualize the macromolecular complexes involved in these processes, and applies biochemical and biophysical tools to dissect their mechanism of action.

My main research interests

Electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) and X-ray crystallography
Structural Biology of pathogen infection
Molecular mechanisms of biomacromolecular machines

I am looking for

Machine learning
Image processing

My expertise and technologies to offer

Electron microscopy
Protein crystallography
Structural biology

> Bionanoscience
>> Jakobi Lab

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Burak Eral

About my work

I focus on understanding the fundamental out-of-equilibrium manufacturing/separation processes involving flow, phase transitions (particularly crystallization) and soft matter/complex fluids. Our approach is to understand how structure/dynamics of soft matter (hydrogels, emulsions, surfactants) and flow can be leveraged to dictate molecular phenomenon (polymorphism, crystallization, phase separation) and, ultimately, harness this understanding to rationally design functional materials and processes. 

My main research interests

Soft matter

I am looking for

Human cell line culturing know-how
Gut bacteria

My expertise and technologies to offer

Soft matter

> Process & Energy
>> Intensified Reaction & Separation Systems

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Carlas Smith

About my work

There is an urgent need for high-throughput, high-resolution, live-tissue imaging to effectively study the origin, progression, and treatment of human diseases. I take a synergistic approach that considers optics and information aspects together to maximize the recorded information content of a microscope. The technology developments target single-molecule imaging with nanometer-resolution in live-thick tissue.

My main research interests

Single molecule kinetics (CoSMoS)
Computational imaging

I am looking for

Bio-applications for super-resolution microscopy
Bio-applications for single-molecule imaging
Bio-applications for biophysics

My expertise and technologies to offer

Super-resolution microscopy
Single molecule imaging
Advanced stochastic signal analysis

> Delft Center for Systems and Control
>> Numerics for Control & Identification

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Liedewij Laan

About my work

My group focusses on evolutionary cell biophysics: how do the self-organisational (physical and chemical) properties of proteins affect the evolutionary dynamics of a biomolecular network? Mostly because it’s fascinating, but also to contribute to research on evolutionary processes relevant for human health, such as cancer progression. We combine experimental evolution and quantitative cell biology in yeast, minimal synthetic systems, reaction-diffusion based modelling and bioinformatics.

My main research interests

Evolutionary biology
Pattern formation

I am looking for

Microbial ecology 

My expertise and technologies to offer

Minimal reconstituted protein systems
Experimental evolution
Yeast cell biology

> Bionanoscience
>> Laan Lab

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Joana Goncalves

About my work

I develop algorithms for pattern discovery in large-scale molecular biology data. Specifically, I am interested in understanding gene regulation dynamics and disruptions involved in disease to discover new therapeutic targets. I focus on pathway effects by integrating genetic variants (DNA), gene expression (RNA) and regulatory landscape including TF binding, epigenetic marks (ChIP) and chromatin organization (Hi-C). Also interested in perturbation data (CRISPR, si/shRNA).

My main research interests

Gene regulation
Time series

I am looking for

Single-cell time series
Gene editing 
Molecular pertubation data

My expertise and technologies to offer

Data analysis
Pattern recognition
Machine learning

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics

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Martin Depken

About my work

I am a theoretical biophysicist specializing in using mathematical/physical modeling to understand how biological function arises from the interactions between molecular components. Of particular interest are the machines that process the information stored in our genomes, and the work is often performed in close collaboration with experimenters.

My main research interests

Method development for single-molecule data analysis

I am looking for


My expertise and technologies to offer

Theoretical modelling of microscopic phenomena

> Bionanoscience
>> Depken Group

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Ralph Lindeboom

About my work

Both Space and the deep sea offer interesting opportunities for exploring the boundaries of life. Particularly microbial life in hydrothermal vents provides me with the inspiration to develop novel bio-thermochemical resource recovery concepts from (waste-) water. By frugalizing advanced technological solutions in the bioprocess and thermochemical domains, and isolating specialized microbes from extreme environments, I aim to add value to residual streams in the developing world. 

My main research interests

Decentralized resource recovery concepts
High pressure anaerobic digestion
Solar thermochemistry
Frugal engineering

I am looking for

Thermochemical biomass processing experts
Optics experts
Environmental microbiologists

My expertise and technologies to offer

High pressure biotechnology
Closed Loop Life Support Engineering
Wastewater treatment

> Water Management
>> Sanitary Engineering

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Antonia Denkova

About my work

My research focuses on the development of radionuclide therapy for cancer treatment aiming at decreasing collateral damage while maximizing tumor damage. The research consists of determining the best radioisotope depending on the tumor characteristics, optimizing the production of these radioisotopes, developing methods to bring these radioisotopes to the targeted area and final evaluation in vitro and in vivo.

My main research interests

Radiation effects on cells
Development of delivery systems for radioisotopes
Neutron activation of different compounds including chemotherapeutics

I am looking for

Imaging in vitro
Bioassay development

My expertise and technologies to offer

Preparation of radiotraces for life science experiments
In vitro evaluation 2D and 3D
Soft matter nano-systems loaded with chemotherapeutics or radionuclides

> Radiation Science & Technology
>> Applied Radiation and Isotopes 

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Greg Bokinsky

About my work

We are curious to learn how bacteria work, and in figuring out ways to make bacteria (even more) useful. We have both fundamental and applied projects, and are always happy to pursue research in new and interesting directions.

My main research interests

Engineering antibiotic production in E. coli (yes, it does work)
Growth-rate regulation in bacteria
Genome mining for iron-sulfur cluster enzymes and cofactors in biotechnology

I am looking for

Synthetic chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Bacterial physiology
Metabolic engineering
Synthetic biology

> Bionanoscience
>> Bokinsky Lab 

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Thomas Abeel

About my work

I am interested in developing algorithms and visualizations to answer questions in (micro-)biology. Particularly, I am interested to accurately reconstruct the complex heterogeneous genome and transcriptome architectures found in microbial organisms in the medical and industrial domain. The goal is to link genotypes to observed changes in molecular and extended phenotypes of medical or industrial importance, such as antibiotic resistance, virulence or product yield.

My main research interests

Microbial genomics
DNA sequence analysis algorithms
Genomics visualization

I am looking for

Microbial genomics and microbial genomics projects involving DNA, RNA sequencing and other -omics datatypes for integration.

My expertise and technologies to offer

High performance computing: ~1000 CPU cluster + supporting infrastructure
Bioinformatics for DNA/RNA sequence analysis: variant calling, expression, statistics, machine learning, comparative genomics, etc.
Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing: long-read sequencing

> Intelligent Systems
>> Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics

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Ivan Buijnsters

About my work

The focus of my research is the development of diamond-based functional surfaces and nanomaterials for micro and nano engineering applications. In particular, I work on the synthesis, characterization and application of diamond thin films and nanoparticles for application in (photo)catalysis, electrochemical biosensing, tribology, and water treatment.

My main research interests

Carbon nanomaterials, particularly diamond
Materials synthesis
Surface engineering

I am looking for

Water/wastewater engineers
Surface chemists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Tailored diamond materials (e.g. thin-film electrodes, nanoparticles)
Thin film deposition
Materials characterization

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering

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Michel Verhaegen

About my work

I am interested in retrieving mathematical models of dynamical systems from excitation-response measurements retrieved in dedicated system identification experiments. Current interest focuses on the identification of spatial-temporal dynamical systems with a large number of actuators and sensors.

My main research interests

Numerical method development for identification of large scale systems
Sensor array networks and control for high resolution imaging 

I am looking for

Large scale network identification and control problems
High resolution imaging applications with BioData

My expertise and technologies to offer

World class research in System Identification and Control

> Delft Center for Systems and Control
>> Numerics for Control and Identification

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Martin Pabst

About my work

We are performing research on microbial protein modifications which are utilised to regulate important functions of a cell like for modulating enzyme activities in metabolic pathways. The focus thereby is on cell systems with relevance for industrial applications. Furthermore, we are interested in exploring how microbes work together by characterising biofilm components such as proteins and carbohydrates using meta-proteomics approaches.

My main research interests

Post-translational protein modifications
Bacterial communities
High-resolution and quantitative mass spectrometry

I am looking for

Fluorescence imaging

My expertise and technologies to offer

High-resolution and quantitative mass spectrometry
Protein chemistry

> Biotechnology
>> Cell Systems Engineering

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Murali Ghatkesar

About my work

I am interested in developing micro and nanoscale devices for quantification in biology and chemistry. I use a range of micro and nano fabrication techniques to make these devices. Some of my activities are: pipetting femto-liter volumes of fluid from individual cells, weighing mass of single cell objects and measuring elastic properties of soft objects.  

My main research interests

Micro and Nano fabrication
Micro and nano fluidics

I am looking for

Single cell biologists

My expertise and technologies to offer

Micro and nano fabrication
Single cell biopsy
Atomic force microscopy

> Precision and Microsystems Engineering
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