Kick off meetings 4TU and NWA-ORC projects

Nieuws - 13 november 2019 - Communication ImPhys

4TU project ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future’ 

On October 22nd the 4TU Federation presented in The Hague their five new research programs, for which 22 million euro has been made available. On the research projects will work 44 tenuretrackers, and 29 postdocs in total. Central theme is ‘high tech for a sustainable future’.The Technical universities of Delft, Eindhoven, Twente en Wageningen will be working on personalized medicines, illness prevention and treatment, ‘smart’ industries, more resilient societies and the global food demand.

The appointment of 44 tenuretrackers is an investment in research for the longer term. These are tenured positions, with the objective that researchers can set up their own research projects, raise fundings and appoint promovendi.

At Imphys Nico de Jong and Frans Vos are participating in the researchgroup of Precision Medicine. Recently David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner have started at ImPhys as tenure trackers.

NWA-ORC project the ProtonBubble: ‘Optoacoustic sensor and ultrasonic microbubbles for dosimetry in proton therapy’ 

In the  ProtonBubbles project we will develop a system for real-time localization and dosimetry during proton beam treatment. We will use microbubbles to convert the proton energy into an acoustic ultrasound signal and develop a very sensitive tuned opto acoustical sensor to detect this signal. The final system can instantly show the exact position and dose of the proton-beam in a 3D clinical ultrasound image of the treated organ.


JOB OPENINGS: Interested to join this project as a PostDoc or Promovendus? Please contact Nico de Jong or David Maresca.