October 2024: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Month

Theme: “United for Change, Together we Grow”

The EDI Month programme focuses on bringing together people from different backgrounds, perspectives, and opinions to foster an environment where meaningful conversations and innovative ideas can flourish. From interactive workshops on diversity and teamwork to inclusive leadership training, all with an emphasis on “practical learning” and free of charge.

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Before you know it, you have said something that you shouldn’t say. But who knows what is OK and not OK anymore? What do we say and what effects do our words have? On Monday October 14th, political scientist, author, multiple award-winning correspondent and journalist Mounir Samuel will give a lecture about value-driven communication with concrete, practical examples tailored to TU Delft. Mounir teachers people how to engage in difficult but necessary conversations with each other. After the lecture, Mounir will delve deeper into the content through the “This is how you CAN say it” game, and it will be put into practice. The goal is to develop a language that not only reflects reality but also brings justice.