

  • C. de Koning, A. Jamhidnejad (2023). Hierarchical Integration of Model Predictive and Fuzzy Logic Control for Combined Coverage and Target-Oriented Search-and-Rescue via Robots with Imperfect Sensors. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. [
  • Anna-Sophie Ulfert, Eleni Georganta, Carolina Centeio Jorge, Siddharth Mehrotra, Myrthe Tielman (2023). Shaping a multidisciplinary understanding of team trust in human-AI teams: a theoretical framework. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. [
  • Siddharth Mehrotra, Carolina Centeio Jorge, Catholijn M. Jonker, Myrthe L. Tielman (2023). Integrity Based Explanations for Fostering Appropriate Trust in AI Agents. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. [
  • Carolina Centeio Jorge, Nikki H. Bouman, Catholijn M. Jonker, Myrthe L. Tielman (2023). Exploring the effect of automation failure on the human’s trustworthiness in human-agent teamwork. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. [
  • M. Patrício, A. Jamshidnejad (2023). Dynamic Mathematical Models of Theory of Mind for Socially Assistive Robots. IEEE Access. [
  • Ascensão, T., Jamshidnejad, A. (2022). Autonomous Socially Assistive Drones Performing Personalized Dance Movement Therapy: An Adaptive Fuzzy-Logic-Based Control Approach for Interaction with Humans. IEEE Access. [
  • Dell’Anna, D., Jamshidnejad, A. (2022). Evolving Fuzzy logic Systems for creative personalized Socially Assistive Robots. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. [
  • Ruben S. Verhagen, Mark Neerincx, Myrthe Tielman (2022). The influence of interdependence and a transparent or explainable communication style on human-robot teamwork. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. [


  • R.S. Verhagen, M.A. Neerincx, C. Parlar, M. Vogel, M.L. Tielman (2023). Personalized Agent Explanations for Human-Agent Teamwork: Adapting Explanations to User Trust, Workload, and Performance. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. [
  • Siddharth Mehrotra, Carolina Centeio Jorge, Catholijn M. Jonker, Myrthe L. Tielman (2023). Building Appropriate Trust in AI: The Significance of Integrity-Centered Explanations. Posters at the 2nd International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, HHAI-WS 2023. [
  • Carolina Centeio Jorge, Myrthe L. Tielman, Catholijn M. Jonker (2022). Artificial Trust as a Tool in Human-AI Teams. HRI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. [
  • Carolina Centeio Jorge, Myrthe L. Tielman, Catholijn M. Jonker (2022). Assessing artificial trust in human-agent teams: A conceptual model. IVA '22: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. [
  • Ruben S. Verhagen, Mark Neerincx, Myrthe Tielman (2021). A Two-Dimensional Explanation Framework to Classify AI as Incomprehensible, Interpretable, or Understandable. International Workshop on Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. [
