Van Leeuwenhoek lecture: Getting under the skin of paintings

Nieuws - 28 september 2021 - Communication ImPhys

Just beneath the visible surface of a painting, quite literally just a few micrometres below, you can find a wealth of information about the artist. TU Delft worked closely with the museum sector to develop new, diagnostic imaging techniques for analysing the structure and composition of works of art.

Joris Dik, professor of Materials in Art & Archaeology (3mE) will give this year’s Van Leeuwenhoek lecture in the Theatercafé at Theater de Veste On 3 October 2021, at 11.00. Admission is free and you can still register for this Dutch-spoken event.

Registration via Theater de Veste

For more information about imaging techniques for analysing works of art by Jeroen Kalkman, researcher in the Imaging Physics department and Joris Dik, check the TU Delft story: Looking over Vermeer's shoulders.